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Everything posted by D.Draker

  1. No it's not, sorry . The information is official. It's their law. By the order of the russian Court, Telegram gives the Encryption Keys to FSB. Note, they must do it by the law: https://www.securityweek.com/telegram-must-give-fsb-encryption-keys-russian-court Telegram ordered to share encryption keys with FSB https://www.cnet.com/tech/tech-industry/telegram-reportedly-ordered-to-share-encryption-keys-with-fsb/ Also, the creator Dirov ,or whatever his name is, is from the KGB-city himself. It's a KGB project from the start. Everything Russia translates into FSB/KGB/Military/Evil/etc. Why did Russia try to "block" Telegram? It was all a show for stupid people.
  2. Yes, the same happened to me also and later they started to demand my phone. I'm not that stupid to give it to them.
  3. Not me, because they want my phone and I'm not gonna give it.
  4. Telegram is a russian spy network for mining data . Made by the KGB/FSB.
  5. Exactly, and all are from females. The question is how to fastly filter out the best ones from such quantities.
  6. Was quite useful up to 2010-11. I used it for dating and it was convenient. A couple of messages and off you go ! These days it's just tooooo much talk.
  7. I tried fully updated Windows 7 64 on a board with H110 chipset and it couldn't properly handle the idle states of the CPU. It was stuck at 1800MHZ or so, while it should go all the way down to 800MHZ. Also, standby mode didn't work at all. So my advice - no to windows 7. Weirdly enough, 32-bit Vista worked fine, and the 64-bit version is obviously a no go 'cause of the "startup bug".
  8. 1 - We have no chance to check what would they do in the 40s, if they had phones. Tiktok and others are being heavily financed with the money of CCP ( Chinese Communist Party ). Facebook(instagram) with the russian money. It is written all over the internet and no secret. Mask with the Saudi money (his startup, at least). So no surprise at all. Lots of possibilities with that kind of money. Lots of influence. Can do whatever they want 'cause it's not hard earned and comes from tax money. 2 - You're edgy ? Lol, no. Hell, no.
  9. Starting somewhere from Chrome 103 or so, it launches without this flag and *weirdly enough* works quite fine, but may crash on some certain heavy websites. Did you do something in the new kernel or it's the devs who dropped some code in the later Win-7-goodbye versions ? Anyways, I believe you'll win in any case.
  10. Yes. It's not even 4tb. It's 3,5 or so, scam as usual, with their "clever" calculations, and 10TB will be 8Tb in reality. On the other hand, maybe enough for avi potato qiality vids, even today. Got myself a 6tb in 2019 and it became 5.4 after firmatting . Scam. Then bought 8tb and it was only 7 with smth.
  11. Says who ? A man at around 50 can hear 16KHZ no problem, that being said, I don't. But I can hear up to 13KHZ or 13.5KHZ on another ear, which is below the standards - due to traumas.
  12. Likewise ! Thank , I mean it, really.
  13. Likewise ! Thank you all guys, I mean it, really.
  14. Dietmar, GTX 980 WHQL signed driver for you. NVIDIA_DEV.13C0 = "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980" http://uk.download.nvidia.com/Windows/344.11/344.11-desktop-winxp-32bit-international.exe http://uk.download.nvidia.com/Windows/344.11/344.11-desktop-winxp-64bit-international.exe spare https://drivers.softpedia.com/get/GRAPHICS-BOARD/NVIDIA/NVIDIA-GeForce-Graphics-Driver-34411-for-XP.shtml https://drivers.softpedia.com/get/GRAPHICS-BOARD/NVIDIA/NVIDIA-GeForce-Graphics-Driver-34411-for-XP-Server-2003-64-bit.shtml
  15. 1 - Well, the first big one was when I had a pretty hard collision with an obstacle riding my bicycle at 4 or 5 y.o.. Got stitched up my head. Scars, etc. Also, fighting on chains in the childhood, etc. 2 - Then to the same place on the head, but this time riding a heavy motorcycle. I remained alive only because it was the legendary BMW R75 from the WW2 era, like I said - heavy and it rammed through another "modern" vehicle, thus allowing my body to slip through. Of course I had terrible injuries to the head and also broke my finger that was in awful pain for another 5-6 years. 3 - Then my father didn't come to the holiday, like in that Austin Powers film and it all got mental in addition to physical. 4,5,6,7,8,9,..... - Multiple military injuries not even mentioned. How could anyone not become stupid after that ?
  16. Oh really !? thanks for letting me know.
  17. Nevermind, I changed my mind. Not about the city, no. I still think it's fantastic. And not about -20 years off.
  18. My dad had a quite high rank in our local gov. and was very proud of himself. The man with strong ties... All relatives were so proud and cherished him! He was always NOT satisfied with my achievements, I'd even say he was a low opinion of me. He never shared any of my beliefs/points of view. I left my parents when I was 15? 16? or so. Yes, they stil continiued to give me money, also I worked myself. We never shared any common ground with my parents. My dad even missed the holiday, when I graduated from the university. He was drunk, which was kinda weird, 'cause he was not a drunkard, I guess he just found himself a reason not to come ! I'm so glad a you had a fantastic father and very sorry for your loss !
  19. Yes, loud banging and explosions. Also from shock waves and whatnot. Sorry for you ! Mine is higher - about 12khz and up.
  20. Thank you for the nice compliment !
  21. I had numerous traumas in the past, not only in the military, but also in the raving childhood. The list is very long. I have a condition where a very loud tinnitus driving me nuts, hence the insomnia. I hear sounds in my head. Not voices, lol. Just sounds. Sometimes my brain just stops, yes, completely. I can't answer in words. But I can act. I still have basic reflexes working in that mode. Like chase, bite, grab, kill, throw away. I visited numerous doctors and it didn't help. So looks like there's another form. Could this also be classified as stupid ? The fourth ? ........... I'd say I'm a complete zombie in that mode. Though, I got used to it somehow...
  22. No, there are more variants. Like absolutely outcold ones. See example from the above about that brother. He's not just a simple moron , he's a complete plonker. Also, he's a raving plonker. Angry. He could become stupid of other reasons. Like drugs, hard clashes, etc.
  23. Oh, it's fine, we all here to learn something we didn't know before ... and teach the others of something we know. Exchange of knowledge.
  24. I usually run the WD tool to disable the stupid idle parking. But it won't work on 8TB, sadly. You know why? Cause 8tb is NOT WD anymore, they bought Hitachi and it's just a re-labeled Hitachi sold as WD, that's why the tool doesn't work. Seagate always failed me. I had only one good seagate 4tb (enterprise model 5400RPM). But it was so damn noisy ! 66k ? Nah, I usuallly ditch old drives, not safe to use. The oldest I found here with me is abot 33-34k on it, guess you won't be impressed.
  25. I found how the mobo was called I used the Kepler 1.0 on , it was Siemens D2317 DDR2 Q965 . Made in Germany. So may add to the compatible . I used GTX680 on it.
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