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Everything posted by oneless

  1. yes @Barian , my file Windows XP sp2.bmp is displayed as wallpaper after a fresh install of Windows instead of bliss like @T D said , the file will be copied by windows itself in his right place c:\windows\web\wallpaper in fact all content of $OEM$\$$\ folder will be copied during installation in c:\windows\ (%windir%) folder. the code is runned by a file named applications.cmd (name it what you want) at path $OEM$\$1\Install\ and this .cmd file is launched in WINNT.SIF by GUIRunOnce section [GUIRunOnce] %systemdrive%\install\applications.cmdall content of $OEM$\$1\Install\ folder will be copied in c:\ (%systemdrive%) folder by windows . applications.cmd @echo off echo. echo . REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\APPlications_before.reg EXIT APPlications_before.reg is also in $OEM$\$1\Install\ folder and contain the code in my post above. you can read all this folders stuff and more in the guide Unattended Windows , here at MSFN.
  2. Romanian attached , 5.1 updated. 220 is the wanted value for wpi.htm/glossy theme.lang_ro.js
  3. 1. debug mode checked , install process start ! 2. thank you @sadicq for your work but, my boot time is already high (or extra high for bitdefender systems) so i will wait for implementation in future versions and because this ISNT a real problem no much pain here if will not be implemented. @sadicq have you a variant of old/first version of config.au3 who work with 5.x ? the version who only create the text file .
  4. or you can simply SET your custom background : my file is Windows XP SP2.bmp i put them in $OEM$\$$\Web\Wallpaper and run this ;Change the Default Wallpaper to the one you want [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General] "BackupWallpaper"="c:\\windows\\web\\wallpaper\\Windows XP SP2.bmp" "Wallpaper"="c:\\windows\\web\\wallpaper\\Windows XP SP2.bmp" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "TileWallpaper"="0" "Wallpaper"="C:\\WINDOWS\\Web\\Wallpaper\\Windows XP SP2.bmp" "WallpaperStyle"="2" make sure is .bmp your file normally if is .jpg or other , windows xp will make a temporar .bmp from him and put it in local documents and settings\user\...bla bla i dont know how or if will work uA with above settings if isnt .bmp
  5. tool tips , text location : left is right and right is left. at least here .
  6. no bug , at least no so important , old issue from 4.x versions here with hided entries in config.js sadicq ask for my config.js now with picture anf config.js (all entries have cond with FileExist) config2.js
  7. thank you very much . works very well on my home computer. but , on one computer at my work the copy to button is disabled for the Administrator account even i am logged with another account with administrative privilegies. (i want to copy there the Administrator settings for other user.) is there a solution ? or maybe i miss something ?
  8. NOT A BUG , just an effect of changing of Glossy layout and depend of language. probably will appear in other languages too. this not happend in versions up to 5.1. so , how can I manipulate the text over there ? size, font ...pozition ? or how can i enlarge the width of that column ? of course without affect the others.
  9. or you can use Crap Cleaner for cleaning more than IE's cache.
  10. Wellcome to WPI forum ! both , WPI and autoIT are very happy with long names with spaces in them. can you be more explicit , or maybe can do an example ?
  11. nice script ! but if for me is important the install order for few critical updates : @IcemanND , how is modified %%U in your script ? (grown alfabetically / after entry date in folder...)
  12. nice tool . work fine on my home computer. i had need once for a friend... now i will keep it.
  13. of course. isnt this the name : forced ?i said only that the behaviour of up_to_WPI4.3.8beta2 (last i used before 5.0beta1) is different from wpi5.x force on exit checked, do not make me happy. so i dont use it . with force on exit UNchecked - wpi_up_to_438, on begin install execute all forced, on exit do not execute forced - wpi_5.x , on begin install DO NOT execute forced, on exit do not execute forced i dont know if the boolean was right there in 4.3.8 or now in 5.x but i used it in 4.3.8, with proper numbers ordr[pn] in config.js, i had more than one execute_after. this is all. for me just a vanished (used) feature. i reconfigured my config.js and i can live with a single execute_after. thats all. now happy can make me (an who know , maybe others ..!) an execute_before_before and an execute_after_after (an execute_before_before executed before even wpi.hta kernel is started an execute_after_after executed after wpi.hta/mshta.exe is completly ended ) because i still need to use for that a wpi.cmd. always more options , more flexibility.but like i said , i can live without THIS option anyway , for my configuration now this isnt a priority . other opinions ...??
  14. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...75447&st=51 still need to read points 3 and (especially) 4
  15. no sound here ! RC2 had. sorry ! in this moment RC2 il also without sound. my last night install is MP10 do not recognize .mid, .wav !??? i change only alanoll winamp kit ? i wil have a long night...
  16. bugs still reports here ? i will made a file for you , to study, after my uA_DVD this monthall my entries in config.js have fileexist as cond[] , so you cannot view something.. without programs in their locations old minor bug, no rush...
  17. thanks @sadicq , the trick do the job.
  18. thank you , thank you ... but PLEASEeee..... , tell me what part of code i must to killfor not disable this checkboxes ? i dont care if this will not be a standart in WPI final i need it, i will make here manually... i done this with 4.3 but, i can find the code to replace for4 4.3 but in 5.o is something else , no ?
  19. two things about WPI_Log.txt , both very easy to do 1. if exist WPI_Log.txt , do not overwrite , apend instead of course delimited somehow with graphical nothing to loose with append way. 2. all lines indented , except those with errors simply to view errors or other method to view easily errors
  20. sorry , can you elaborate ... ? for us ... what is in your mind ?!... good chance ! for...?
  21. like i said : or maybe the antivirus producers know some i dont.and after 18 months on my computer cmdow.exe... i realize now than i never copied cmdow in my \%SystemRoot%\System32 ..! and yes was detected there too...??? i use it since i discover WPI here at MSFN . maybe WPI copy it there ? i dont think this... so.. deleted ... and ask help from autoIT to do the job .
  22. so , if i want to check at $Regpath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows Media Player 10\KB911565" if exist the key $KeyToCheck = "DisplayVersion" and if exist the $KeyToCheck, at $Regpath with a value $KeyValueExpected = "2" and only then my gcond must be true (i use this in an autoIT script) you say I can use without error something like gcond[pn]=['try{WshShell.regRead($Regpath\\$KeyToCheck) == $KeyValueExpected ? true : false}catch(ex){;}']; or translated gcond[pn]=['try{WshShell.regRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Updates\\Windows Media Player 10\\KB911565\\DisplayVersion") == "2" ? true : false}catch(ex){;}'];
  23. file deleted here too. false positive , or maybe the antivirus producers know some i dont. after 18 months on my computer cmdow.exe was first detected on-line scanning , 4..5 weeks ago, sorry dont remember who/where and from 2..3 weeks my local bitdefender says same about cmdow. .. ? no you dont. cmdow just hide a .cmd/DOS window. i prefere to see a dos window vs. an antivirus alert. especially when i insert my WPI DVD in other computer (friends... !)
  24. no bug , just an old problem who still exist with no_column_break_in_categories checked : if i have 20 categories , each with 14 programs but 13 of them in every category hided (cond[]=false) , wpi will show 20 programs in 20 columns (1program x 20categories) (7 pages with 3 columns) each column with only one program listed wpi still preserve space in columns for ALL programs in a category i dont know if is easy to count the programs in a category AFTER the cond[] is evaluated ...
  25. felicitari pentru promovare . (ours local football teams gets both promotions to first league) i know .bat files 100% will work on w98. but , what i dont know is if ALL my commands inside my .cmd files will work (especially regs commands ?...) .bat files are 100% compatible with .cmd files ? this really i dont know...
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