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Everything posted by D.Draker

  1. 1 - that's exactly what I've just said. 2 - That's because they recently blocked Skia (hardware renderer) from running. Here's the explanations - everything's on soft now. I'm gonna stick to pre-104 Chrome. https://msfn.org/board/topic/181612-wip-windows-vista-extended-kernel/?do=findComment&comment=1229252
  2. I had found the problem yesterday. They had removed the Skia renderer from "older OS", starting recently, which was forced by my flags, hence no ability to launch. Just so you know, later chrome will now depend only on software rendering completely, which sucks, honestly. They even disabled RawDraw ! Compare. 1 - The image is from the newest Opera. 2 - This link is how it should look with Skia on the earlier ones. https://msfn.org/board/topic/184046-future-of-chrome-on-windows-7/?do=findComment&comment=1229006
  3. To put it nicely and polite, like I always do. Chrome's implementation of hardware video acceleration is simply idiotic. It requires another process to run which obviously consumes RAM and CPU resources. And what exactly are you going to accelerate if 90% of youtube videos are AV1, HEVC, H265, VP9 , Vp8 ? I'm not aware of our members with modern enough hardware to support these. Yet again , still very questionable. As an example, GTX titan X doesn't support any of these.
  4. @win32, hi. Could you try the new Opera ? Looks like Opera went kaput. Nothing happens, no error, doesn't even start the process. No missing API. Maybe it's just me ? I had only tested on a PC with the bloody 6003 update, so maybe it's the case. Looks like 100% match with the latest news regarding dropping win 7. But - Chrome 109 works weirdly fine. Here's the link. Unpack and don't forget to delete the "launcher" crap. It's just out of curiosity because I had ditched Opera and switched to the Ugoogled. https://get.opera.com/ftp/pub/opera-developer/94.0.4597.0/win/Opera_Developer_94.0.4597.0_Setup_x64.exe
  5. I'd set as a fixed size, so it won't become fragmented, if you have 2Gb, leave at 4GB max. Minimum for you is 2048MB. Despite what some may say (no page file good/fast, etc), chrome likes pagefile. And yeah, I usually ride without it. But on my RAM sufficient machines.
  6. Gee ! Where did you get the cold !? It's stiil so warm outside ! Is it a form of Egyptian Covid or smth ? Anyways, I hope you'll get much better very soon!
  7. No one forbids you to write that you don't agree they're accidental.
  8. Faith and religion are two different things. Faith is more like what you beleive yourself. Religion is political, hence forbidden here. And governments do benefit from religious people, can't argue with that. As an example, look at the russian church and how deeply it's involved and encourages more and more russkie peasants to kill in the name of God and ruzzia. It's a fact. I'm myself against any religion talks here, 'cause it may not end well, not only rules matter, but our strong opinion also. So no more religion talks, please folks.
  9. Yeah, I don't remember, honestly. I have quite a lot of posts ... so you won't have to browse them through again, here you go. Had to search again for you. Enjoy. Start with this one ! --disable-gpu-early-init Then these. The order here doesn't matter. --disable-software-rasterizer --disable-webgl --disable-histogram-customizer --disable-accelerated-2d-canvas --disable-gpu-rasterization --disable-reading-from-canvas --canvas-msaa-sample-count=0 --disable-gpu --disable-gpu-program-cache --disable-gpu-watchdog --disable-gpu-compositing --disable-vulkan --vulkan-null --disable-gpu-driver-bug-workarounds --disable-gpu-memory-buffer-compositor-resources --disable-gpu-memory-buffer-video-frames --disable-gpu-program-cache The last three-four, may not be needed on old, weak or outdated hardware. Add this if you have a DX12 native card, I don't remember your card. --disable-gpu-process-for-dx12-info-collection Here you can try some others yourself and get back to me with findings. https://kapeli.com/cheat_sheets/Chromium_Command_Line_Switches.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/index I have a question for you, how did you (or didn't?) solve the problem with gawdly awful (eye fatiguing) fonts in newer chromes, since disable direct write was removed ?
  10. Nothing in the forum rules against the Western culture.
  11. I'd still suggest to find Siemens, even for AM2+ (could be found even for free). They are durable as Hell (sorry, @msfntor).
  12. I'd say his weird troubles, 'cause no one else had them. And he wrote only the Vulkan files gave him the troubles, not my method in general. 'Cause it finally worked for him. The most important he (and looks like you too) missed in my instructions, you need to replace with blanks, not just "clean". --disable-gpu will switch off ALL regarding the GPU, so I just have my doubts he followed the instructions precisely.
  13. If you're willing to hold onto your current CPU, here's a good'n fast LGA775 DDR3 (16GB) mobo of perfect quality from Siemens, may find it cheaper, of course. Some say it can do even 32GB ! Then buy (or even find!) a Siemens case for cheap. https://www.ebay.at/itm/233505297416
  14. 1 - Thanks. 2 - Of course I am ! And I was wondering why no one mentioned it, except me..
  15. Don't even think about it ! DR2 is so damn outdated ! In 2009 I had several mobos with DDR3 and DDR2, but on the same chipset and socket. The same CPU will perform much faster with DDR3. Look for something with DDR3 . I guess you have the ancient relic LGA775 ? There were cheap budget mobos on G41 LGA775 and DDR3 1066 . I remember. They gave a new life to LGA775. But it was relevant in 2009. And then again, I'd be looking at something - at least Kabylake mobo with H110 chipset and DDR3 1866.
  16. With the way these "accidental" fires go, we'll soon may have zero of them left.
  17. Because I was just going to ignore, but you're persistent.. I have a good education, nothing wrong with it and I'm not "bent", never was, never will.
  18. This is a manipulation ! You took it out of context, I wrote the game was called "kill Robin Hood", not just kill someone random, but isn't this what the Holy Inquisition was trying to do anyways ?
  19. Here, like I said, when it's on default, chrome will scan the PC for any supported driver and will turn it on, if it's satisfied. There are exceptions, it will not do it : 1 - If you have it disabled in advance. (obviously). 2 - Your GPU/driver is old or in the chrome's blacklist. (which is a big list in json format). Here is the result when it scans mine , (with the flag in default position). It will just say Driver Vulkan API not supported. So it definitely scans for the API in the default setting ! Otherwise, how could you explain the troubles of the 1-day-ago-joiner from the above ?
  20. Define "we", who's we ? I was not promoting anything. And I'm not much into guessing games and reading between the lines, sorry to disappoint. I think you got the wrong impression of me. I'm into techno stuff . That's it.
  21. And try the 1st available driver. The oldest.
  22. Well, I heard it before, was a popular answer in the eighties, lol. Looks like we have lots in common, did you also play kill "Robin Hood" and "Gestapo", back in the 80s, as a child ?
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