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Everything posted by loblo

  1. The problem appears to be down to the regutils.dll in the cab file that needs a new function from Kernel32.dll. I have rebuild that cab with the regutils.dll from update 31 and edited the msi with orca because the resulting cab file had an invalid signature. Doing that it only partially installs and must be completed by hand after which it seems to be working OK, tested briefly on a couple of apps I have on disk and on a couple of online applets with K-Meleon. Grab it here: http://www.4shared.com/archive/Sq96KIGu/JRE6u32_fixed.html Run the msi installer and once it's done, copy the files in the "Copy 2 Windows" folder to your Windows folder and the one in the "Copy 2 System" folder to your System folder overwriting the files already in place which still are the old ones. Finally merge the registry file after making sure the paths it contains are also your paths, otherwise adjust them before merging. Once all this is done done it should work OK.
  2. Since dencorso has updated the list with my new system without doing the usual thread bump ( ), please allow me guys to bump it myself: This topic has been updated! What's New? on post #2: loblo's 4GB system (the only known 4GB Windows Me system in the world ) has been added.
  3. Yeah libmupdf.dll must also be hexed if one's using the install version, the portable version which I was using at the time hasn't got any dlls. I am now using the install version as well as I decided to use it as my browser plugin for pdf because of its blazing speed. Glad it's working for you as well.
  4. Well you could perhaps download and test with this one I mentioned in the other thread:
  5. Btw, here are some more netapi32 functions you may want to add in your dll: NetGetAnyDCName NetGroupEnum NetGroupGetInfo NetGroupGetUsers NetShareEnum NetUserGetGroups
  6. This one is working OK but it's not so different than mine since netbios is stubbed and not forwarded. For testing the other one I used a mixture of method 2 and 3 which is to say I did rename your dll to netapi32.dll and did put in the application folder and I also copied to it the original netapi32.dll from the system folder (renamed as NetApi00.dll of course) which theoretically should have been working for the netbios function if I am not mistaken. Have you succesfully tested a netbios function forwarding and if so can you tell on which program so I can try it out myself?
  7. http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk
  8. Hi jumper, the netbios forwarder thing doesn't seem to actually work here. If I check with dependency walker, it appears OK but upon trying to start the program it fails with a message saying the blahblah file is linked to missing export NETAPI32.DLL:Netbios. Also, the NetMessageBufferSend function isn't available in your dll. I've got that 3DVIA Printscreen program (for capturing 3D models from opengl and directx applications) that's got a dll requiring both NetMessageBufferSend and Netbios from netapi32 and it works absolutely fine with a netapi32 I made myself a while ago and that has both functions as dummies but it fails with yours for the reasons I mentioned above.
  9. That's weird, it's working fine here (in Opera). The non-IE browsers rely on the mozillaplugins registry key to find plugins other than those installed in their own plugins directory so perhaps the flash subkey got deleted for some reason on your system though after thinking about it I think it is unlikely since installing the plugin for IE as you did should not create this key I guess. Sample Flash subkey: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MozillaPlugins\@adobe.com/FlashPlayer] "Path"="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\Macromed\\Flash\\NPSWF32.dll" "ProductName"="Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Plugin" "Vendor"="Adobe Systems Incorporated" "Description"="Adobe® Flash® Player 10.1 Plugin" "Version"="" "XPTPath"="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\Macromed\\Flash\\flashplayer.xpt"
  10. Here it's always been the user resources that have been the main problem and that's why I deeply regret Tihiy didn't finally implement user salvation in RP (as gdi salvation works wonders). Btw, if you can get your hands on some copy of the old McAffee Nuts & Bolts utilities (sold under various names and packaging), you'll find in it the WinGauge monitoring utility, which is AFAIK (you'll let me know if this is wrong) the only utility showing separately the use of the 16bit and 32bit resource heaps. It also shows use of GDT and LDT (GDT is never an issue). And Dencorso, I don't think it's accurate at all to say that too little a GDIMaxHeapSize is the main issue with resources as this the 32bit heap and when things go wrong, in my observation, it's always because of the depletion of the 16bit heaps which are limited to 64k.
  11. Primary browser: latest Opera with a few carefully selected extensions such as the superb NoAds Advanced with which you can permanently and easily remove any type of ads on a per site basis, best browser for 98/ME, and by a far stretch IMO. Rarely used secondary browsers: Firefox 8 for WebGL content and K-Meleon 1.6.0 Beta2 for java applets. For those who hate flash, javascript and so on, you may want to have a look at Dillo, a super small, super secure and super fast browser without plugins, javascript or html5 support.
  12. I could run Sumatra PDF 2.0 by putting an XP ntdll.dll (renamed 9xdll.dll) in the Sumatra folder and hexing the string ntdll.dll to 9xdll.dll in SumatraPDF.exe and I guess a stub dll with dummy wcsncat and vsprintf functions would work just as well. I tried to hack AV Splitter to try to make it work several times but unlike with FFDShow and LAVFilter I was never successful unfortunately.
  13. I am wondering what those bugs might be...
  14. Same method and issues as with previous version of Java 6. Run the exe installer then find and run the msi extracted in the application data\Sun\Java folder. Once installed, delete the new plugin from the jre install dir. Won't work in Firefox 3.6 though, for running java applets in a browser with jre6 you need FF 3.5, Opera 10.10 or K-meleon 1.6.0 Beta2.
  15. loblo, When this player gets updated again will you be able to send another one of those fixes? Google for a portable flash player next time there is an update and you should find one as easily as I found this one, I didn't do it myself.
  16. here: https://rapidshare.com/#!download|874p2|3790317690|Plugin_Portable_Flash_11.2.202.228.paf.exe|3546|R~2F7CAA2B9666023960F3C3BA8208910B|0|0 Unpack with 7z and replace the one that's installed with this new one and that's all there is to do.
  17. Google for a portable version if you're not afraid it might contain malware and copy the NPSWF32.dll over the one that's already installed (in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Macromed\Flash\ on my machine) I have just done that and it seems to be running OK in Opera 11.62. (2K compat mode required for NPSWF32.dll)
  18. It's awesome isnt'it? I figured out I could launch Opera from shortcuts through launcher.exe as well so after a bit of fiddling I found out what needs to be entered in the target field of the shortcut so if I click on it while Opera is already running it will just nicely open a new tab instead of the gibberish chinese: "C:\Program Files\Opera\LAUNCHER.EXE" OperaNewWin " " And if someone is suffering from being unable to drag an url to the desktop, an issue which I found out is older than I thought and also affects some XP and 7 systems for reasons that aren't very clear, there is a very nice workaround that's been found a while ago here: http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=193574 Follow the instructions carefully, not missing creating the new MIME type and you'll end up with a button somewhere on your toolbar, I have placed it between the navigation buttons and the address field, on which you can just click to automatically save the url file of the current web page to the desktop.
  19. TWAIN is only for scanners AFAIK and btw I am not sure TWAIN even requires STI. WIA is mostly for digital cameras but if you've got an USB flash card reader you can do without it easily I guess. I stripped WIA from my WinMe system long ago. I can't really remember exactly why but it had to do with it kicking regularly in for no reason I believe.
  20. Seamonkey (2.7) appears to use the function PrintDlgW and it prints fine here (to adobe pdf writer as I don't have a real printer installed right now). However it doesn't seem to print anymore if it uses jumper's comdlg32 so I think the recommended way to use it now should be on a per application basis and remove the comdlg32 entry in the system knowndll registry key.
  21. Either hex the string PrintDlgExW to the string PrintDlgExA in SumatraPDF or the string PrintDlgExA to the string PrintDlgExW in jumper's comdlg32.dll and it should work after that with any method.
  22. Can't you copy the link and then paste it in Opera's address bar? That's what I am doing. I sure would love if there was a fix for that bug though.
  23. None of the services I have listed are starting from a registry runservice key as far as I can see and to tell you the truth I have never been able to find the startup vectors for any of them despite looking quite a bit. mprexe.exe, msgsrv32.exe, and mmtask.tsk all run with a service flag. Shutting down those processes may not kill the OS but it comes at the cost of significant loss of functionality for most of them.
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