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About piotrhn

  • Birthday 02/25/1988

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  • OS
    Windows 10 x64

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  1. Win2000 shell32 addons update. but not available to download... https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/msdn-magazine/2000/march/windows-2000-ui-innovations-enhance-your-user-s-experience-with-new-infotip-and-icon-overlay-shell-extensions https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/msdn-magazine/2000/june/more-windows-2000-ui-goodies-extending-explorer-views-by-customizing-hypertext-template-files
  2. printui.dll We can use this last compatible ver from XP 2410
  3. Can somebody confim. Change Icon view with new comdlg32 is broken? try with: notepad/paint/etc
  4. Try install new Printer. Last working ver on 2000 is from build Whistler 2410 Better update: Disk Defraggler from build 2296/2410/2456 (compatible with 2000) DLLS: drgui, dfrgres, dfrgsnap
  5. modded icons but, we can use ie 6.5 on 2k from early longhorn/vista builds
  6. @blackwingcat BTRFS driver v1.8 https://github.com/maharmstone/btrfs/releases Please add to NTOSKRNL.EXE ->PsGetThreadProcess It ueses previously added apis: RtlGetVersion, RtlRandomEx, InterlockedPopEntrySlist, InterlockedPushEntrySlist, RtlSetBit
  7. http://blog.livedoor.jp/blackwingcat/archives/2018050.html dnsrslvr.dll Updated version of dnsrslvr.dll by microsoft: Windows2000-KB920683-x86 dnsrslvr.dll 5.0.2195.7102 Windows2000-KB951748-V2-x86 dnsrslvr.dll 5.0.2195.7280 https://twilczynski.com/windows/updates/#list2000
  8. Pleasy try write expand for NT4. Apps: Process Explorer DRIVER.
  9. How properly? i replaced kernel32.dll in system32 directory & BSOD...
  10. Can you explain my, why your kernel32 crash with BSOD ? STOP c0000269 {invalid system DLL}... kernel32.dll was relocated in memory... ntdll.dll occupied the range of reserved addresses
  11. Hi. I tried to run game named GOTHIC on 2k with KERNELEX installed, but there is error when try run. Can you test and confirm? It works on XP SP3 and VirtualBox 6.1.18
  12. cześć. jaka jest ostatnia NAJNOWSZA wersja HFSLIP dla XPka? wersja: hfslip-1.7.10.cmd wyrzuca brakujący plik CAB wbemoc.cab. U ciebie ostatnia to 1.0.2 https://mega.nz/folder/2lBVBBLI#WqmqhpxuX0qyCY1LiX4-gw/folder/L0omSarK AKTUALIZACJE widze pare brakujących aktualizacji u ciebie na stronie porównując to z https://erpman1.tripod.com/wnt5xupd.html/ERPMan-s-Windows-2000-XP-Server-2003-System-Updates-Page Chce pobrać wszystkie aktualizacje i zrobić ISO dla XP PL i XP ENU
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