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  1. Some HTTPS sites use TLS cipher suites that work in IE11 under in Windows 10, but not in Windows 7 or 8. (Details linked below.) Anyone tried using Schannel.dll from W10, maybe along with any registry dependencies?
  2. (Not exactly XP related, but I think this subforum fits best, somehow?) In the last few days Cloudflare's anti-DDoS pre-page stopped being compatible with older browsers like Opera 12 and older Firefox (it fails with "t.eharCundefineddeAt is not a function"). I really dislike how the whims of external companies, unrelated to the actual sites you visit, can force the web's hand. Last year it was Google's reCaptcha that stopped being compatible. Now it's Cloudflare, which arguably is used in even more places. Doing the "validation" on a new browser then copying the cookie __cfduid seems to work, for now.
  3. Could I change to osRe? Thanks!
  4. After a fresh install from the latest Windows 8.1 ISO (11/2014's "with Update"), are the cumulative rollup updates supposed to be the only thing needed? There are various older updates that Update Catalog doesn't report as superseded (like KB3110329, a security update from 2016), but Update Catalog isn't always accurate. If some older updates are needed, does installation order matter?
  5. You should figure out what's going on. Maybe you found a secret way to do it? It would be useful to know.
  6. It was with XP Pro. I doubt Home would work differently. I tried now partitioning the whole HDD in XP's setup. Still ended up a logical partition:
  7. Right. So next time GRUB4DOS it is. @Harry I don't recall ever getting more than 1 primary partition out of XP's stock tools. Here's another experiment. No Rufus, in a VM. 1. After creating 1st partition, there's one "unpartitioned space". 2. After creating 2nd partition, there are two "unpartitioned space"s. 3. Disk Management says partition 2 is logical.
  8. Answers below, but by now I've given up and connected an optical drive. Before that I tried running the installer from the HDD, with the setup files in a 3rd partition. It didn't work. After first reboot it ended with some error message. (BTW, it took surprisingly long to get there. Maybe FreeDOS' LBACACHE wasn't set right.) If GRUB4DOS can boot an ISO as a CD drive, maybe that would be the best solution. cdob>> the USB get's a drive letter at textmode normally. When MIGRATE.INF works correctly, does the setup's partitions screen show the USB drive as U:? cdob>> As far as I know, the Rufus MBR at USB does addional settings, like drive swapping. Yeah: https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/tree/master/res/mbr Maybe that's adding complications? I'm not sure if it swaps volumes/partitions, or whole drives (in which case I'd expect the HDD drive letters to remain consecutive regardless of what happens with the USB drive). cdob>> Didn't get hard disk second partiton the d: drive letter at textmode? cdob>> Is this with or without a migrate.inf? Does this change at installation? Sorry for being unclear in the message above. The screenshot was just to show how it looks when the USB drive is letterless. That happens when the HDD partitions are created in the setup and not in advance. The presence of MIGRATE.INF doesn't change anything. For HDD partitions created in the setup (primary+logical), it's C and D. For partitions created in advance (primary x2), it's C and E. After full install Windows was in E, and there was no MountedDevices \ DosDevice\U:. And BTW, in Windows after setup, the MountedDevices entry for the USB drive (D:) wasn't of the 12-byte/fixed-HDD type. It was "_??_USBSTOR...". I don't know if that's expected or not. cdob>> Which hardware do you use? There are some strange BIOS releases. A C2D-era Asus with AMI. jaclaz>> Maybe the partition ID on the USB stick is not 07? (like 17 or 27) The USB's partition is 07h (I don't know why Rufus insists on NTFS rather than FAT32). But the "active" byte is 81h (Rufus's default) rather than 80h, though I think it may be tweaked dynamically by Rufus' MBR. jaclaz>> how (EXACTLY) are you creating the partitions that are shown as "RAW" in the screenshot The raw partitions are what's created in the setup's partitions screen (primary+logical). (And in cases where I pre-created them as two primaries, it was with an old GParted). HarryTri>> The Windows XP installer makes primary partitions as far as I remember. In order to make logical partitions you must first create an extended one to contain them. Maybe in the commandline tools? But during setup it just asks for a partition size, creating an Extended automatically if it's the 2nd partition (see in the shot: there are two "unallocated" areas, one at end of the Extended, the other at the end of disk, where XP likes to reserve a few MBs).
  9. Thanks. I tried setting the USB drive letter with \i386\MIGRATE.INF (only the USB, not the HDD partitions). Seems like the easiest and most generic way to do it. But it still ended as before, with the USB disk appearing as drive D. I'm not sure if it integrated MIGRATE.INF at all. When overridden correctly, should the forced USB drive letter show in the setup's partitioning screen? It didn't in this case. I figured maybe the registry import phase happens only later on, so I let it install fully, to no avail. Regarding the USB drive having no drive letter, which jaclaz said didn't sound right, I assume it assigns it later on. Isn't it normally how it looks? Whatever the reason may be, that's when it worked correctly (except that D was a logical partition and not primary).
  10. I'm installing XP from a USB flash drive created with Rufus. I want XP on the second HDD partition as D:. But XP's installer decides that the USB drive is D, so Windows ends up on E. How can I force a certain drive letter order in the installer? Or maybe, create a bootable USB XP setup where the USB drive appears as an optical drive? Extra details: I've pre-created the partitions before XP's installer because I want them all to be primary, not logical. If I start from an unpartitioned drive all is good, because the installer doesn't assign the USB drive any letter (in the partitioning screen it appears as "-:" instead of "D:"). In that case, the HDD partitions properly get consecutive drive letters.
  11. How do you keep track of the updates to download? All the offline updaters are either not updated anymore, or are incomplete (WSUS Offline). For keeping track of Office updates, this Microsoft blog has been useful. But I've found nothing as organized for Windows (nothing too useful here).
  12. This guy did it manually. I think it was just taking ownership of the DLL and giving yourself "Full Control" permissions: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/163665-clean-alt-tab-for-win8-desktop-item-and-thumbnails-removed/?do=findComment&comment=1066005 You can also try with commandline (3rd line optional): takeown /f filename.dll /a icacls filename.dll /grant administrators:F icacls filename.dll /setowner "NT Service\TrustedInstaller" Maybe the problem was that you're not running as administrator? The above is also what the WSF installer automates, in the W8.1 DLL ZIP linked in the first post. If you want to use it you'd need to change the DLL in the WSF (target...) to match the W8 DLL you're trying to use. But all that won't help much if the W8 DLL isn't working right replacing the latest DLL in W8.1. >I work under the limited account. I see. Not sure how beneficial that is instead of admin with UAC on.
  13. Replacing the DLL worked for me in the past, and I think other people as well. Some previous posts discussed it. It didn't require anything special, really. I don't know why it would be more trouble on your OS. I'm not saying I will be working on a 32-bit version. I don't mind helping out if it can be done quickly enough, but this is too time consuming. The whole thing here started as something for my own use. It's not like it's a "product" or anything. In the rare cases I needed to test something on x86 I didn't mind the original task switcher. It's just a localized test VM, not my actual daily OS. BTW, in my limited experience, W8.1 x64 runs well enough on 2GB. I assume for very specific needs 1GB might be workable. Interesting about the Aero Peek setting. I guess you're running a non-standard user configuration? I never saw UAC prompts changing the user. It just elevated the same one.
  14. Not sure why you would need the recovery env, but do you mean that even if there was a patched DLL for the latest 8.1 32-bit it wouldn't be good? I might have done it if it were quick enough to do, but even just patching the DLL would take a while. Then, if you also mean the memory patcher utility, it would take much more. It probably can't be compiled to 32-bit without modification.
  15. What happens if you try the old Win8 patched DLL? It will probably misbehave, but worth a try. But ultimatly, why not use x64 Windows?
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