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Everything posted by schwups

  1. You should be able to use the Flash Player up to Firefox version 42. You must disable the plugin container. See issues (dom.ipc.plugins.enabled;false and dom.ipc.plugins.timeoutSecs;-1). I've no workaround for higher versions.
  2. See issues on the first page: Did you try: 1. * Own fonts of pages can be blurred or unreadable. Recommended: Uncheck "Allow pages to choose their own fonts". Tools > Options > Content > Advanced or better 2. * Squares and boxes instead of icons: Install suitable fonts - Awesomefont (version 4.7 tested) for this Site and and see Workaround browser.display.use_document_fonts;1 (Allow pages to choose their own fonts) gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled;false prefs.js: pref("font.name-list.sans-serif.x-western", "Arial, Symbola, FontAwesome, Segoe UI Emoji, OpenSansEmoji, Microsoft Sans Serif"); pref("font.name-list.sans-serif.x-unicode", "Arial, Symbola, FontAwesome, Segoe UI Emoji, OpenSansEmoji, Microsoft Sans Serif"); pref("font.name-list.serif.x-western", "Times New Roman, Symbola, FontAwesome, Segoe UI Emoji, OpenSansEmoji, Arial"); pref("font.name-list.serif.x-unicode", "Times New Roman, Symbola, FontAwesome, Segoe UI Emoji, OpenSansEmoji, Arial"); Vertical Line: Change fonts e.g. Tahoma or Arial (System font / Firefox Menu>options>content) I can't help, if it has really to do with the AutoPatcher.
  3. If you are referring to my Core_6.ini where you see one definition module in each Kstub. This was done to stretch out the number of plugins. I had 20 DLLs having redirected function calls. I am not referring specifically to your ini. I have tested little last week. The question is general how can we use a large number? If this means that you have made up 3 Kstub,inis then you also need three matching Kstub824.dlls renamed to suit the ini names. Your contents= does not show this though. Yes, I have stubs.dll, Kextubs.dll and Kstub824.dll in my KernelEx folder. Stubs.dll and Kextubs.dll are renamed Kstub824 dll's to match the correct name.
  4. Of course, this is undoubtedly reasonable. I usually use msvcr70 as msvcrt. Nevertheless, I find it quite interesting to see how the system behaves with other files. You told in 360EE and IE9 ini msvcrt.dll of Vista is needed. That was the reason why I tried to hex and use msvcrt of XP, Vista and 7.
  5. Today, I tried two more plugins: --- No OS override --- [BASE] contents=Kexstubs,stubs,Kstub824,std,Kexbasen,Kexbases,kexvista desc=Base enhancements (api fixes + extensions) 1. Test: Splitted my ini in three parts (A-I, J-N, O-Z) 2. Test: Basically my ini and these for 360EE and IE9 As far as I can tell these plugins work. I've captured them all with DependencyWalker when profiling different programs. Does it make sense to split the ini so that we have one ini for every dll? I think, only some more make sense. Some more and smaller ini files can, for example, simplify troubleshooting in many cases. It could be useful for two or three programs. I haven't tested anything related to "exceeding the Kstub character limit" again so far.
  6. No - https://msfn.org/board/search/?q=sound&quick=1&type=forums_topic&item=181424 I myself have no sound problems, but it happened on VM's. What kind of system do you have?
  7. I guess I took that 7.0.3790.4341 (srv03_sp2_qfe.080724-1204) (346KB) from Win2000 Extended Kernel. Therefore Msvcrt.dw7 from Dx9W2kFx.zip is another one I don't have.
  8. Now obsolete: Known issues: plug-in limit is 4: std + kexbases + kexbasen + two more Does this mean unlimited plugins are possible? Do you have already Kstub825.dll? Yes, I tried MSVCRT (BCW) repeatedly. In practice, however, I do not recognize an advantage over msvcr70 and I don't use a DivX player. Both files have a few differences, but they are very similar. These had no discernible effect on my browser tests so far. To make the versions clear. The 2kSP4 file version I have is 6.1.9844.0 (281KB), BCW's is 7.0.3790.4341 (srv03_sp2_qfe.080724-1204) (346KB), msvcr70 (332KB) 7.0.9981.0 and the ME version is 6.1.8637.0 (285KB). And finally there is latest version 6 (273KB) 6.1.9848.0 and msvcr80 (572KB) version 8.0.40607.52. All are basically usable.
  9. What tool was that? Wortgenerator/wordcreator: https://www.sttmedia.com/wordcreator - Additionally integrated Counter for letters, characters and syllables I used the old version https://www.sttmedia.com/download=WordCreator. I haven't tried the new on ME. changed
  10. My Kstub.ini had exceeded the character limit, too! A Tool counted more than 17000 letters. Here is my ini file (Not too many characters/ trimmed notes) also with latest definitions of jumper. It is experimental and it's still not suitable for Firefox 57 (Quantum) or Serpent 55 or Chrome based browsers.stubs.7z Supplement: APISetStubreg.txt Menu/submenus problem K-Meleon - quite interesting but a bit obsolete now, because that is not suitable for K-Meleon76: The replacement of K-Meleon.exe version 75.1 (Gecko31) by 75.0 makes the submenus readable. K-Meleon.exe 75.0 is compatible with KM 75.1. I only had replaced the Kplugins bookmarks.dll, favorites.dll and hotlist.dll by those of 75.0. Then I had changed version info of the exe with ResourceHacker and Hex Editor from 75.0 -> 75.1. A small blemish or side effect is that there are question marks in the OS titlebar as with version 74. Furthermore, I began to test Win 7 files. Currently used APPHELP.DLL, AUTHZ.DLL, GDIPLUS.DLL, NTDSAPI.DLL, RASMAN.DLL, REGAPI.DLL, SAMLIB.DLL, utildll.dll, W32TOPL.DLL, WinSCard.dll, WINSTA.DLL. Not used: DNSAPI.DLL. Icecat38 doesn't start with ACTIVEDS.DLL, ADSLDPC.DLL, MPRAPI.DLL, RASDLG.DLL, RTUTILS.DLL. Prolonged testing could reveal more problems? I also began to test IE8 and 11 files and some more system files. Also used: XP 5.1.2600.6198 Imagehlp (but usually 5.0.2195.6613 2KSP3) My tests with msvcrt of XP, Vista and 7 are still unsuccessful.
  11. https://web.archive.org/web/20210803233722/https://www.mdgx.com/files/NV8269.ZIP https://web.archive.org/web/20210803233722/http://www.mdgx.com/files/NV8269.EXE
  12. If someone wants to tinker something this year: NewMoon 28.10.4a1 Don't expect everything to work (see issues). - missing magnifier icon in search - missing folder icons (PlainOldFavorites/Favorites) Solved: Try - Set KernelEX mode on palemoon.exe to Vista or higher. 1. Extract NewMoon 2. Replace three files with those of MyPal 29.3: mozglue.dll omni.ja the one next to palemoon.exe Xul.dll 3. Add MyPal 29.3 file: gkmedias.dll 4. Alter platform version with a HexEditor: PaleMoon.exe version 4.8.3 -> 4.8.2 or Xul.dll 4.8.2 -> 4.8.3 and I wish you all the best for the upcoming new year
  13. I am for improvement and I will probably not miss the legacy modes.
  14. It's mentioned here somewhere, but I had not yet investigated this in detail. I am basically not interested in cookies, so I usually have set "Keep until I close Firefox". Not all versions may be affected. It may help to run the portable version (profile) on XP once and set there "keep cookies". I'm currently using NewMoon 28.9 and it does save them, if desired.
  15. IE9stubs.ini: Jumper, have you made progress? I don't think that I can run IE8/9 without support for the ordinal functions.
  16. Import the dll's into a separate folder and do not mix in the KernelEx folder. Choose the 21 XP dll files and GDIPlus.dll for KM76 and paste them into the 98 system folder. Don't substitude win98 system files. Restart from the scratch could make sense. Thats all you need for Firefox 24 - 35. Install KernelEX 4.5.2 and then overwrite (copy) the old with the new KernelEX files in safe mode (F8). KernelEx Folder (version 24): Note: https://msfn.org/board/topic/181424-firefox-24-52-for-me-and-98/?do=findComment&comment=1207100 The knowndll registry settings are required for Firefox 49 and higher, not for Firefox 45. The API-MS-Win.reg of 18 is a test file, but incomplete to run Firefox 49+. I do not recommend it. Merge the reg entries of the txt file linked on the first page only! A ServicePack isn't required to run Firefox.
  17. Your primary aim is to run Firefox 45. So use KernelEX 24 with Kstub823 first and follow exact my instructions. Make sure that you have all required and correct dll files in your system folder. XPSP2 files are preferred for the first attempt. You can also check and profile with DependencyWalker, that you have all needed Dll's (see Modul List View / yellow question mark symbols). Make sure that you have not LZDLL.reg entries (KernelEx update18) in your registry (Firefox will crash on start). If everything works, copy the KernelEX folder as backup and then you can test and update to KernelEx25 / Kstub824. The Core.ini 24a is is largely untested!
  18. KernelEX24 (Kexbasen/Kexbases): I haven't noticed any problems in this regard, but I have certainly not tried all of the modes. I am sure that default, Base and Basesn modes are OK. As we said, the problem apparently starts with Kexbases25.
  19. The complete list for Win ME/KernelEX25: Working modes (MSVCRT): Disabled BASEstd BASES MIN WIN2Kstd Not working modes: default Base BASESN BASEN WIN95 up to WIN10A (except WIN2Kstd) all legacy modes 98SE: Quick short tests produced no errors with all Kex modes on MSVCRT.
  20. Thanks MSVCRT also works in Bases and Win2000 standard heap, not in Basen and Basesn mode.
  21. Goodmaneuver thanks, now I've ME running with Kex25 - Kexbasen and Kexbases. I simply changed my favoured kexmode BaseSN on Msvcrt.dll (7.0.9981.0) to "Base enhancements standard heap". It can be so simple. Jumper, I don't think, that it's intended, but rather an issue, that Basesn and probably higher modes on Msvcrt.dll lead to this error. Sure, that need more checks and a fresh KernelEX installation to verify this. This KernelEX registry key is very old here . Indeed, the problem appears to be primarily related to MSVCRT. The original MSVCRT registry entry in KernelEX 4.5.2 settings.reg is: "*\\MSVCRT.DLL"=- ([HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\KernelEx\AppSettings\Flags]). Not sure what =- means. I guess due to my experiment with the fresh installation of ME and KernelEx the setting on msvcrt have to be changed on Win ME.
  22. KernelEx must be disabled on Msdev.exe. Then it indeed starts, but hangs/freezes on loading symbols.
  23. Jumper, I hope I have usable log files now. Example: Firefox.exe error in Kernel32.dll at :bff6bb07 - changed the machine - KernelEx set to disabled - started Firefox in XPSP2 mode Logs ProcWin - screenshots(undefined memory)/ Minisnap - txt/ DependencyWalker - log/ KexApiLog - log
  24. Debug Button of VS 6.0: Msdev caused the same error in Kernel32.dll at :bff6bb07. That was what I expected and doesn't change the situation.
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