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Everything posted by RyanVM

  1. They aren't encrypted. You can read the manifest file in there to see what corresponds to what. Or you can run the exe with the /extract switch to get ahold of the contents.
  2. I think someone was going to work on a Spanish translation of the Update Pack once upon a time, but nothing's come out of it. I agree with Siginet. HFSlip is probably the best bet for you.
  3. I'm pretty sure my addon includes everything listed on the front page. Gnome's original WMP10 pack didn't.
  4. I think you need to re-read his post. It's pretty clear he's expressing his gratitude for XPero being around to talk to since his past experience with other software developers hasn't been so good.
  5. My hunch (not my definitive answer) is that the original intl.inf is processed initially prior to the update pack version being extracted over it. And that's where the problems come in. But since I know nothing about how nLite actually does what it does, that's just my educated guess.
  6. So let me get this straight. You admit to downloading a "wares" copy of XP BUT IT'S LEGAL! And just because a guy changed the boot screen doesn't mean SP3 is really in it
  7. I don't get it, every single one of the above registry entries is present on my test install (done with the Integrator), yet there are those saying they see it with the Integrator as well...? Of course, I also do see all of those languages in the drop down in the Regional Settings control panel.
  8. No, it's too late now. You'd have to start the trace prior to installing the hotfix from MU and then stop it afterwards.
  9. I would have loved to have seen a trace from the hotfix install with something like InCtrl5 to see what changed that allowed it to appear as installed. Oh well
  10. I remember when a previous IE hotfix came out (during one of the periods when I was unable to update the Update Pack for a couple months) that people who were integrating it on their own had problems because they updated the files but not the new registry entries. However, if you're installing from the EXE, I don't see how you could possibly be running into that scenario. Does MU give you any kind of error when you try to install it? Check the logs on your system.
  11. The IE one shouldn't show, since MU is at least smart enough to check file versions to determine whether or not a hotfix is installed. Try running qfecheck on your system. I bet the IE fix isn't actually installed properly for whatever reason.
  12. I'm pretty sure it's a known bug with MU that it doesn't properly detect Office 2003 hotfixes which were integrated into the administrative install point.
  13. So this is confirmed fixed now, right?
  14. I'll lay odds he's using a pirated XP multi CD. Do I hear 5:1?
  15. cic.dll mmc30.dll mmc30r.dll mmc.exe mmcbase.dll mmcex.dll mmcfxc.dll mmcfxcr.dll mmcndmgr.dll mmcperf.exe mmc.chm mmcshext.dll Note that some of those files are new to 3.0 and don't replace existing files in i386.
  16. I'm going to post a notice in my forums about this issue too.
  17. I know Siginet's gone through pretty great lengths to make the integrator work with Powerpacker. That being said, I guess you'll have to wait for him to come in and explain exactly how since I really don't know
  18. Just hide it and save DataStore.edb to be copied during unattended setup. That should work.
  19. For the record, my pack should add little if any to the space on your CD (unless you're adding a bunch of addons too). Most of the time, it actually reduces the size of the CD due to the driver cab merging and better compression ratios on some of the updated files.
  20. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&displaylang=en http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&displaylang=en
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