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Everything posted by RyanVM

  1. On my site, you'll find a CAB which is integrateable either via nLite or with the Integrator app found also on my site. It directly integrates WMP10 into the CD so that WMP10 directly replaces WMP9 from the start. It's the most efficient way to do things since it requires no extra time during setup to install and it uses the least amount of space since it's mostly overwriting existing files with new ones. And as you'll probably see from my site, I'm big into direct integration
  2. @Tsunami: Yes, that would work too @Me: It also occured to me that rather than editing txtsetup.sif & dosnet.inf to add entries for wups2.dll and then putting wups2.dll in i386, you could also just put it in $OEM$\$$\System32 on your unattended CD and it should copy over just fine.
  3. Even with KB896256 installed, I still need to use /usepmtimer to avoid all kinds of stuttering with games, my TV tuner, etc. It appears MS was being overly optimistic by saying it was fixed in SP2.
  4. That's correct, it just adds /usepmtimer to boot.ini. What we're talking about is a registry entry that supposedly is just as effective.
  5. I'm very interested to hear if the registry tweak works as well as /usepmtimer. Let me know
  6. Of course it's possible. It's the exact same procedure as WU5, except you also need to add entries to txtsetup.sif & dosnet.inf for wups2.dll. And if you want to take it a step further, you can also integrate Microsoft Update by including muweb.dll as well.
  7. Yeah, I've been plagued with that problem since day 1. Though I recently slipped the Feb. 19 virus definitions and LiveUpdate seems to play nicely with them (it updated them to Feb. 21 without complaining yesterday).
  8. /usepmtimer is most definitely needed for smooth performance. Consider it confirmed, Bashrat
  9. I'm inclined to agree with fireware. Odds are the program isn't going to have overly powerful system requirements, so you can probably get away with running it in a virtual machine without issue. On top of that, you can run them full screen for the best experience.
  10. Don't you love it when crap like that happens? Oh well, nice job in finding the problem
  11. Heck, that's all QBFC does anyway. Seriously, look at the temp folder when a "compiled" exe is running.
  12. Read the FAQ on my site. You'll find the answer to your question
  13. lol, vindication once again of RyanVM's Law of Checking the Obvious Places First (you heard it here first, folks).
  14. It's been done before. I'm pretty sure it works OK if manually started.
  15. Scrolling is a good idea when there's a lot of info
  16. Yeah, it's a good idea to look at the stickies from time to time
  17. Umm, http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=31886 ?
  18. I think that'll be OK, but you can always find out for sure with a virtual machine
  19. ...it would have taken 5 clicks in the changelog...
  20. Guys, the answer is right on my site. 2.0.2 added KB897338. It updates intl.inf. And you've been waiting 15 hours for an answer at this point. Don't you think you could have figured it out by yourselves in way less time just by reading my site more carefully? For example, start with the changelog and see what was added in the last release...
  21. You've gotta read the forum a bit more...http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&sho...ndpost&p=460809
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