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Everything posted by Drewdatrip

  1. Yea water cooled systems are nice. I was going to add that to my system. But they are can be expensive , loud and the danger of frying the system is always on your mind ...so i decided to just go with a bunch of fans -drew
  2. I have found that Ntfs is a very good format to run games on. So far in my seveal months of use i have had very seldom crashs or lockups. the only games i have had problems with is Red Faction, its very minute and dosent bother me much. Personlaly i would use Ntfs because its way more stable, secure and fast. -drew:beer
  3. [b:4bd476e5cc]ShotenSan[/b:4bd476e5cc]-Just leting you know befor you post a prob use the search tool , because i have seen this post a few times befor:D -drew
  4. I would leave my computer on 24/7 but its too **** load.....the fans are too much for me...but i plan to get this stuff the dampers the sound down a bit, then hopfully i can keep it on. -drew
  5. LS..C and E are the same drive just different partitions of my 20gb hd. the d is a seperate HD. If you dident understand, ill put it simple. i had win98 first then i got Xp on my e drive. but because i installed 98 first the boot.ini file was set on my C drive. When i formated my c drive i lost the boot.ini. I still have a perfect Xp set up on my E but i cant access it becasue im running 98 on fat32. Im wondering if i can rebuild my boot.ini from 98 to detect Xp. So i can load it from start up thankx -drew
  6. ok heres the situation... Orignially i had Win98,which was on my C: drive. When i got got xp i put it on my E: drive, which i converted to ntfs. i have a d: drive which is for storage and is fat32. i was having some BSOD on the win98 partition, so i desided to reformat it...forgeting that the orginal boot.ini file was on it....now after reinstalling 98 on the C:, i cannot boot into the Xp partition(E:)! i was woundering if there was anyway of booting to the Xp partition..Maybe though some editing of my boot.ini, or a boot loader. Thankx...im really lost..and i dont want ot have to reinstall xp -drew
  7. Thas some strange a** s***! A dsl connection ...that you have to connect to! :WTF?: If disabling those programs dont work...try seting up some tyoe of auto connect proram, i dont know if that will help the load up speed, as it load the program after login sorry i couldent be of more help -drew
  8. No t a prob...Xperties....Thats why we are all here, to teach and learn:D -drew
  9. Ok guys..I do agree that Edonkey can be slow..and the connection is bad somtimes...but heres the thing. Go here: http://www.sharereactor.com/ and read over the info guide on Edonkey...then go here: http://members.home.net/edonkey2000/server.met and replace your server.met file. I use to hate edonkey...and would never use it...but now with the reactor guide and the replacment of my server.met file, i always connect and get a decent if not good download speeds. thankx for all the help with edonkey...IT ACTUALLY WORKS now! -drew
  10. Games wise Xp is fantastic..Diablo and unreal work perfect...and i havent had one crash yet! -drew:D
  11. I dont know if you have tred this..but download X-setup and under program options>built in windows apps>WMP>Advanced options> you can enable WMP to play dvds...i also belive you might want to update your decoder card and dvd..that might help -drew
  12. I know that all might work right now....but your risking alot! first off, NEVER update! its a bad idea, causes too many problems and can lead to more wasted time then just formating and reinstalling a new OS. 2nd...Dont use Roxio cd burner!!(this is the 3rd time i said this today) , i know people clam it works ..and the site offers an patch BUT!!![/color:87297eada7] it has caused many serios problems leading to reformating and fresh install...so save your self the aggravation and use another program..like Nero. If anything make sure you do a fresh install of your OS. just back up everything and you will be on your way. If you wish to save some time for the future and make a "ghost" copy of the fresh install with the basic apps on it...it saves time and its alot better then installig all your individual apps, cracks, etc! goodluck -drew
  13. Now that i have looked this program through..it seems that it is for the extreme paranoid!...hey Xperties might just love this thing English link http://www.xp-antispy.de/news-e.htm -drew
  14. Generaly befor i install a program, i like to read the webpage of the people that created...To lear what it does, how it works, etc. yet in this case the website is in german! anyone expalin the program and sum it up Update:[/size:68c93e1139][/color:68c93e1139] WOW im a big stupid idot! right on the top of the webpage is a link to an engilsh version. sorry ! -drew
  15. ok ...but why can i not see my cpu in the Device Manager?is there a way to enable it? -drew
  16. The only thing i get when i search for intel is: Intel® Personal Audio Player 3000 Windows software from Intel. whats going on? -drew
  17. What do i need to do under personal settings to be able to download the intel driver?
  18. The option to download the intel update is not on the Update site, nor on the corp update site. Im tripin out now! im questing if my version is the real deal?!?:grump :wail: -drew
  19. I want to update my P3 with the new drivers...but i cant find my Processer in the devise manegager! where is it and how can i install the new drivers heres a Screenshot http://drewdatrip.freeservers.com/cgi-bin/i/Device.JPG -drew
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