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Everything posted by dmiranda

  1. I'm quite happy with it. They know I enter 5 times (I'd prefer they had seen 5 different browsers, but hey, I don't use a vpn -will try wih TOR), but they have 0% trust on their results.
  2. value 0 leaves you downloading every font, when available, or staring at a broken page. TOR, I think, uses value 0, since it has an inbrowser cache of fonts.
  3. These are the ones I play with. font.system.whitelist is the one I'm dealing with at the moment. Do not seem to do much, but what is found by different tests sites varies and, more importantly, the hash/fingerprint extracted from the fonts varies within tests, if repeated over time with a hardened set up. user_pref("browser.display.use_document_fonts", 1); // default, 0 doesn't expose system fonts, 1 uses all or those set in font.system.whitelist (confirm) user_pref("font.blacklist.underline_offset", ""); // set, original was "FangSong,Gulim,GulimChe,MingLiU,MingLiU-ExtB,MingLiU_HKSCS,MingLiU-HKSCS-ExtB,MS Gothic,MS Mincho,MS PGothic,MS PMincho,MS UI Gothic,PMingLiU,PMingLiU-ExtB,SimHei,SimSun,SimSun-ExtB,Hei,Kai,Apple LiGothic,Apple LiSung,Osaka" user_pref("font.internaluseonly.changed", true); // not sure what this is, appears on settings when the font.system.whitelist is populated, I believe user_pref("font.name.monospace.x-western", "FontAwesome"); // many pages, including msfn, use it for buttons and such. I download those fonts manually, and "install" them in system user_pref("font.size.variable.x-western", 14); user_pref("font.system.whitelist", "Arial, Batang, Cambria Math, Courier New, Gautami, Georgia, Lucida Console, MS Gothic, MS Mincho, MS PGothic, MS PMincho, MV Boli, Malgun Gothic, Mangal, Meiryo, Meiryo UI, Microsoft Himal\ aya, Microsoft JhengHei, Microsoft JengHei UI, Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft YaHei UI, MingLiU, Noto Sans Buginese, Noto Sans Khmer, Noto Sans Lao, Noto Sans Myanmar, Noto Sans Yi, Nyala, PMingLiU, Plantagenet Cherokee, Raavi, Segoe UI, Shruti, SimSun, Sylfaen, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Tunga, Verdana, Vrinda, Yu Gothic UI, Sans-Serif, FontAwesome"); // [HIDDEN PREF] *-* there a number of standard lists out there. I'll play with these for a while. user_pref("gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled", false); // set *-* user_pref("gfx.downloadable_fonts.woff2.enabled", false); // set *-* user_pref("gfx.font_rendering.graphite.enabled", false); // set user_pref("gfx.font_rendering.opentype_svg.enabled", false); // set user_pref("layout.css.font-loading-api.enabled", false); // set *-* these 5 css.font entries prevent coveryourtracks tests from completing. user_pref("layout.css.font-visibility.level", 1); // set *-* 1 system fonts, 2 is 1+user fonts, 3 is whatever is there user_pref("layout.css.font-visibility.resistFingerprinting", 1); // set *-* user_pref("layout.css.font-visibility.standard", 1); // set *-* user_pref("layout.css.font-visibility.trackingprotection", 1); // set *-* user_pref("svg.disabled", false); // default, otherwise it breaks FB, probably linkedin and YT buttons
  4. I will have to give proxomitron a second (or third) try. Thanks for the corrected link.
  5. I worry more about fonts. Canvases I have many, and my e-oligopoly accounts are full of warning messages about weird logins. Faking fonts is much more difficult to do (but also more labor intensive on part of the spy-monkey). One interesting experiment, in the same spirit of Arkenfox, is https://github.com/da2x/fluxfonts:it creates, as advertised, fonts on the fly, changing your font profile by the hour. Unfortunately it is built for W10-11 (besides linux). In another life I would have loved to learn to build from source and try this very little (only 76kb) program in XP.
  6. I have never used oauth (except on the cellphone(s)). Generally, I quote from common cites in internet, oauth is a method for "access delegation, commonly used as a way for internet users to grant websites or applications access to their information on other websites but without giving them the passwords". Except for accessing email, where you may need the password AND authorization from the owner of the account being accessed (even if it is yours). To access a particular email account, as per my limited experience, this is done by sending you a code from somebody with authority granting you access. This is generally done by sending codes via sms or email. In some of the jobs I had to perform, this meant somebody sending you the code to unblock your petition to access. If they didn't, you couldn't login, and received messages/warnings (in mailnews, and thunderbird before) similar to the one you posted. You need the password and the authorization. In my personal use, I only need to use oath to grant access to mailnews or CarotDAV to the email provider (GG, YH, HM, etc). The last time I had to do such things was a couple of years ago. That is all I wanted and can say. Cheers!
  7. As is always the case with a really tweaked set up. If it weren't such a pain in the neck to set up multiple accounts, I would start with a fresh profile. I should, in any case, do that soon (I did it a couple of years ago) for privacy/security reasons. Maybe trying your new version of UB will give me the necessary impetus. Cheers!
  8. Hi @XPerceniol, in mypal68, Chamaleon (successor of legacy xul random user agent extension) allows you to fake your screen size, among other things. It won't protect you from super-agent Maxwell Smart (CONTROL), but it will keep your privacy with most sites, unless you whitelist them (as you have to with the e-oligololy).
  9. I remember receiving similar messages when trying to access a given company's email account. It required prior approval of the login request by someone's phone (it could be through email too, I guess).
  10. I am able to run AdGuard tracking (first image), as well as the CNAME disguised mail_trackers and CNAME disguised trackers lists (image 2) in sp52. URL tracking protection list is reduced to 3 out of 3 ;P. What I can't make work, even with version 1.54 in mypal is https://github.com/AdguardTeam/cname-trackers/blob/master/data/combined_disguised_microsites.txt. BTW, I just imported these lists, no problem (except that UB -Astroskiper's version- reports using 0 of 0 items combined disguised microsites: as with Adguard's URL tracking list, UB legacy can't even parse the list, I reckon. PS: I realized that https://ublockorigin.github.io/uAssets/filters/resource-abuse.txt wasn't working, now I know why. Please note, though, that in newer versions of UB, running in "newer" forks of FF, the list works well alongside UB - privacy. PSS: as per annoyances, what I do is to import the lists, then UB places it in annoyances. Annoying, but effective ;P
  11. Hi. I tried. I could install, but unfortunately, I cannot enter the dashboard, nor the logger. I'll wait and try your new version. Thanks!
  12. Hi there!I'll check if adblocker installs and works in mailnews. My main interest is https://github.com/AdguardTeam/cname-trackers, which works in ublock (but ublock 1.16 doesn't work in mailnews). I will test with adblocker or other similar. Thanks!
  13. Hi. Does anyone know if there is a version of ublock origin working in mailnews? Thanks.
  14. Just as an illustration, see the printout of lightbeam (addon that shows the sites you visit, and the resources (cdn, fonts, etc) they take from the cloud. These are 200 pages/subpages I visit almost daily, for work and leisure (all mainstream). For my research I have similar pics in sp52. If you visit those sites without proper settings, the app will show not the neat balls you see below, but a bunch of interconnected meshes made of sites, and of the common resources they use to keep our attention. To avoid that interconnection means privacy. But that information remain in your isp, and the multiple cloud-spaces where (generic) you have most of your data, which makes that information a security issue. For that reason, site/tab isolation (containerization) is a must. And for that reason, you should use, if your hardware allows, multiprocess.
  15. In another thread (webp and exodus from the internet or similar), someone mentioned qwant serves(d) webp images. Are you using a post september build?
  16. Arkenfox stuff (including its precedents) has been around for more than a decade, I reckon. So has UB. Both work well in mypal68, provided you read with attention.
  17. I think @Sampei.Nihira put it all there. I follow (according to my taste and needs) arkenfox's user.js prescriptions. Two points to add. 1) I (nowadays) use this relatively unique profile in a unique browser to access the big cats of the e-oligopoly. As a foreigner, therefore, all data in this profile are belong to them, so to speak. There my contribution to thee. 2) I even surf in what they manage to suggest, and let them bots spy each other spying my not clicking any of the bait. So far I still get the fish, so I'm not thinking much of plan b, seriously ;P.
  18. Same said of prior visits, same day, same browser.
  19. Right now I just got: "Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 190,855 tested in the past 45 days.Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys at least 17.54 bits of identifying information." This was the last of many, 5 maybe 6 test today, all unique. One addon that manages to solve the issue of useragent (the principal vector of uniqueness testing with a fresh profile) is chamaleon, an old and very good xul extension (gone webextension now) with the same functions as before, and effective in mypal. I use the old xul extension in sp52, but it's database of browsers is unusable, really.
  20. Not quite true, once or twice over the last few years I was there too, at least once every time (that I can remember of), I must remark.
  21. Well, I have visited that place with a number of browsers (including mypal) to confirm, every time, my uniqueness.
  22. How many people do you think are browsing with ff68 right now?
  23. Well. I don't know about adguard (except for its lists), but thank you very much for sharing your knowledge over time. I can confirm that using UB in hard mode you can both have most (not all) of your current social media requirements, while allowing you to surf with relative privacy. I wonder, @Sampei.Nihira, what lists would you recommend for a beast like mypal68. Be well.
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