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Everything posted by asdf2345

  1. Yeah, safe mode crashes too. Also, 72 hours is a long time, yesterday I slept after almost 36 hours, which I think was the longest I've gone.
  2. Also, I don't think I saved the stop codes, but the minidumps should have the stop codes. If not, I can try rebooting back into my Vista install, and try getting them. Staying up for as long as I did trying to install Vista yesterday (and the day before that) has worn me down, so if you don't respond soon, I'll be sleeping.
  3. The only drivers I have installed are XHCI, and even then, I got the bluescreens before installing the drivers with other installs. I've also tried running the RAM at auto instead of using the XMP profile like I was, but that didn't help.
  4. It was a SATA SSD. I give up, I can't get Vista working, Also, the driver broke Server 2008 and Vista for me, causing it to either not boot up, or freeze if I tried installing it in setup
  5. I fully updated Vista on another machine, will transfer over the SSD, and see if I need to get any Server 2008 updates
  6. Now I'm mega confused, Server 2008 now experiences the same issues, when the previous install worked fine
  7. Windows Server 2008 works fine on the hardware, but because of a few programs I use not wanting to work on a server OS, I went back to Vista, and tried to use my new knowledge to fix the issue. I tried installing from disk with no XHCI drivers, no effect I tried the generic XHCI drivers instead of AMD official XHCI drivers, no effect. I tried installing Vista Business instead of Vista Ultimate, no effect. I tried replacing all the drivers from Vista with the drivers from 2008, it made things worse. I tried installing KB2886840 and KB3013808, KB2886840 wasn't needed according to the system, and KB3013808 installed, but didn't fix the problem. I also installed KB2864202 to try and fix the issue, and for those generic XHCI drivers, but it had no effect. The bluescreens are Bad_Pool_Header, Bad_Pool_Caller, and IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal. There might be more, but I haven't had automatically reboot after system crash turned off for long I have some minidumps from my current and previous install, if those are helpful Previous install minidumps Current install minidumps I'm going to try one more thing, but it requires a reinstall, so whatever you suggest will be done on a fresh install of Ultimate
  8. I have an idea. Could you try installing Vista with a stock MSDN ISO, without any updates?
  9. I already reinstalled the OS. I also don't remember making this its own topic
  10. Do you still have the ISO? My attempt at making one failed
  11. I'd try it, but I have Vista looking for a .sys file that doesn't exist from a driver I uninstalled, and won't boot because of it. If you know how I'd prevent Vista from looking for the ,sys file, I'd really like to know.
  12. Would it be possible to make a patcher that identifies the method to add the functions for the user's Vista install, and modifies the dlls without the user having to fool around and possibly break something?
  13. I halved the cores and threads. There you go, since nobody has guessed it
  14. I'll try making an ISO with the latest official Vista updates, but I won't go to Server 2008 updates, because I need my extended kernel
  15. Trying to get Vista to run on a Ryzen 7 2700X, and MSI X470 Gaming Pro Carbon. It's not going well, I get random BSODs during boot, sometimes even just seconds after it begins booting. I also get the BSODs when logging in, and during general use, and sometimes after pressing the reboot button. I don't know what is causing this, but I do have all the minidumps from the install and from me fooling around with the BIOS settings trying to fix the issue. I'll try making a ISO with all the updates and installing from a DVD, but I don't know if it'll fix anything https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/682652271343042653/735194565522227330/Minidump.7z
  16. Hmm, guess I'll need to build my own updated ISO, and try again Anything I need to know, like what software to use, and what order the updates go in, and such?
  17. I'm highly confused, on my display, it says I posted exactly the same link as you, but when I click it, there's semicolon at the end of my link, but not on yours
  18. Here's the rootsupd from the source http://media.kaspersky.com/utilities/CorporateUtilities/rootsupd.zip
  19. Anyone know of a WebExtension that allows me to change the viewport height that YouTube sees? On a 1920x1080 monitor, YouTube's old design has a somewhat small video window, but setting zoom to 90%, or changing the viewport height to a higher number increases the video size.
  20. You probably don't need any security updates. As long as you stay away from ads, you'd be fine. If someone ported TLS 1.3 to Firefox 3.6.28, it'd probably be safe to use with an adblocker. Though, the perfect browser for me at least would based off of a version of WebKit ported over to Windows, as it'd have the WebKit advantages, without the Google code.
  21. I got it working, and I'll see if you can figure out what I did (Hint: There's too few of something)
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