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  1. I voted OK. But I use all of the below.::. CWShredder Ad-Aware SE SpywareBlaster WinPatrol Spybot - Search & Destroy Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta
  2. Web Ace Dial-Up http://www.webace.com.au/index.html websurf account Aust $11.50 per month for 12 months unlimited 12am-11am then 2 hours per day dial-up .::. connect 44K .::. unlimited download **Plus about one phone call cost per day (25-30 cents) *Aust $1 = US 75 cents (Approx.) **I can get 256K for $29.50 but download limit is 200mb
  3. Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.0.5112.0 Beta 1 (Stand alone - not Vista Beta version) ------------------------------------------------- *Going quite well..
  4. *Or will everything have been wiped.. and/or offline.
  5. Web Ace Dial-Up http://www.webace.com.au/index.html Since 1998 Web Ace dial-up has been the affordable alternative for low cost reliable home and business internet access. Beginning with our Websurf account, the only Perth account to provide 60 hours per month for only $13. Now with bonus hours of over 330 hours per month, the Websurf is even better value for money. Sign up for 12 months and take advantage of the Websurf plan for only $11.50 per month. websurf account Aust $11.50 per month for 12 months unlimited 12am-11am then 2 hours per day dial-up connect 44K unlimited download * $1 Aust = 75 cents US (Approx) ** Back in 1975, before they floated the dollar it was Aust$1 = US$1.12 Good to be overseas then!!!!!!
  6. I upgraded from Win98 SE to Me and had no real problems. Had some good features. Used it until last Sept. before getting a Notebook with XP as a stop gap till Vista. But I think Me came too soon after Win98 SE and then XP - then a long gap to Vista. I think us morons want a NEW OS every 5 years, but an eye-candy and bug fix, with extra features every two-and-a-half-years. Whereas business doesn't want to upgrade for five years. * I voted for DOS 6.22 but I didn't mind trying to learn that. It came with the 1st second hand computer I bought for $500.00. But what would I have done without XTree Gold as my Explorer !!!! A long time before I had been able to use at work and borrow C/PM. But when I saw Windows 95 PS. I wouldn't buy Windows XP because on the lock!!! So there.. (I would like to put the OS on my old PC, no matter how slow. Just to even things out.) But they get you in the end!
  7. The Great Borland Delphi - The True Believers Here's another one! Remember that I can't code! Thanks to all the guys (male & female) that can.. You did parts and I just whacked them in. Aussie GST Calculator does just that! Calculates the Australian Goods and Services Tax that must be added to all end sale products. It's 10% by the way. So, maybe not as useful as 7 & 1/2% or 17 & 1/2%. Ten per cent is easier to work out. But after a night out, may be of some use! Updated from an old version which may have been D2, 3, 4 ,5, I forget, to Delphi 2005. Also, the old version of this and WavEar used the installed component dsFancy Buttons and I removed those. I like the mouse over raised buttons of D2005. The code is below::.. (Unit1.pas) unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, jpeg, Buttons; Const smAlwaysOnTop = 1000; smSetup = 1001; AlwaysOnTop : Boolean = False; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Bevel1: TBevel; Bevel2: TBevel; Bevel3: TBevel; Label4: TLabel; Image1: TImage; SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton2: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton3: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton4: TSpeedButton; procedure SpeedButton4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure wmHandleMessages(var Msg : TMsg; var Handled : Boolean); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} Procedure Tform1.wmHandleMessages(var Msg : TMsg; var Handled : Boolean); var CheckedFlag : Word; SystemMenu : Hmenu; begin if Msg.message = WM_SYSCOMMAND then begin if Msg.wParam = smAlwaysOnTop then begin if AlwaysOnTop then begin CheckedFlag := mf_unchecked; SetWindowPos(Handle, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOACTIVATE); end else begin CheckedFlag := mf_checked; SetWindowPos(Handle, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOACTIVATE); end; SystemMenu := GetSystemMenu( Application.Handle, False ); CheckMenuItem(SystemMenu,smAlwaysOnTop,mf_ByCommand+CheckedFlag); SystemMenu := GetSystemMenu( Form1.Handle, False ); CheckMenuItem(SystemMenu,smAlwaysOnTop,mf_ByCommand+CheckedFlag); end; end; end; procedure TForm1.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var subtot, gst: double; errcode : integer; begin Val(Edit1.Text, subtot, errcode ); if errcode <> 0 then ShowMessage('You must enter a number!') else begin gst := subtot * 0.10; Caption := 'Aussie GST = $' + FloatToStr(gst); Edit2.Text := '$'+ FloatToStr(subtot + gst); end; end; procedure TForm1.SpeedButton2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Edit1.Clear; Edit2.Clear; Caption := 'Aussie GST Calculator'; end; procedure TForm1.SpeedButton3Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TForm1.SpeedButton4Click(Sender: TObject); begin Application.messagebox( 'Aussie GST Calculator'+#10+ '_____________________'+#10+ ''+#10+ '= FREEWARE ='+#10+ ''+#10+ '*always on top '+#10+ ''+#10+ '*Shortcut Keys:- Alt + Underline Letter', 'Taxing time.. :-)', mb_Ok+mb_IconAsterisk); end; end. Message box seems to work OK here! Program is warehoused at eazyshare.com and to download::.. Click Here (aussie_gst_calculator.rar - 234K) *I haven't Packed this or WavEar, however if done, should reduce size by half.
  8. What programming language do you wish to use? Do you wish to pay for Components? *Mob below may be of use, but their NOT cheap! __________________________________________________ Welcome! We are proud to present the Shell+ components for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. Use these components to integrate your application into Windows, make your software more usable and friendly, allow your users to access it with ease - conquer the Windows Shell! http://www.shellplus.com/index.html ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ AddaButton: to add "launch" buttons directly to Internet Explorer's own toolbar? http://www.webtechgeek.com/Free-Windows-Utilities21.htm
  9. <<Borland Delphi>>> Hello to the True Believers... Here is a little program I assembled in Borland Delphi for Win32 some years ago. I think it might have been D4 or D5, but not sure. So, when the new Delphi 2005 became available for personal use on a recent PC Mag. cover disk, so I thought I'd update this useful (to me) program. Let me say I do not know anything about programming! The only thing I can do is drop a button on a Form and fire the 'on click' event by typing the code: Close; No, this code originally came from a PC Mag. with the message pop-up addition I obtained from all the FREE Delphi code floating around the Net. Would not compile with the original message pop-up::.. procedure TMainForm.SpeedButton1_helpClick(Sender: TObject); begin Application.messagebox( '1. You can click any Wav sound to play'+#10+ ''+#10+ '2. You can click a sound to play, then use the '+#10+ 'Keyboard = UP = and = DOWN = Arrows to move '+#10+ 'up and down - playing sounds'+#10+ ''+#10+ '3. Use the left Folder box to click and find new '+#10+ 'Folders with Wav Sound Files in them'+#10+ '____________________'+#10+ ''+#10+ 'WavEar - Freeware', mb_Ok+mb_IconAsterisk); end; Anyway, I found some other code and whacked it in. *All I did was the updated GUI; as always. I get bits of free code. Made lots of freeware programs that I used to have on my Furball Cannery and Arabica websites. And I can't code!!!! And they work!!!! Thanks NET all! Only 1 build warning. ___________________________________________________ 1 warning on Build:::.. [Warning] SndBrwsMain.pas(7): W1005 Unit 'FileCtrl' is specific to a platform ___________________________________________________ *SndBrwsMain.pas [The code] ___________________________________________________ unit SndBrwsMain; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, FileCtrl, MMSystem, ShellAPI, Buttons, jpeg, ExtCtrls; type TMainForm = class(TForm) PathEdit: TEdit; PathLbl: TLabel; DirBox: TDirectoryListBox; DriveBox: TDriveComboBox; FileList: TFileListBox; Label1: TLabel; SpeedButton1_help: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton2_close: TSpeedButton; Image1: TImage; Bevel1: TBevel; Bevel2: TBevel; procedure SpeedButton2_closeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton1_helpClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure PathEditChange(Sender: TObject); procedure DirBoxChange(Sender: TObject); procedure FileListClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure DirBoxClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } procedure AppMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: boolean); end; var MainForm: TMainForm; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TMainForm.AppMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: boolean); var Buffer: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; begin if Msg.message = WM_DROPFILES then begin DragQueryFile(Msg.wParam, 0, Buffer, MAX_PATH); PathEdit.Text := ExtractFilePath(Buffer); FileList.Filename := Buffer; FileListClick(FileList); DragFinish(Msg.wParam); end; end; procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin DragAcceptFiles(MainForm.Handle, true); Application.OnMessage := AppMessage; PathEdit.Text := 'C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA'; if ParamStr(1) <> '' then begin DirBox.Directory := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(1)); FileList.Filename := ParamStr(1); FileListClick(FileList); end; PathEdit.SelStart := PathEdit.GetTextLen; end; procedure TMainForm.PathEditChange(Sender: TObject); begin if DirectoryExists(PathEdit.Text) then begin DirBox.OnChange := nil; DirBox.Directory := PathEdit.Text; DirBox.OnChange := DirBoxChange; end; end; procedure TMainForm.DirBoxChange(Sender: TObject); begin PathEdit.OnChange := nil; PathEdit.Text := DirBox.Directory; PathEdit.OnChange := PathEditChange; end; procedure TMainForm.FileListClick(Sender: TObject); begin if FileList.ItemIndex >= 0 then PlaySound(PChar(FileList.Items[FileList.ItemIndex]), 0, SND_ASYNC OR SND_FILENAME OR SND_NODEFAULT OR SND_NOWAIT); end; procedure TMainForm.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin // Stop currently playing sound if [ESC] is pressed case Key of #13, #32: FileListClick(FileList); #27: PlaySound(nil, 0, SND_PURGE); end; end; procedure TMainForm.DirBoxClick(Sender: TObject); begin DirBox.Directory := DirBox.GetItemPath(DirBox.ItemIndex); end; procedure TMainForm.SpeedButton1_helpClick(Sender: TObject); begin MessageBeep(0); MessageDlg('' + #10 + '1. You can click any Wav sound to play.' + #10 + '' + #10 + '2. You can click a sound to play, then use the' + #10 + 'Keyboard = UP = and = DOWN = Arrows to move' + #10 + 'up and down - playing sounds.' + #10 + '' + #10 + '3. Use the left Folder box to click and find new' + #10 + 'Folders with Wav Sound Files in them.' + #10 + '' + #10 + '________________________________________' + #10 + '' + #10 + 'WavEar - Freeware (2005)', mtCustom, [ mbOK], 0); end; procedure TMainForm.SpeedButton2_closeClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; end. ___________________________________________________ The program is warehoused at eazyshare.com and to download Click Here ( WavEar.rar - 251K ) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
  10. If you have problems uninstalling IE7 B1, you may be able to go back to a previous restore point on your computer. Or try this link for running IE7 B1 and IE 6 together. http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2.../12/422335.aspx Or you may be able to reinstall/repair IE 6 from your CD. http://channels.lockergnome.com/windows/ar..._explorer.phtml There is nothing I can find for the search: Uninstall Internet Explorer 7 Beta 1 and reinstall Internet Explorer 6 *Including from the Microsoft Knowledge Base..::..::.. There is: How to Uninstall Internet Explorer 6 And more: http://support.microsoft.com/search/defaul...h=sup&x=16&y=16 nLite v1.0 beta 6 | Installer | 1.22 MB http://www.nliteos.com/index.html nLite is a GUI for permanent Windows component removal by your choice. After removal there is an option to make bootable image ready for burning on cd or testing in virtual machines. With nLite you will be able to have Windows installation which on install doesn't include, or even contain on cd, unwanted components. *I'm not sure what this exactly means... What's new: v1.0 beta 6 general - new: IE7 Beta 1 direct integration support (xp sp2) The Forum - at MSFN - no less.. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showforum=89
  11. Should the thread have been CLOSED then? .::.::...::..::..::.::...::..::..::.::...::..::..::.::...::..::.
  12. You dingbats are missing the point! The point is, I have a computer running Windows XP SP2 and intend to purchase a new PC WHEN Windows Vista is RELEASED. *That leaves me with an old computer running XP, but NOT CAPABLE of being updated to the full experience of Vista. So I was agitating for a reduced price for a crippled version of Vista.. IE. Aero Express
  13. No. Customer does not know what the shipping cost is. Does Royal Mail cover insurance on goods sent within UK - and Europa? Goods sent outside of your own country will more than likely be required to be personally picked up from the local customs office. You will more than likely be required to open the package. Custom duty may apply to goods that are manufactured in that country and have applied for protection. Maybe Free Trade agreements will change this. Have you checked. Is this why only UK & Europe. So, I buy a lipsick for a quid, post is five bob, and customs protection on cosmetics in my county is 8 schillings. Now my lipsick is not 1 Pound, but 1 Pound 13 schillings. Can I buy it cheaper locally? *A customs agent can give you advice.
  14. Actually, Microsoft Australia did lower the upgrade price of Windows Me, I think for a 30 day period, when it was first released. It cost Aust. $98.00. * I'd be more happy with $20 I was going to buy a new (power reduced Intel M) desktop that would have Vista installed, but that leaves my Notebook running XP. And as my Notebook cannot run Vista in full, should I have to pay full price for another version? INTEL® EXTREME GRAPHICS 2 FOR MOBILE REPORT Report Date: 10/31/2004 Report Time[hr:mm:ss]: 14:53:27 Driver Version: Operating System: Windows NT* 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Default Language: English DirectX* Version: 9.0 Physical Memory: 494 MB Min. Graphics Memory: 16 MB Max. Graphics Memory: 64 MB Graphics Memory in use: 7 MB Processor: x86 family 6 Model 9 Stepping 5 Processor Speed: 1498 MHZ Vendor ID: 0x8086 Device ID: 0x3582 Device Revision: 2 * Output Devices Connected to Graphics Accelerator * Active Notebook Displays:1 * Other names and brands are the property of their respective owners. Acer Extensa 2303 Series *I have added 256 meg to make 512 ___________________________________ Features at a Glance: 15" XGA 1024x768 Screen 2 Hours Express Service Commitment Combo Drive DVD-Rom & CD-Writer STANDARD FEATURES SPECIFICATIONS CPU TYPE Intel® Celeron® M Processor (w/ Enhanced SpeedStep® Technology 512 KB on-die second level cache) MEMORY (STANDARD/MAX) 256MB / 2048MB VIDEO CARD TYPE Intel® 852GM Integrated 3D AGP Graphics Up to 64MB Graphic FLOPPY DISK DRIVE Optional USB OPTICAL DRIVE Internal DVD-Rom/CD-RW DISPLAY SIZE/RESOLUTION 15" Active Matrix TFT Screens (1024x768) SOUND/SPEAKERS SoundBlaster Pro & MS DirectSound Compatible with Twin Speakers VOLUME CONTROL, HEADPHONE, MICROPHONE Volume Control Dial, Headphone port, microphone port, built in microphone MODEM International 56k V.92 data/fax modem NETWORKING Integrated 10/100 Base TX Ethernet PORTS - PC CARD, USB, SERIAL, PARALLEL, VGA, FiR, PS/2, FIREWIRE, TV-OUT 1 Type II PC-Cards, 3 USB2.0, 0 Serial, 0 Parallel, 1 SVGA, 0 FiR, 0 PS/2, 0 Firewire, 0 TV-Out PORT REPLICATOR FACILITY No BATTERY TYPE/USAGE LiOn Battery with approx 2.0 hrs usage OPERATING SYSTEM Microsoft Windows XP ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE Norton Antivirus, Adobe Acrobat® Reader, Power DVD® NTI CD MakerTM (for models featuring DVD + CD-RW combo drive or DVD rewriteable drive module) ADDITIONAL FEATURES -- DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT Approx ~ 326 x 267.5 x 35 mm, 2.8kgs WARRANTY 1 Year Parts and Labour International Warranty RTB with a 2hr Warranty Commitment in Australia
  15. I recently realized that I have not used Windows Paint in over a year. Has it pasted its use-by-date?
  16. That doesn't look like Outlook Express. Do you mean OUTLOOK, which is part of MS Office, as you mention Office Forum?
  17. Windows replacement for Outlook Express has all the hallmarks of a winner! Windows eMail I like it! Not only does it not produce an annoying Splash Screen (which everyone has to Hack out) but it actually KNOWS when it is ON or OFF line. No more Error!!! - you are offline messages. I know I'm offline dingbat, I'm trying to read my mail offline. It's NET AWARE. Heard a lot of, but not known what it does. First up, if you click to read your email from Windows Internet Explorer, the INBOX displays in a NEW TAB on the left. (By default.) You can even switch views to look at incoming messages or read through individual email. WOW! Get me some.... Next up, is the TOTALLY NEW integration of MS Agents composing interface within Windows eMail. It's easy to send talking, thinking, whispering email to all your relatives and friends. Even lovers! And Microsoft is including ALL MS Agent characters plus the speech engine in all new installations of Windows. So you can be sure the recipient of you email will be able to view it correctly. Oh! And wait. Expect two more characters. Brand new. (Think Indiana Jones and Lara Croft types..) If that's not enough, Windows eMail has a MUCH SIMPLIFIED and VERY ENHANCED email stationery composition program built right in. You'll be turning out masterpieces in no time at all!!! ***** So.... When can we expect all this !!!!!!!!!! NEVER NEVER, NEVER, EVER... It's vaporware - and does not exist. *I wish.
  18. Vista Beta 2 is scheduled to be feature complete by September 29, 2005. (Maybe) Vista Beta 2 lockdown mode between October and November 9, 2005. (Maybe) Vista Beta 2 will ship on December 7, 2005. (Maybe) Vista contains the Windows Internet Explorer 7 browser, but the XP IE7 browser is a separate, if parallel software. Beta 1 of both shipped at the same time. So I guess the best and worst case scenario would be Sep 29 to Dec 7... But, I'm hoping for tomorrow on the XP version of Windows Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2. Hope springs eternal, and dies a slow and painful death of strangulation..
  19. I listen to the radio when computing. It only uses 1/2 watt of power. And I never could work Windows Media Player properly. It just seems not designed to get around easily.. Probably just me. And why would you want to watch a movie on a small computer screen ? .::.waiting for the echo..
  20. Microsoft's Windows Vista hardware recommendations: Windows Vista Hardware Which decisions to make now so that you're ready for Windows Vista http://www.microsoft.com/technet/windowsvi...tahardware.mspx .::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::. ::.::.::. http://www.winsupersite.com/showcase/winvi...review_2005.asp Quote:"............. Here are Microsoft's Windows Vista hardware recommendations: Desktop CPU: 3 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor with Hyper-Threading Technology 530 (or higher) or 3 GHz Intel Xeon processor with 2 MB L2 cache, or AMD Athlon 64, Sempron, or Opteron 100, 200, or 800 processor, single or dual-core versions. Mobile CPU: 1.86 GHz Intel Pentium M processor 750 (or higher), or AMD Turion 64 Mobile Technology, Mobile Sempron, or Mobile Athlon 64 processor. Memory: 512 MB of RAM or more, all platforms. At WinHEC 2005, Microsoft did reveal a vague set of specifications for PCs that will run Windows Vista, and provide the advanced Aero Glass interface. A modern Pentium 4-based PC (or the AMD equivalent) with 512 MB of RAM and a dedicated graphics card capable of DirectX 9.0 compatibility will run Windows Vista just fine, I was told. Systems with fewer graphical resources--like most notebook computers and systems with Celeron processors--will default to the low-end Aero Express user interface, Microsoft says. .........Quote" .::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::. ::.::.::. * I was wondering if Microsoft would make available a low cost retail XP SP2 upgrade for Vista that was locked to Aero Express for current Notebook owners. That's not to say I won't buy a NEW PC for Aero Glass, it's just my Notebook will be stuck on XP SP2. I have an old desktop PC now that had 98 SR2 upgraded to ME and it's hard to work with it now after using XP. **I mean this should be really cheap, as it's only for the old PC, doesn't provide the full visual experience and can be packaged in a cardboard slip folder. ( NO fancy - and expensive - box ) **Maybe you need to prove that you have purchased an OEM copy with a new PC ? Maybe get it from PC builders and not high street, high mark-up retail chains.. Worth a try.. ** Are you still here, Bill ?
  21. I always used the below, when I could get Firefox to start.. Blocking Advertisement Advertisements on websites are annoying, often breaking up text and flashing to get your attention. To stop about 99% of the ads on the internet from even showing, add the following code to your userContent.css file: /* Block Ads v.2004-06-12 by Neil Jenkins Portions of this ruleset are derived from the ad blocking css by Joe Francis at: http://www.floppymoose.com/ Some code also contributed by Mike Hokenson: http://www.gozer.org/mozilla/ad_blocking */ iframe[width=120][height=600], a img[width=120][height=600], iframe[width=125][height=600], a img[width=125][height=600], iframe[width=150][height=100], a img[width=150][height=100], iframe[width=150][height=600], a img[width=150][height=600], iframe[width=160][height=600], a img[width=160][height=600], iframe[width=300][height=250], a img[width=300][height=250], iframe[width=336][height=280], a img[width=336][height=280], iframe[width=468][height=60], a img[width=468][height=60], iframe[width=470][height=62], a img[width=470][height=62], iframe[width=728][height=90], a img[width=728][height=90], iframe[width=730][height=92], a img[width=730][height=92], iframe[width=600][height=120], object[width=125][height=300], iframe[width=180][height=150], iframe[src*=/ad-], iframe[src*=/ad.], iframe[src*=/ad/], iframe[src*=/ad_], iframe[src*=/adframe], iframe[src*=/ads], iframe[src*=/adv], iframe[src*=/adx], iframe[src*=.ad], iframe[src*=_Banner], iframe[src*=BET365], iframe[src*=/click], iframe[src*=?click], iframe[src*=googlesyndication], iframe[src*=promos], iframe[name=bsadframe], iframe[id=adFrame], iframe[id=splashFrame], img[src*=/ad-], img[src*=/ad.], img[src*=/ad/], img[src*=/ad_], img[src*=/ads], img[src*=/adv], img[src*=/adx], img[src*=.ad], img[src*=_ad_], img[src*=/click], img[src*=?click], img[src*=Editorial_Promos], img[src*=/toms_skyscraper_], img[src$=images/logos/amazon_international.gif], img[src*=freshmeat.net/button.gif], img[src*=pic.geocities.com/images/], img[src*=i.imdb.com/Vpics/], img[src*=i.imdb.com/Photos/CMSIcons], img[src*=i.imdb.com/Icons/apix/], img[src*=i.imdb.com/Icons/kpix/], img[src*=i.imdb.com/apix/], img[src*=sportsbybrooks.com/farkbutton.gif], img[alt*=advert], img[alt*=Click Here To Visit Our Sponsor], img[alt*=Sponsored Links], img[name=fixedSpImg], a:link[href*=/ad-] img, a:link[href*=/ad.] img, a:link[href*=/ad/] img, a:link[href*=/ad_] img, a:link[href*=/ads] img, a:link[href*=/adv] img, a:link[href*=/adx] img, a:link[href*=.ad] img, a:link[href*=/banner] img, a:link[href*=/click.cgi] img, a:link[href*=/clickcgi?] img, a:link[href*=/clickover] img, a:link[href*=/clickthr] img, a:link[href*=/click-] img, a:link[href*==click] img, a:link[href*=?click] img, a:link[href*=/A=] img, table table table[width=346][height=280], table[class=metatable], table[id=RefAd], table[cellspacing=0][width=160][height=329][bgcolor=#000000], table[cellpadding=5][width=150][style=border: 1px dashed rgb(221, 170, 170); background-color: rgb(236, 248, 255)], table[border=0][height=600][width=120], table[height=90][cellspacing=0][cellpadding=0][width=728][border=0], table[border=0][cellpadding=3][cellspacing=0][height=40][width=100%], table[border=0][cellpadding=0][cellspacing=4][align=right][width=20%], table[border=2] td[valign=top][bgcolor=#ffffff] table[width=138], table[border=0][cellpadding=1][cellspacing=0][width=626][bgcolor=#6699cc], table[bordercolor=red][height=225][cellspacing=0][cellpadding=0][width=190][bgcolor=white][border=0], table[width=336][border=0][cellspacing=0][cellpadding=0][align=right][style=margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px], table[width=770][border=0] tr[valign=top] td[width=160], td[class=cnnNavAd], td[class=RHBarBody], td[class=sl-table], td[style=border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); padding: 7px 3px; background-color: rgb(255, 254, 249)], td span[class=aoltextad], form[name=frmLargeForm], form[action*=click_lx.cgi], form[action^=http://rd.yahoo.com/], form[action=""][name$=SoapCity], form[action=""][name^=728x90], form[action=""][name^=300x250], form[method=get][action*=martindale][name=MDH], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][src*=_Banner], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][src*=/ad], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][href*=/ad], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][src*=.ad], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][href*=.ad], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][src*=?click], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][href*=?click], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][src*=/click], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][href*=/click], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][href*=promos], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][href*==click], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][href*=redirect], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][href*=/A=], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][name*=advert], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][name*=banner], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][width=728][height=90], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][width=468][height=60], embed[type=application/x-shockwave-flash][width=467][height=63], div[id=adstrip], div[id*=advert], div[id=dropin], div[id=dwindow], div[id=dcv_EchangeLay], div[id=mntl], div[id*=popup], div[id=quack], div[id=splashLayer], div[id*=sponsor], div[id=yschsec], div[class=ovt], div#contextualLinks, div[style=border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); padding: 5px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)], object[id=widgeth], *[class=ad], *[class*=eSext], *[name*=klipad], *[style*=/ads/], *[id*=popover_], *[src*=120x80], *[src*=140x], *[src*=?ad], *[src*=-ad-], *[src*=/adimage], *[src*=/adimg], *[src*=advert], *[src*==click], *[src*=banners.], *[src*=banner_ads], *[src*=/images/dinkus/more-arrow-lo.gif], *[src*=/javaImages/ec/], *[src*=/offer], *[src*=/puffboxes/], *[src*=/sponsors/], *[src*=_sponsor_], *[src*=/us.yimg.com/a/ya], *[src*=.adbutler.de], *[src*=.nedstatbasic.net], *[src*=.tradedoubler.com], *[src*=.travelocity./Sponsor_gifs/], *[src*=a.consumer.net], *[src*=bannermania.nom.pl], *[src*=cash4banner.com], *[src*=crazypopups.com], *[src*=hit-now.com], *[src*=hitbox.com], *[src*=img.thebugs.ws], *[src*=kinghost.com/ban/], *[src*=klipmart], *[src*=popupad.net/ats/], *[src*=public][src*=ad], *[src*=/publicidad/], *[src*=qkimg.net], *[src*=qksrv.net], *[src*=rcm-images.amazon.com], *[src*=rcm.amazon.com], *[src*=salon.com/Creatives], *[src*=sexcounter.], *[src*=sideads/], *[src*=statse.webtrendslive.com], *[href*=logging.to], *[href*=/referral/], *[href*=tryaol], *[href*=websponsors], *[src*=banman.asp], *[href*=banman.asp], *[src*=bannerman], *[href*=bannerman], *[src*=?banner], *[href*=?banner], *[src*=/banner/], *[href*=/banner/], *[src*=/jump/], *[href*=/jump/], *[src*=adfarm], *[href*=adfarm], *[src*=advertising.com], *[href*=advertising.com], *[src*=ar.atwola.com], *[href*=ar.atwola.com], *[src*=atdmt.com], *[href*=atdmt.com], *[src*=bluestreak.com], *[href*=bluestreak.com], *[src*=clickxchange.com], *[href*=clickxchange.com], *[src*=doubleclick], *[href*=doubleclick], *[src*=falkag.net], *[href*=falkag.net], *[src*=fastclick.com], *[href*=fastclick.com], *[src*=mediaplex], *[href*=mediaplex], *[src*=netdirect.nl], *[href*=netdirect.nl], *[src*=spinbox.], *[href*=spinbox.], *[src*=tradedoubler.com], *[href*=tradedoubler.com], *[src*=transfer.go], *[href*=transfer.go], *[src*=.tribalfusion], *[href*=.tribalfusion], *[src*=valueclick], *[href*=valueclick], *[src*=], *[href*=], *[src*=], *[href*=] { display: none !important; 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  22. The problem was most likely an Extension. These are added value to Firefox, but also may prove it's greatest weakness. Independent Extension developers are not keeping pace with the numerous releases of Firefox. For me, Firefox 1.0.2 was the greatest ever, but now with 1.0.6 I too cannot start the browser without it freezing. Safe Mode works, so therefore proving it must be an Extension. I have always been an IE fan, but am extremely grateful to Firefox for getting Microsoft off its bum to update its browser. *I battling along with IE7 B1 at the moment, so this proves I must be a true fan. Also, I am an ordinary person, so I need eye candy. Get something out that looks pretty, soon. When you buy a car you are attracted to the look and color first... You shouldn't be of-course, you should rip the bonnet up..and...check out the thing-a-ma-jig.
  23. Icon-A-Day http://www.joeuser.com/sdfiles/mormegil/IA...-Day(Sheet).jpg
  24. Have you reported this to them? I'm unsure of your flag, so these links are from the Australia selection. Ask APC http://jpaa-en.apc.com/cgi-bin/jpaa_en.cfg...fcGFnZT0x&p_li= Feedback http://www.apcc.com/support/contact/web_satisf_survey.cfm APC Customer Satisfaction Survey The First Credo of Our Company Philosophy: To listen to our customers. Their wants, needs and wishes are our strategic blueprint. This APC Customer Satisfaction Survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete. Click here for APC's Privacy Policy . Press the ">>" button to continue. Press the "<<" button to move to the previous page. Please do not use the back button that is part of your browser. **There is nothing in their knowledge base... ============================================== LiveJournal Did you post this problem now that you have IE 6 back? Have you had any problems getting IE6 back? Is your HISTORY OK? Guy was asking somewhere else that his History was not working too good, going back to ie6. IE7b1 has a problem with History and must have rolled back to 6. ===============================================
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