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Everything posted by loblo

  1. Bug and security fixes as well as support for latest Flash features perhaps... For as long as it works I don't see a reason not to keep up to date with it. Thanks for the link btw.
  2. Sorry Dave I have no clue at all however you've got all that's needed to install it by hand I would think. I guess you would just need to extract the cab file and copy its content into the java folder and then use the included folders and reg file to complete the install.
  3. Yeah, it's build 1448 too. I haven't installed it though, I just unpacked the installer but that shoudn't make a difference. Really not sure why I have got so many issues with this 12 version. I also can't add buttons by drag and drop, I have just checked that out.
  4. Same RP version so not sure why I freeze and you just crash. I've removed the plugin wrapper and gave it a quick test run but it doesn't work well here, some pages I visit regularly without any issues with 11.64 wont load at all (eBay) and some other load but are completely unresponsive (youtube). On the positive side I can see myself using 11.64 for a few more years. B)
  5. I was wondering if a new version of KernelEx could solve this 'issues' ? A new version of KernelEx could solve many issues but the question is: Is there ever going to be a newer version of KernelEx? I don't think chances are very high for that happening but hopefully I am wrong.
  6. Interesting, same user.exe version here, I have RP9 installed which interacts with it so that may be why I get a freeze. More interesting is that you can use the flash plugin despite the plugin wrapper shutting down.
  7. M-Audio Revolution 5.1 I think (also compatible with Win98) but not all XP drivers have Sensaura support it seems though. http://forums.m-audio.com/showthread.php?5355-Sensaura-on-Revolution-5-1-card
  8. I did succesfully install Java 7 a little while ago but it was non-functional unfortunately, the java executables crashing systematically on trying to execute any jar file so I reverted to Java 6. Bad news with Opera 12 as well, the latest build (RC1) has a fix for plugins not working in Windows 2000 but it now freezes the whole OS on launch, forcing to reboot.
  9. Yeah, and most probably of the Pebkac species, there seems to be a few of them who have abducted this thread.
  10. Based on the official Gimp 2.8 with some runtime files from the Gimp 2.7.x Partha builds and a few hacks. Some stuff that didn't work at all has been removed, python, some plugins and gegl plugins and some scripts but more stuff has been added, 100+ extra plugins, all existing GTK theme engines including the rare equinox engine and help files as well as a few scripts. Unfortunately the brush editor dialog, brush dynamics editor and the gradient editor are non functional and I could do nothing about that. A few themes are included and they can be selected by using the theme selector executable in the bin directory. Gimp should start by default in single window mode with the Clearlooks Human theme. Requirements: Windows 98/ME with KernelEx in Windows 2000 compatibility mode for the Gimp and Theme Selector executables and about 200MB disk space. PS: If using the brush seems abnormally slow, make sure color management is disabled in the preferences, this is a known Gimp issue and I am not sure if it's enabled or disabled by default. Grab it here: http://www.4shared.com/archive/NgUo4bmi/Gimp_280.html
  11. Oh dear, that is very bad news! Opera would be completely useless to me too without the plugins working. I really hope the KernelEx guys can fix this before the release of Opera 12. It turns out that plugins support is also broken on Windows 2000 and it is a known Opera issue so If they don't decide to drop Windows 2000 they should fix it within the next few builds I guess, touch wood.
  12. Don't you understand that all those directories are one and the same and that there is no problem on server's side? Client just displays whatever case I use for connecting and there I just made successive connections with different cases to get that. If I refresh the tree I am just left with one entry which is cased as it is on the server.
  13. Please read my post on top of this page instead of ignoring it and carrying on with the senselessness.
  14. You can't really get any help with so little details about your hardware, although since it's only 2/3 years old it might just be because you've got too much RAM on it.
  15. ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/Services/TechNet/samples/PS/Win98/Reskit is the address with the actual case on the server. If you paste the address as it is in the first post of this topic (ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/services/technet/samples/ps/win98/reskit/) it will show you the tree structure with the case you've used but when you navigate up and then down again it will then display the folders with the actual case in addition which is kinda confusing and it's only when using the refresh command that the FTP client eliminates the folders with the wrong case from the tree structure it shows. That's what happens with FTP surfer anyway, I haven't really much tried with other clients but I guess it should be similar. If some FTP servers can have case sensitive files/folders than it makes some sense that FTP clients behave like that.
  16. Well Opera 12 doesn't work properly on 98/ME even with KernelEx so whether they remain as they are or become swallowed by MS or get bought by FB is completely irrelevant to me as it won't affect the current 11.6x version I will still be using. And for the record they dropped 98/ME support and treated 98/ME users basically like s*** on their forums from that moment on at about the same time they moved on to Bing as their default search engine...
  17. Despite appearances Opera's not really independent, why do you think Opera's default search engine is Microsoft's Bing when you install it? That's because Microsoft pays them for it and I would think it's a significant part of Opera's overall income... Similarly Firefox isn't independent either as they are almost fully funded by Google...
  18. WinME, FileZilla 2.2.22 -> 2382 files in 91 folders totaling 170,022,244 bytes Not too sure what your problem is multibooter.
  19. You could also put them 10 minutes in a microwave oven every now and then as to simulate ageing I guess.
  20. FileZilla 2.2.22 runs OK on 98/ME. Other decent 98/ME compatible FTP clients btw: FTP Surfer 1.0.7 BlazeFtp 2.1
  21. Real time scanning engine work at virtual device driver level (ring0) and there is no compatibility between 9x and NT families of OSes for those drivers. For 9x systems those scanners will be .vxd files. If there there are no .vxd files in Avast 5, it won't work under a 9x system and KernelEx doesn't make any NT ring0 component compatible with 9x so cannot help with that at all. Hopefully this is a bit clearer.
  22. Are you sure? http://www.oldapps.com/forum/software-support/29-skype-windows-98-a.html
  23. Well I have just downloaded the successor of Everest Ultimate Edition which is no more, Aida64 Extreme Edition v2.30.1900 which appears to run OK but unfortunately it doesn't show much more than the free year 2004/2005 Aida32/Everest Home Edition: I only have GPU fan percentage load that is new under sensors but no GPU or HD temps, both of which I can see with Riva Tuner (for GPU) or Victoria (for HDD).
  24. Yeah I agree Riva Tuner is a potentially dangerous software but it seems you've missed the harmless, fancy and useful real time monitoring graphs of everything GPU it does...
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