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Everything posted by MilkChan

  1. x86 definitely has it. You can check my file.
  2. There is a newer fltmgr.sys file but it was in the leaked ESU Update. KB4512787-KB4512788 x64 https://archive.org/details/5eraphupdatepacks x86 https://archive.org/details/windowsnt-UpdatePacks My Source Update Packs that I sorted has been updated. form abbodi1406 I can't add abbodi1406's topic link. It seems forbidden.
  3. Thank you for your update. I really like your UBO update. Now I use Windows XP to mainly watch movies, listen to music and YouTube. I immediately clicked to see. where you have updates
  4. Hello, the words seem a bit wrong. I'm the current UpdatePacks developer. You can find the files you need here. https://archive.org/download/5eraphupdatepacks
  5. Do you have a picture of that problem? All I know is that Microsoft Update isn't working anymore.
  6. If you find files with the same name by checking the version and comparing them to the files in the UpdatePacks. If so, I'd delete the old .cat and replace it with the new file. and make improvements by getting the registry (checksum) From HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates I have to thank ramsey for the tip. And it has a bug when I try to add WDF WIC and USB 2.0 Update. When I try to add the services section to the registry from what I did in x86 Unable to start service I've fixed it. If you're interested in the script for 5eraph's UpdatePacks, I uploaded it in Github. https://github.com/XPMilkChan/Dev-for-UpdatesPacks
  7. probably It would be better to make it a pinned topic. For those who want UpdatePacks x64
  8. There's change documentation in UpdatePacks, I've updated that as well.
  9. For KB4034775 Microsoft Jet has its own language text strings. And I also noticed you forgot to edit the DLL file location. It's better to use a number, such as %11% = System32. This is my file in Server 2003. https://mega.nz/folder/zdIAFICR#sB7aB21oUwphVZ4CRIw5Rg
  10. This is the source used for DXUAPC I included POSReady as well. Hope it can help you. https://archive.org/details/windowsnt-UpdatePacks/
  11. You could check out my Source file here for creating UpdatePacks, it might be helpful for you It may help you a little. I collect every language. Some improvements I don't have it in every language. https://archive.org/details/windowsnt-UpdatePacks
  12. If you are interested in ricktendo's UpdatePacks Ricks_XPsp3esUpdatePack2.0.6 7z that has not been further developed I can share it with you. Only Spanish (ESN) and I have ISO Home Edition in all languages.
  13. I've made another update. I've added files that were missing from v2017, files that 5eraph didn't add, and they're only used in the server And I moved it to archive.org. + Includes official version and Source Files size 8.3GB New Update Final Version KB927169 certocm.dll certmmc.dll Roots Certificate Update 08.23.2023
  14. Hi, I'm the current developer. I oversee all Onepiece's work. and 5eraph x64 The new version has removed Flash Player because it is not compatible with Windows 2000. There are no plans to add Windows 2000 ESU updates to UpdatePacks. https://mega.nz/folder/NQ8FjY5R#PcVoYJw4Nm-oKbbrS2D55A If you want to use this program besides nLite https://github.com/XPMilkChan/Dev-for-UpdatesPacks/blob/main/RVM Integrator 1.6.1b2.1.zip
  15. This is the main computer. which I use to write patches for xp/2k/2003/x64 Thank you for your help.
  16. I've tested Discord. I tried to enter Voice Chat, but I can't seem to get in, and the official version seems to have issues as well. And I try to unmute Discord and it says unsupported browser A friend of mine got this problem as well on Mypal68. Is there currently a workaround?
  17. DXUAPC has its own problems. I'm the one who updated Update Packs of one piece and 5eraph x64 myself for the XP2ESD project. Even if you update it until 2019 it won't write REG. Server 2003 has already been created.
  18. Or Microsoft may deem it unnecessary. I'm just trying to analyze it. (for Thai language) Many years ago in Thailand There's a lot of pirated software used, and Windows 98 has a of news written about it. And I noticed that Windows 95 is not fully translated. Windows 98 I feel it is very similar to English. only supports keyboard and Thai language display but no translation I just found out that Microsoft has stopped supporting my own language. A few days ago because someone in Thailand told me that this project doesn't work in Thai version. Thank you for fixing Windows Update to work again.
  19. Update All List Link folder in post September 4th
  20. File : https://mega.nz/file/NKpA2KqL#e4sGZVvR3LjYCJiV2P5-m18lqnjn9LIFrm_bKFXYTic I found a link here if you want to check it out. https://download.microsoft.com/download/1/2/0/120BCFA4-DF31-4E0F-8739-935A4C69AF82/NDP1.1sp1-KB2604044-X86.exe The file is saved in web.archive.org
  21. I'll send you the file link tomorrow morning.
  22. found in my country's news channel. Mono 29 1st May
  23. I suspect it will be the 2018 version for whatever you want. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/photoshop-cc-2018-32-bit-system-requirement/m-p/10941252
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