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Everything posted by dmiranda

  1. Sorry. I meant to put that comment in the supermium thread.
  2. Yup. Disabling the ungoogled supermium mode in flags AND deleting the --ungoogled-supermium switch makes GM and YT work again. In the previous version, they worked even with ungoogled supermium mode in flags.
  3. GM and YT work in vanilla profile, albeit with all the adds and scripts I don't like. In my usual profile (with tweaks, switches and flags with which they used to work) they don't work anymore (with ungoogled switches or not). In GM, the problem is non-functioning buttons next and such, which prevents login. In YT, empty portal, no search bar. The compact-ui switch now cuts tabs heigh in half, but without adjuting fonts, so the titles are also (vertically) cut in half. With my tweaked settings, I managed to get rid of google.com altogether from the list of search engines. Still, I can only use bing or yahoo. I would like to know how to add and make default searches of my choice. On the bright side, chrome processes close on exiting supermium. PS: a previous version of this post just dissappeared.
  4. Using BOTH process tamer 2.14 (which comes in the portable zip of the app), together with process lasso (set supermium "always" priority class to below normal) works in my set up to tame processor usage peaks, making supermium quite stable, actually (compared to using either app separately or, needless to say, none of them).
  5. True that - but I prefer sp52 to pm. My rule is: for work related websites (unless unnecessarily scripted) sp2, for social mypal68. For sites that don't work in those two, supermium, or else tablet or linux mint laptop.
  6. In Argentina, ATMs (POS terminals?) seem to be running XP -judging by the occasional error screens. They surely pay for security updates. I have set up well trimmed, secured XP terminals in some governmental offices in Argentina (and some other places of the world, too) and know they are still running. I'm sure they do not pay for security updates, nor do they need to do so (like we all know).
  7. Well, on topic, process tamer 2.14 (which I now see comes in the portable zip of the link I first gave) works in my set up and helps me tame processor usage peaks in the latest version of mypal. I also use process lasso, which I find better suited for memory management, as its "always" priority class process settings sometimes freezes browsing apps (in my set up), while process tamer doesn't. That occasional freezing may not occur in mypal (I will try it - it's always good to have alternatives)
  8. For me the portable version (the zip file) works well.
  9. Looking at https://portableapps.com/node/67329, the 1.8.15 telegram version by John T. Haller now works in XP, at least the basic messaging functions. Haven't tried voice chat...
  10. The latest version of LMMS (https://lmms.io/download, extract and seems portable, not sure if stealth) runs well in my set up (that includes VirtualMIDISynth DITTO with openmtp retro (https://openmpt.org/download_file.php?file=OpenMPT-
  11. The taming of mypal.exe (force low) using process tamer' configuration (https://www.donationcoder.com/software/mouser/popular-apps/process-tamer -I have somehow version 2.14.01, the site reports 2.11.01, go figure) allows me to run now more than 5-10 pages without crashing tabs or browser -note that . See my conf in attached image. Cheers! PS: I think I reported this for sp52 some years ago.
  12. I was wondering why I was not having issues with supermium topping cpu. I think one of the reasons, beyond my comments in my testing-notes before, may be the taming of chrome.exe (force low) using process tamer' configuration (https://www.donationcoder.com/software/mouser/popular-apps/process-tamer -I have somehow version 2.14.01, the site reports 2.11.01, go figure). I guess that may explain it, because I decided to add mypal68 (I had sp52 and chrome there already), and it allows me to run now more than 5-10 pages without crashing tabs or browser. Cheers!
  13. The (similar) fix in basilisk 52 doesn't affect Tx Clock.
  14. My guess is the change discussed in this link and previous disucssion: https://msfn.org/board/topic/185966-my-browser-builds-part-5/?do=findComment&comment=1263997
  15. Maybe due to the changes in clock js, Tz clock extension doesn't work anymore, reporting only standard time.
  16. And as @66cats argued somewhere, I'm having so much undescriptable fun!
  17. Yeah, @chermany4ever, @NotHereToPlayGames started a very interesting thread about proxo somewhere in this forum. His efforts made me try proxomitron for a second time (first time in the early 2000s), but he is right: the proxomitron learning curve is steep, and there are ways to accomplish many things proxomitron offers, without the effort. I confess: I'm lazy. But if I had to stick to XP for internet matters, I would try it for a third (it's a charm) time. Until then, I'm still trying to run XP as a virtual desktop app in a mint environment. The constant efforts of many gentlemen/ladies(?) in this forum (cheers!) prevent me from doing (seriously) so at the time. Again, lazy I am.
  18. putty, bitviseSSH and WinSCP have been updated. Subject to further use, all seem to work fine in XP.
  19. And I completely agree in that it is (and has to be) XP OS issues - which brings us to supermium. I have to say that that guy @win32has delivered. I will make time to install an OS I've never used, to see his work directly on target (I would also call it fair game -and good practice- to point out that to have an open source community working with you, in your software, side by side with a shinier and prettier plus plus built around the thing we probably don't (or sadly can't) use -those would be acceptable terms, I guess). Be well.
  20. Cool. Would you mind sharing that script either here or in the monkey scripts thread?
  21. You can check if DOH is working setting user_pref("network.trr.mode", 3) - i generally use 2 (check https://github.com/bagder/TRRprefs). Also note that you do not need (and definitely don't have) to use cloudfare, which is the default for DOH -check https://github.com/curl/curl/wiki/DNS-over-HTTPS for a long list of alternatives. If security is your concern, check quad9 (I personally use "quad9 security" at the network connection level, and another alternative, in the list above, for DOH in FF derivatives (including mypal).
  22. Hi! I'm trying it now in sp52, but for some reason the menu won't pop up in my setup. Is there anyway to debug it? I checked the console, just in case, but nothing. Thanks!
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