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Everything posted by NotHereToPlayGames

  1. It's not really tracking down grammatical errors that is taking some time. If you look at the menu listings in MyPal, Pale Moon, and BNavigator (as examples), you will notice that all words in the menu listings are capitalized, except for words like a, an, and, as, in, on, or, and with. Same goes for Office programs like Kingsoft Office and Microsoft Office - all words in menu listings are capitalized except for words like or, and, to, and from. Several file manager programs do the same - all words in menu listings are capitalized. Same goes for Notepad++ and Microsoft Notepad - all words in menu listings are capitalized. Chromium builds only capitalize the first word in each menu entry (but so also does most [but not all] menu entries in an email program I use called POP Peeper). Since I'm opening 4,290 entries one-by-one looking for grammatical errors, I'm making the menus capitalize words in the same manner as most other programs for a more consistent look-and-feel.
  2. I agree with @Mr.Scienceman2000 My mom "had to" have a LAPTOP about 8yrs or so ago and none of us could talk her out of it at the time She spent close to $2,400 when a comparable desktop was only around $600. Not only does IT NEVER LEAVE THE DESK, but we had to get her a larger monitor because the laptop's display was too small, a keyboard because the laptop keyboard didn't have a number pad, and a mouse because she didn't like the fingerpad. ALL OF WHICH we told her from DAY ONE that she wouldn't be happy with and that a desktop would be the way to go.
  3. Side note: there are 4,291 files in Build 2206's en-US.pak (but one is just the index.ini) in order to track down grammatical errors. I'm only 1,065 files in and that has taken me 8+ hours so this will take a few days.
  4. Good to know! I pefer to delete indexed databases. I do have one or two extensions that the indexed database can not be deleted but for the most part I am able to delete them via the loader .ini.
  5. Thanks, that's what I tend to see here also. I'm going to stick with Build 2206 for all of my rebuilds (I may revisit Build 1006 in the future). I plan to have some more grammatical errors fixed and a new upload later today.
  6. I went the route of a 42" for the PC for a while but then moved it to the Bedroom. Then opted for FIVE 21" widescreen monitors for the PC with keyboard shortcuts to "send" Windows to different screens. A 3D model of my Living Room / Office --
  7. None of the 360Chrome versions have a menu bar that I am aware of - ALTHOUGH several of the .xml files DO contain the words Menu Bar, so maybe there is some skin setting, I'll attempt to dig up in free time. Never used a Boss Key, but if I understand it correctly, it's just a keyboard shortcut that minimizes the browser so that when you are stealing company time and browsing at work, you can hide the browser by hitting the keyboard shortcut when the boss walks by. The Avatar is easy to change, I prefer not to use it at all so I didn't bother changing it thus far.
  8. Something like this? -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLlVpt7LfMk
  9. I'm not sure if this qualifies as a good "stress test", but my Build 2206 did not crash under this "stress test" but my Build 2250 under the same "stress test" did crash. BUT it took me SEVEN attempts at this "stress test" to crash 2250 - so I'm not sure if that is "enough" to claim 2206 to be more stable than 2250. Zero interest in DRM capability so did not attempt Netflix on the computer. YouTube episode of Red Green show playing on one Incognito Window. YouTube AVB - What's Your Tag Say playing in another Incognito Window. Google Maps being used in another Incognito Window. A regular-mode Window browsing to and typing this reply. 3GB of 16GB RAM being used (other apps are running also, the 3GB is not all 360Chrome). The 3:25 song is on its seventh play. The Gred Green show played an entire 22:20 episode without locking up. Build 2206 took all of this and didn't blink an eye. "mileage may vary"...
  10. Flash was discontinued last year by its creator. Do we "need" to keep it alive in 360Chrome? I can't remember the last time I've seen any website actually use Flash - and intentionally tracking down a "test site" doesn't count.
  11. I also kind of disagree with YouTube &/or Netflix being "the" guage to determine which version is "optimum". Google Voice is more important to me than either of those two web sites. But I also can understand why other users will think the exact opposite. I Netflix daily - but from the 50" TV in the Living Room or the 42" TV in the Bedroom, never from the 21" computer screen.
  12. We could "probably" make changes to one version's browser_strings.xml and carry that .xml over to a newer version, but I prefer to avoid any possible mistakes so I modify each-and-every build totally from scratch. I wish there were more MSFN users actually INTERESTED in 360Chrome. It has a lot of potential but the number of users here that use it can be counted on one hand! What really needs done is a total rewrite to get rid of all the REDUNDANCY. As an example, the phrase "Add to Bookmarks" exists about a DOZEN times in SIX different files. I'm OCD so all one dozen entries spanning six different files HAS TO BE IDENTICAL. ALL software developers should be OCD !!!...
  13. The most-recent Build 2206 that was labeled as (unran) has more corrections than the Build 2250. I'll likely redo the Build 2250 in the next few days or so but going through all of those changes takes a long time. The skin subdirectory with the browser_strings.xml file in particular takes a long time. When I redid Build 2206, I opted to Capitalze Every Menu Word like most modern browsers tend to do (unless it is a word like is, in, with, or, an, and).
  14. Crap! My apologies! That is the Russian Repack that my build STARTS FROM but that doesn't have ANY of my modifications. Here is the correct link -- https://www.dropbox.com/s/uqusfcjrbox9akz/360Chrome%20%28unran%29.zip?dl=0 My apologies.
  15. I would try the modified 2206 first. Is your YouTube test before or after you install any extensions?
  16. I see zero benefit to using DropMyRights (for any web browser of 2021!). It was discontinued in 2004 and its user-base practically fell off the face of the earth in 2009/2010. XP was released in 2001, SP1 was released in 2002, SP2 was released in 2004, and SP3 was released in 2008. uBlock became available in 2014. I would resurrect JauntePE before reurrecting DropMyRights.
  17. I would delete the Build 1006 version (for now at least), you only need to delete the files. It was for curiosity/testing since Build 2250 was crashing for a few of us. I've reverted to Build 2206 and I have it available from the below links (if we find that Build 2206 crashes for a few of us then I'll revisit Build 1006) -- https://www.dropbox.com/s/vk7fkatsa27l7mz/360_extreme_explorer_13.0.2206.0.zip?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/277hb9m3n09dnvy0vgn3h/13.0.2206.0.xls?dl=0&rlkey=tcjlaugbf76xzssd04uxdh1b4 EDIT: the above .zip is the Russian Repack - UNMODIFIED Here is the correct link to my Build 2206 -- https://www.dropbox.com/s/uqusfcjrbox9akz/360Chrome%20%28unran%29.zip?dl=0 Do note that version 9.5 is expected to be slightly faster than version 13, but I wouldn't expect too much of a difference on an HP EliteBook 8540p. I may do an actual BENCHMARK test between the two (as opposed to "gut feelings"), but I'm in no hurry for that. My biggest thing is that v13 CAN DO stuff that v9.5 simply can NOT DO, so it's a balancing act, are those CAN DO'S worth the SLIGHT (if even noticeable!) speed difference? To me they are because I don't own a phone and require v13 to use as a phone. But in the ever-evolving internet, it won't be long before v9.5 simply cannot do half of what it used to be able to do. Web sites are constantly changing and using "new code" that older browsers can't decypher/execute/render.
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