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Everything posted by schwups

  1. Thanks, I'm aware of Invidious, but the test on my older machine is still pending. On this here it works really fast. I don't see sound problems on my RM's. Creative SB PCI128 (Ensoniq ES1371/1373) Sound Cards
  2. I wasn't so diligent. I don't know how to increase the stack commit size. I installed the PE Explorer (trial 30 days). It gives a Data Value for the stack commit 00001000h (chrome.exe version 6.0.453.1). I also don't know what higher value makes sense. So it will be trial and error. I fiddled a bit with different KernelEx modes and different versions 3,4,5,6,7. I got them from https://web.archive.org/web/20190412050719/http://www.oldapps.com/Google_Chrome.php. 2K SP4 seems to make it a bit more functional, but I wasn't able to open a website. On Xp I had set two http sides for the start on ME without success. Versions 3 and had 4 has let the LDT resources go into the red area. KexApiLog - first try: After the error message, the logging continued to run somewhat crumbled. I have to take a closer look.
  3. no special steps - I only copied chrome.exe into the 6.0.453.1 folder and started the exe from that folder. But that's not yet running. not even the otions/tool button works. If I try to insert something into the url bar, it crashes immediately. This is only the ui.
  4. Yes, I also can start your chrome 5 and even my version 6,too. Here I get another error message "chrome has caused an error in Crypt32.dll" after 10 seconds . But the Dependency Walker doesn't show red boxes (no modul warning / no unresolved functions) for Crypt32.dll (original ME file 5.131.2133.3). These old versions are interesting for troubleshooting, but not for browsing, because those don't support TLS 1.2. Date 10/10/2021 Time 21:21 CHROME caused an invalid page fault in module CRYPT32.DLL at 0177:7daeb8d8. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0177 EIP=7daeb8d8 EFLGS=00010297 EBX=00551688 SS=017f ESP=03effd6c EBP=03effdac ECX=80092012 DS=017f ESI=00000004 FS=63b7 EDX=00500000 ES=017f EDI=00000001 GS=611e Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b 40 0c 33 f6 89 45 fc 3b c6 0f 86 b0 00 00 00 Stack dump: 03effdfc 03effdf0 00551270 00000018 00597d50 00000000 00000000 03f4592c 03effe70 00000010 00000000 80092012 00000000 00551270 03effe3c 00000004
  5. does not work at the moment http://www.oldversion.com/windows/download/google-chrome-5-0-307-1 504 Gateway Time-out I've 6.0.453.1 here. Error in secur32.dll: QuerySecurityContextToken seems suspicious to me. It's not supported by KernelEx. I've it in the stubs.ini. InitializeSecurityContextW, EnumerateSecurityPackagesW, AcquireCredentialsHandleW, QueryCredentialsAttributesW are supported by Kexbasen. Nothing happened on 6.0 start here. Debug.log: [1010/200038:ERROR:client_util.cc(266)] Could not find exported function RelaunchChromeBrowserWithNewCommandLineIfNeeded
  6. Thanks. And do you have stability or other browser problems on 98SE in your VM? Are Firefox 52 or MyPal e.g. sluggish?
  7. Thanks for the confirmation. What system specs do you have? Hardware, graphics driver, VM(what kind, which) or RM, directX,... . The more testers participate here with different systems , so that better insights and knowledge we obtained. What steps did you take (e.g. BCW ChromeTool?)? Which exact version is that? Where can I catch it?
  8. Hallo oerg866, it depends on hardware, software (directx, grahics driver), RM, VM, ... what works and what doesn't. Firefox 52.9, MyPal 29.3, Centaury 0.17, NewMoon 28.9, RT's 45.9.33 run here in my opinion quite usable or even good on my ME machines. There are several issues on 98/ME of which most are solvable here. Not solved for example, the ten years old issues "bookmarks and recently visited addresses aren't saved". https://sourceforge.net/p/kernelex/feature-requests/7/ K-Meleon 76.x.x: The submenus are largely unreadable. The usefulness of this browser is therefore questionable. Meanwhile, the use of YouTube on my oldest computer Pentium 4c (SSE2),VIA PT880Ultra, 2GB, NV GF5900XT is no longer possible. The CPU is probably too weak for such a bloated Site. In general, these browsers are quite sluggish on this machine. I keep the fist post up to date. Everything important is summarised with links to the associated posts. I don't see a possibility for a simple two-line summary. This is too complex. I recommend to proceed step by step, run the improved Firefox 31.8 for 98/ME, then try to get 45.9 running and finally 52.9 to keep error possibilities lower.
  9. Correction: Apparently I had only tested NewMoon version 28.1 with skia. 28.8 and 28.9 work with "gfx.content.azure.backends" skia.
  10. I've older versions of NewMoon (28.0 -28.9.0) running. The problem in XUL.dll can be circumvented by a substitution with an adequate file version of MyPal. Here: NewMoon 28.9.0a1.win32-git-20191214 (Xul.dll with Xul.dll of MyPal 28.8.4. Too bad that NewMoon doesn't accept skia for gfx.content.azure.backends. Some icon glitches remain due to cairo. Newer versions seem to lose compatibility. I also have basilisk52-g4.4.win32-git-20191214 running, but the used Xul.dll of Centaury doesn't have such a good compatibility. Some functions are not available.
  11. Paste the address in the "browse history" box on https://web.archive.org/web. And you find several links inside this topic here.
  12. Firefox crashes with Adobe Flash plug-in activated. Deactivate the plugin container: dom.ipc.plugins.enabled;false and dom.ipc.plugins.timeoutSecs;-1. The boolean "dom.ipc.plugins.enabled" has been removed with version 43. Please see my instructions on the first page/post. Other settings on about:config are not necessary at first. Make sure that you haven't the reg entries of LZDLL_ME.reg or LZDLL.reg in your registry. The KernelEx installers provided by others could merge them into the registry. First try with xpSP2 files only to run Firefox 45. XUL.dll must be in follower mode or set it for safety's sake to XPSP2. Interesting, but I didn't deal with it intensively. I believe this will probably be more difficult than it initially seems and will be a bigger thing. Then running chromium based browsers on 98SE/ME could really be something for a fresh topic. Supplement: I nearly have forgotten that I have SlimBoat 1.1.50 (WebKit browser) installed here. Basically it works, but it renders e.g. msfn board not better than Opera 12.0.2 and it can't open most sites anymore. I also have version 1.1.53. It doesn't render pages better. And I think 1.1.54 is the last released and only little newer. https://msfn.org/board/topic/175296-final-inquiry-about-98se-and-kernelex/?do=findComment&comment=1120167 https://de.dll-files.com/qtwebkit4.dll.html
  13. Just now I could download FreeMemory 2.0. So the ClassicAddonsArchive has a new hosting. The timer of the addon works on MyPal. I've set the timer to 5 minutes. A small pause occurs every 5 minutes for a few seconds. The addon Memory optimizer hasn't worked. Now online again: https://web.archive.org/web/20210815103613/https://github.com/Feodor2/ IceCat 52 and Iceweasel 53: Required to start IceCat 52.3 is "user_pref("browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2", false);" in the prefs.js. It seems to be running quite stable. I've no idea to run IceWeasel 53. I get the "old" message "couldn't load XPCOM", although it appears to run smoothly on XP. Older IceWeasel 52.0.3 is OK.
  14. mypal-browser.org/release/ is online https://web.archive.org/web/20210815103613/https://github.com/Feodor2/ is offline Temporarily Offline Internet Archive services are temporarily offline. Please check our Twitter feed for the latest information. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  15. MyPal: The best choice I found to improve the GDI ressources is to "free memory" (about:memory > Minimize Memory usage). The add-on FreeMemoryButton do this with one click only, but not automated. Apparently the add-on Memory Fox Next doesn't work as desired on MyPal. I could hardly see any improvement. And I want to try out other add-ons like FreeMemory 2.0 and MemoryOptimizer 1.8.0. These are in the ClassicAddonsArchive and aren't available currently. CAA requires a new hosting. OK, I can download the whole file of 14GB. I have not done yet. Other settings haven't been really successful so far: browser.sessionhistory.max_entries from 50 to 9 New Integer browser.cache.memory.capacity > I had set a limit New boolean config.trim_on_minimize > true
  16. Can I(we) test the fix? Do you have an updated kexbases.dll? sounds good. I had repeated "set to read only" of the original file several times until it worked.
  17. The font of Ktree10 is somehow not easy to read for me, so I usually use version 9.
  18. Hallo Tyukok, of course, I was also pleased! That broad compatibility of MyPal is really amazing for a modern browser. I have certainly not read everything about this controversy. There is probably no plaintiff - no complaint. It seems to be a campaign. Is it at all certain that Feodor2 will not continue albeit on a different basis - Gecko instead of Goanna? Address bar: I had set search.json to "read only". Yes, it's inconvenient and tricky. UI glitches: Did you set "gfx.content.azure.backends" to skia? My main problem with MyPal are more low GDI resources after a while.
  19. I looked at Cyberfox again, specifically 50.0.0 and 52.9.1. My question was why I can't run versions 50 - 52. Downloads portable - Intel.86 (32bit). I found the problem with 52.9.1, but not with 50.0 yet. 52.9.1: Multiprocess feature. Solution - Simply add "user_pref("browser.tabs.remote.autostart", false);" to the prefs.js. The portable launcher needs Windows 7SP1 mode and the Cyberfox.exe Win XPSP2. Languages: The xpi files are in CyberfoxPortable\App\Cyberfox\browser\features. After you have installed your language pack it's needed to set "general.useragent.locale" to the corresponding language , too. Adding Awesomefonts - siria's workaround: The prefs.js is too big (63KB) to add the prefs. More than 64KB are not possible. Entries related to the language files make it so big. I made space here by deleting unused language files in the features folder. Then after one start and close of Cyberfox the prefs.js was reduced significantly. The corresponding language pack entries have disappeared.
  20. If anyone intends to use ReactOS files instead of those of XPSP2 or SP3, then don't use the dnsapi.dll of ROS. One more problem with DBGHELP.dll of ROS version 0.4.13 is "RtlRaiseException". The simple entry RtlRaiseException= under NTDLL.dll in the Kexstubs.ini makes FF52 and the forks happy again. Or choose DbgHelp.dll of older 0.4.0. My test files of 0.4.13 are: activeds.dll, apphelp.dll, authz.dll, dbghelp.dll, mprapi.dll, ntdsapi.dll, ntlanman.dll, rasdlg.dll, rasman.dll, samlib.dll, winscard.dll, winsta.dll.
  21. WebGL 1.0 based on OpenGL ES 2.0 and requires OpenGL 2.0 graphics driver support. My conclusion: It works, but limited, probably due to graphics drivers infirmities, by forcing it, quite likely with Nvidia Geforce 7 (6?) series cards (full support OpenGL 2.0) and drivers NV81.85 and higher only. Browser crashes are possible. It can be assumed that first OpenGL 2.0 drivers do not support the OpenGL ES 2.0 specifications 100%. Therefore I do not give the recommendation to switch it on permanently. Driver ATI Catalyst 6-2 (February 2006) 98/ME supports OpenGL 1.5 only. Now ANGLE (Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine): WebGL-Renderer Google Inc. -- ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT Direct3D9 vs_3_0 ps_3_0) (Backend Renderer uses Direct3D 9.0c) It don't rely on OpenGL graphics drivers. layers.acceleration.force-enabled true (Hardware acceleration) webgl.angle.try-d3d11 false webgl.force-enabled true (to ensure ANGLE isn't blocked) webgl.disable-angle false I ran the first 13 samples in Firefox 52 again. Firefox didn't crash anymore. Two of them ran faulty and Halo gave a blank page. The others seem to be OK. The webgl tests with the spinning cubes failed (no cube) with this setting. So this also isn't perfect, but probably more stable. Firefox up to version 34: Boolean is webgl.prefer-native-gl and not webgl.disable-angle P4c(SSE2), P4V800D-X, GF5900XT (OGL1.5 card), driver NV82.69: Firefox 52 - Initialisation of ANGLE failed also with force I read on FAQ's for Stellarium: ANGLE needs "hardware providing DirectX VertexShader 2_0 and PixelShader 3.0 (vs_2_0 ps_3_0), i.e. DirectX10. This should include even earlier graphics cards: ATI/AMD X1xxx, NVidia 6xxx, Intel GMA X3000." My 5900XT has vs 2.0a/ ps 2.0a only. By the way yesterday I tried to run Stellarium ANGLE version and was able to run 0.13.3-ANGLE-win32 ( machine with GF7800GT). I noticed an obvious flaw that the vertical Menu bar has no buttons and is inoperable.
  22. I've Stellarium 0.11.4 on this machine. According to the log the QTGLPaint engine is openGL2. Driver NV82.16. Log: Writing log file to: "C:/WINDOWS/Application Data/Stellarium/log.txt" File search paths: 0 . "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Stellarium" 1 . "." Attempting to use an existing older config file. Config file is: "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Stellarium/config.ini" OpenGL supported version: "2.0.1" Qt GL paint engine is: "OpenGL2" Cache directory is: "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\stellarium\stellarium\cache" Sky language is "de" Application language is "de" Loading Solar System data ... Loaded 38 / 38 planet orbits from "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Stellarium/data/ssystem.ini" Loading star data ... "Loading "./stars/default/stars_0_0v0_1.cat": 0_0v0_1; 5013" "Loading "./stars/default/stars_1_0v0_1.cat": 1_0v0_1; 21999" "Loading "./stars/default/stars_2_0v0_1.cat": 2_0v0_1; 151416" "Loading "./stars/default/stars_3_1v0_0.cat": 3_1v0_0; 434064" "Loading "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Stellarium/stars/default/stars_4_1v0_0.cat": 4_1v0_0; 1725497" "Loading "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Stellarium/stars/default/stars_5_2v0_0.cat": 5_2v0_0; 7669011" "Loading "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Stellarium/stars/default/stars_6_2v0_0.cat": 6_2v0_0; 26615233" . . Now back to WebGL: And I did make the stress with Firefox 52. Pressed the button once, the browser and system remained functional. Then I switched to https://webglsamples.org/. I tried first 13 samples of these 23. The result is 5 of 13 failed by browser crash. Aquarium, City, Dynamic Cubemap, Field and Fishtank. The others worked.
  23. I cannot remember any OGL version information by Everest/Aida that deviates from the manufacturer's Nvidia specs information. I usually remove everything (Nvidia) with DriverCleanerPro and then I installed the other version. Currently I haven't installed 77.72 (81.85,81.98) driver on any computer.
  24. Just tested again and have no problem. (Firefox 52, 9.0.1 and Opera 12.02)
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