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Everything posted by loblo

  1. Aida32, just like the Free Everest Home Edition (more or less the same software) has only some of these functions, it doesn't show my CPU internal sensor temperature data like HWMonitor does, it doesn't seem to do GPU temp or SMART either. However AIDA32/Everest Free are the best apps I know for quickly checking for possible hardware conflicts on 98/ME (under Devices/Device Resources).
  2. Are you saying this out of experience? On the basis of your post I downloaded speedfan again and it's business as usual with it, it recognizes no drives in my system. No IDE drive because I use the VIA IDE drivers instead of Microsoft's ones and no SATA/SCSI either as usual.
  3. You CPUID's HWMonitor? v1.17 was suggested, but I'm betting that v1.19 (latest) will work. It's a "standalone" program (download the ZIP and decompress) - try it.(note - not going to reboot for the test - just try it...). Well, it was suggested because that's the latest version working with 98/ME: http://www.cpuid.com/downloads/hwmonitor/1.17-win98.zip. Other versions don't work.
  4. This is not an Opera hepdesk thread, if you've got issues with Opera, please open a new thread or post in the Opera thread.
  5. There is no all in one program that does it all and sits in the tray unfortunately but I found that with my hardware/drivers configuration the following three program let me view almost everything CPUID Hardware Monitor 1.17.0 (CPU/Mobo temp and voltages and CPU fan speed) Riva Tuner 2.24 (GPU temp) Victoria 4.46b (HDD SMART data including temperature, doesn't rely on smartvsd like many other such utilities so can view SMART for IDE drives not using esdi506.pdr like mine and SATA drives, it doesn't however work with drives I have on a Promise controller)
  6. As I have already mentioned, most (all?) uncompressed (and uncorrupted) executable files have many such 2k+ "holes" in them so i am not sure how easily if at all your tools will let you see which of those "holes" are due to corruption and which are not. Anyway, here is a nice little hex editor you may find interesting/useful, it's called BZ and it's got the rare feature of being able of displaying a bitmap image of the opened file (with zeros represented as white) and it is very easy to identify visually (and jump to) the location of various thing in executables with it, large areas consisting of zeros being the easiest to spot. http://download.forest.impress.co.jp/pub/win/b/binaryeditbz/bz162.zip
  7. I use Win Me so I never switch to MS-Dos mode as there isn't such an option on this OS (Who does this anyway and for what purpose? ) so I grant you that there might be an issue here as I can't check this out myself. The freeze on shutdown of the computer affects only the latest drivers AFAIK and is a very minor issue IMO. But then you've also mentioned, independently of the above, IO Protection fault and many other random problems... What are those? I have never encountered any of that, and let me tell you that if these were common issues with series 5, 6, and 7 we would have heard about them since a long time on here as there are more than a few people frequenting those forums who use those cards...
  8. I think almost everyone here know how series 7 works I do not talk that does not work, but i'm said that did not work stable, starting with the series 5 Of course, the problem is not in the cards, but in drivers. I have zero stability issues with either a 7800GS or a 7950GT on my system. I have used both long enough to be 100% certain of that. And the same goes for the FX5200 I had before that. I use the beta/unofficial 82.69 drivers and the only minor issues are 1) the well known shutdown issue with those drivers and 2) the 7950GT fan doesn't spin unless I force it to be always on in the NVidia control panel. (the 7950GT requires the rloew RAM patch to run at all as it's a 512MB card). 3) I had to downgrade nvopengl.dll to the 81.98 version to avoid non fatal but annoying crashes in Java applications using OpenGL. Three different persons have now told you that in their experience what you are saying is wrong but you still insist on making the same sweeping generalization...
  9. No posts have vanished, they've just been moved here:
  10. If a few bytes or even a single bit of code has been corrupted, Mitec or any other PE analyzer will show you what appears to be a valid file when in fact it is not. There is no way you can be certain of the integrity of those files unless they've been checksumed, either individually or the ISO itself and you can then verify the integrity But you knew all that already, didn't you?
  11. Yep, 0.42.5 wouldn't run because my system was missing a needed environment variable path and I edited the tk file so I could run it immediately without needing to add that variable to autoexec.bat and reboot to get the program to run.
  12. The opera.exe you've found in the folder you've extracted with 7-Zip is the browser itself, just double click on it to run it.
  13. Looking foward to reading your post-doctorate thesis on the topology of internet forums multibooter.
  14. Next you just right click on opera.exe, set it to NT4 or 2000 compat mode and then you run it by double clicking on it, that's all. Btw, when you install 7-zip it installs a shell extension in explorer with which you can extract archive, including self-extracting executables such as the Opera installer, without needing to launch 7-Zip itself, that's the context menu I was speaking about. Also be aware that if you've got another version of opera somewhere else in a folder named opera they will both share the same settings, history etc... I f you want to have separate settings for different versions of Opera, make sure they are in folders that have different names as Opera will use, or create if none exist, a folder of the same name as the one containing the Opera.exe under C:\Windows\Application Data\Opera. If you've got Opera in a folder named Opera, its settings will be stored in C:\Windows\Application Data\Opera If you've got Opera in a folder named Opera 11.64, its settings will be stored in C:\Windows\Application Data\Opera 11.64 And so on.
  15. Well, uncorrupted exe and dll files usually contain rather big areas of themselves filled with zeros (which is a part of why exe compression is often so efficient) so I don't think you can do anything along the lines of what you're looking for as you'd yeld countless false positives IMO. However what you may want to do in the future is use some synchronization utility that uses checksuming, crc32 or other, and compare the content of the CD and the ISO image with it immediately after creating the latter.
  16. Do you know guys, there is a Win XP subforum for discussing XP tweaks and the like... I just thought I'd let you know in case you weren't aware...
  17. I have no experience with serie 6 cards but never had the kind of major issues reported by RFMasterX with either serie 5 or serie 7 ones.
  18. You can extract Opera installers with the explorer context menu if you've got 7-zip installed and then you can just copy over an older installation or run it from the extraction folder for testing (as it then won't use settings of the installed version).
  19. Good riddance! Just joking of course.
  20. I don't experience any such crash with that app on my Win ME system. However I get error messages logged that appear to be down to the missing Kernel32 function SetDllDirectoryA that KernelEx handles but doesn't apparently emulate such as: Could not set 'D:\\DESKTOP\\PD\\PD-0.43.1-EXTENDED-20120509\\extra\\libdir' as DllDirectory(), '' might not load.} {} 2 { And it crashes in wish85 on exit. This said, I had a much harder time getting the stable 0.42.5 to run than this latest dev build, had to edit a .tk file for it to finally start. It then runs without any of the error messages of the 0.43 version and doesn't crash on exit. Also the bundled pd-settings.reg registry file must be converted to REGEDIT4 format and then merged to the registry otherwise most pd patches I did download would not properly run for failure of finding the required extra libraries/components such as GEM, etc... which are bundled with it. Then once you are in there it's even more complicated although it appears to be rather interesting and powerful for someone interested in DSP that has the time and patience to learn it. Not a software for everybody I guess.
  21. Without KernelEx, 10.10, with KernelEx, 11.64. Google for links they are not difficult to find at all. And btw it's not because your max internet bandwith has been increased by a factor of 3 that your download speed will similarly increase for everything you download. Many (most) websites will limit the bandwidth/datarate per connection to a certain maximum and if your connection is capable of more it simply remains unused.
  22. Confirmed here. As a matter of interest (sorry if this has already been stated) has anyone tried the beta version of Opera 12 on Windows 98 with KEx? I'm awaiting its release with some apprehension and trepidation that it will no longer work. Plugin support is broken on all versions above 12.00-1372. That's a complete show stopper for me as it means no flash. Other than that it seems to be running fine but I couldn't get it to use hardware acceleration or WebGL which are the two main new features besides the plugin wrapper helper executable.
  23. There are win98 drivers for the cruzer on the Sandisk website, without them (or the suggested unofficial mass storage update NUSB), you won't be able to use it. http://www.sandisk.co.uk/sandisk-support/driver-download-wizard
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