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Everything posted by RyanVM

  1. http://gosh.msfnhosting.com/Files/DirIds.txt Use %24% instead of c:
  2. You can extract CABs with 7zip, WinRAR, and most other archivers. Then you can use jdoe's CAB Tool found on these forums or PowerArchiver (or makecab/cabarc if you know what you're doing) to rebuild the CAB afterward. Otherwise, here's a hint. If you're using my integrator, you can always create an addon http://ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1290
  3. ...oh dear. DUAL CHANNEL != DUAL CORE. ntoskrnl.exe and ntkrnlpa.exe are the single processor kernel EXEs. ntkrnlmp.exe and ntkrpamp.exe are the multi processor kernel EXEs. Lastly, the kernel files also exist in driver.cab. Odds are you're seeing the old splash screen because setup sees the one in i386 as unsigned and uses the one in driver.cab instead. You'll have to replace both (and you'll want to edit/replace the other EXE as well) if you want it to stick.
  4. Not really. If the original poster can't expend the minimal amount of effort needed for us to adequately help him, why should we do any different?
  5. Try scrolling a bit further next time... http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showforum=89
  6. My next update pack will include KB883667, and I've heard reports from a few testers that it does indeed fix the problem. Stay tuned
  7. The reason F6 doesn't work with unattended discs is because of OEMPreinstall=Yes in winnt.sif. Therefore, if you're not using an $OEM$ directory, you can probably set that to No and be able to use a floppy. And for the record, your problem is one of the most commonly asked about questions here. Try searching a bit more next time and you'll probably get a more timely answer compared to waiting for someone to reply to your post instead.
  8. Regarding KB912945, we have a resolution! This is from an email I received from someone at MS who was referred to me by my contact there.
  9. Just register the DLL and apply the regtweak.
  10. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&sho...ndpost&p=474164
  11. And just so we're clear, my update pack doesn't actually require an unattended CD. It works quite nicely with a regular XP install as well .
  12. I'm assuming you're using my Update Pack (since I don't know of anything else which adds a 243 entry to WinntDirectories). In that case, my guess is that your integration attempt failed for whatever reason (check your MD5). Try integrating onto a fresh source (and if you're using addons, leave them out of the picture until you've got this sorted out) and see how things go.
  13. Could you have posted a more unreadable picture?
  14. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=68380
  15. WGA has some other registry entries which must be applied now Attached is a .reg file with them for you. wga.reg
  16. Why are you using 2.0.2a? 2.0.3 has been out for two weeks now
  17. I'd recheck your source if I were you. I've had no problems with KB904942 integrated.
  18. Yeah, I think the ultimate moral of the story is that KB912945 needs to be installed as an exe rather than by the /integrate switch or any other integration method which involves directly overwriting files on the CD. For what it's worth, some people on my forum determined that mshtml.dll is the root cause of the problem. I've been in touch with my contacts at MS, so hopefully the right people are being made aware of the issue for either an updated hotfix or (probably more likely) a fix in time for the next cumulative security update. I can't make any promises since it's out of my control, but at least the right people are finding out about it
  19. *Yawn* Read my lengthy post in Hulk's sticky at the top of the forum. Long story short, you can't directly integrate KB912945 into your CD. You can install it after Windows is installed, however. EDIT: Start from [url="http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&showtopic=31886&view=findpost&p=472756"]here[/url].
  20. I stole Remote Desktop from 2003 because it supports automatically reconnecting.
  21. *sigh*. Read this carefully. 1.) Those tweaks haven't changed since 905915, when everything worked fine. 2.) If I'm using /integrate, those tweaks should be applied when the exe is called by svcpack.inf. 3.) So maybe it's an issue only with the English version? I said in my first post on the issue that installing it after the fact seems to work fine. Read what I say carefully. I'll say this one last time and then I give up: all I ever said was that using nLite or the /integrate switch to directly integrate KB912945 would hose IE. I made no comments about other installation methods after the fact other than that they seem to work OK, but I haven't completely confirmed that.
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