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Everything posted by schwups

  1. RT's KM76 and RT's FF45 crash with skia AzureContentBackend here and on IceCat 38.8 is nothing readable. Cyberfox 48 is OK.
  2. Tab and icon glitches: The AzureContentBackend was changed with 52 from cairo to skia. I found the change to skia works for lower versions, too. I've successfully tested it with versions 31 and higher. 28 - 30 don't accept skia and cairo remains. The matching setting is (added skia): gfx.content.azure.backends;direct2d1.1,skia,cairo. Direct2D doesn't work anyway - it needs DX11. Direct2D can be deleted. (Release notes FF52: When not using Direct2D on Windows, Skia is used for content rendering) A possible new glitch is probably sporadic letters that were slightly out of place and reduced in size. After browser restart the glitch is gone again. I observed it on CID 52. NewTabPage feature: The customising of the NewTabPage is basically possible, if I added the appropriate bookmarks on XP (not possible on ME) for the desired thumbnails on the NewTabPage. Then it's possible to drag the bookmarks on the NewTabPage. I tested this on CID version 50. I assume that this also applies to Firefox versions 42 and higher. But I haven't tried this so far. According to my experience lower FF versions 2x and 3x often instantly crashed when I tried to open the NewTabPage. So that I used to turn it off. Compositing CID 49/50 : Basic: There are still but rare menu glitches here. I get two messages in about:support/Failure log 1. unrecognised feature webrender 2. DrawTargetCairo::Snapshot with bad surface 1 (repeated) Then with Hardware acceleration enabled D3D9: I see only "unrecognised feature webrender"
  3. There is no UI glitch (window is not completely displayed) on CID 49 - 52 anymore. Compositing is Basic. So there is no need to enable Hardware Acceleration for this purpose. Moreover the tab and icon glitches are gone with version 52. And I think I don't have crashes with "browser.newtabpage.enabled";true on higher versions, but considering that it is useless, it's better to set an URL with CTR (ClassicThemeRestorer )anyway. Other issues must still be taken into account.
  4. Ok, I have read that CID isn't installable on XP anymore. So I installed 52 and 57 clean on Win7 for test and comparison purposes. The installer works initially on ME. I'm able to check portable and choose a destination folder, but when I click the install button a message "not enough free space" appears and I can't go any further. So there are two possibilities: A portable installation on Win7 (Vista) to use it afterwards on ME. Or as I said to extract the Setup with 7Zip and simply run the exe (XPSP2 mode). I have not yet eroded the exact requirements. I attached my current Kexstubs.ini. And see additional requirements for FF42 - 48. Kexstubs.7z
  5. I'm running the Firefox fork IceDragon 32-bit! ( download FileHorse/FileHippo). The program doesn't come with any Win7 APISet dll's (api-ms-win-core) inside what probably makes it much easier to run it on ME (98). The installer stops with an error message. Possible is to unzip it with 7Zip. Then it runs portable. Tomorrow I'll try to install it clean and portable on XP, too. It is quite positive, that it runs without Tab and icon glitches here. The next higher version I found is, but it didn't start on the first try. It would be good, if I find somewhere the release notes / history or a complete archive.
  6. I have set audio output modul to waveout for all versions 3.0.x due to repeated playback problems with automatic. WaveOut is completely OK to my ears. 3.0.13 (win32) is already in the vlc archive, but not on Vlc download page. And many thanks for your answer and tips.
  7. Oh, checked it on a second machine and the videos play. Think one of my latest Kext test entries is the culprit. =>Last week I experimented with Blinkopera and had added for it several API's to kexstubs.ini. The problem was [D3D9.DLL] Direct3DCreate9Ex.
  8. I'm looking for a working "video output modules" setting for VLC player update 3.0.13 - so far without success. VLC crashes or give a Vlc-cone flicker with openGL. I had set 3.0.12 to Direct Draw., but this doesn't work anymore. Audio files are still playable.
  9. Hallo HarryTheGamerGuy, welcome on MSFN. http://kernelex.sourceforge.net/wiki/Help:Contents https://www.dll-files.com/unicows.dll.html (version 1.1.3790.0! not older)
  10. You're welcome!
  11. ClamWin now updated 0.103.2
  12. Hallo Bruninho, the youtube website is stable (Player (stats): codecs VP9 (243) / opus (251) only) on Firefox 48.0.2 /45.9 /Cyberfox 48.0.2 (WebRTC peer connection must be disabled in CF). I don't remember any crashes. But this means not all movies can be played. RT's Firefox 45.9.33 or K-Meleon 76 have better support to play all videos (ffmpeg). These are slightly less stable. An error in XUL.dll can be possible and with that error the browser will crash. I mean the site formula1.com is not always well rendered and FF48/CF48 don't play the videos. Many icons are missing. But they don't crash. I haven't made a complete moodle check with CF48/FF48 - only three minutes. Moodle.org generally makes a good impression. Moodle sandbox demo worked here. SCORM lessons? not checked. Bruninho, this is a snapshot, tomorrow everything can be different on the web.
  13. I never used the RZ eMail client before, but I just tried it with one of my accounts (freenet) and I was able to receive the mails. Maybe openSSL is worth trying (https://msfn.org/board/topic/174247-windows-9x-ssl-protocol-winsslwrap-117-rev-08/) (http://blog.livedoor.jp/blackwingcat/archives/1591502.html) . I still use OutlookExpress 6 as my main client with the help of WinSSLWrap on ME. It is sufficient for text, photos and attachments. For unsupported contents I run Thunderbird 45 (KernelEx/Kext) or have to switch to XP and TB 52.
  14. IceCat 38.8 runs with these additional kext entries, too!!! It is the first time that a Gecko 38 browser runs on my Win ME. Screenshot - additionally installed addons: ClassicThemeRestorer, QuickJava and PlainOldFavorites - German Language Pack
  15. I've IceCat 31.8 running: [ADVAPI32.dll] SystemFunction014= SystemFunction020= SystemFunction022= SystemFunction026= SystemFunction028= [msvcrt.dll] _controlfp_s=>msvcr80.dll: _snwprintf_s=>msvcr80.dll: _vsnprintf_s=>msvcr80.dll: _vsnwprintf_s=>msvcr80.dll: _wcslwr_s=>msvcr80.dll: _wfopen_s=>msvcr80.dll: fopen_s=>msvcr80.dll: strcpy_s=>msvcr80.dll: strtok_s=>msvcr80.dll: swprintf_s=>msvcr80.dll: wcsncpy_s=>msvcr80.dll: [ntdll.dll] RtlRandom= I added all missing API'S found with ImportPatcher. RTLRandom is important to run icecat. ----------------------- I believe these are good (no problem so far): [ntdll.dll] _aulldiv=>ROS\ntdll.dll: _allmul=>ROS\ntdll.dll:
  16. I played a bit with forks. Surely there are no or hardly any advantages on ME. Icecat 31.8 (windows version): It doesn't start. Problem begins with no support for _vsnprintf_s. [msvcrt.dll] _vsnprintf_s= Any values for it in the stubs.ini haven't accomplished something useful. Cyberfox 32bit 48.0.2 behaves like Firefox 48.0.2. Already integrated ClassicThemeRestorer and a JS Toggler. It doesn't run on XP. Apparently blocked on purpose. PCXFirefox 35.0.1 x86 doesn't run. 48.0.2 starts with Kext entries: [ntdll.dll] _aulldiv= _allmul=
  17. I updated it manually: http://www.clamwin.com/content/view/58/27/. It worked after I deleted the old db file C:\WINDOWS\All Users\.clamwin\db. Another solution on ClamWin Forum: http://forums.clamwin.com/viewtopic.php?p=21633#21633
  18. Pity! The development of TenFourFox will end. (http://tenfourfox.blogspot.com) I've followed the blog and so roytam's Firefox 45 builds the last months. I tried and ran every build on ME. I don't expect any support for Firefox on Win ME. I have some bugs. On March 12th was mentioned (tenfourfox.blogspot.com) "....at least I am able now to see that it's clearly a problem in the JavaScript parser generating something incorrectly, but I'm still not able to tell where the specific deficiency lies."? I really don't know whether and to what extent those errors can be transferred to windows. But my errors may only appear here on ME. I never compared it on XP. On XP I use Firefox 52.9, NewMoon and MyPal. RT's Firefox 45 is therefore not an alternative to use. The normal older versions 45.9 or 48.0.2 are much more stable and quite suitable for everyday use (75-80% trouble-free / Javascript enabled). Only a few percent of the web leads to a browser crash and restart.
  19. http://www.japheth.de/Download/VWin32.zip
  20. Yes, we miss Rudy! I have set [vcache]MaxFileCache=393216 for many years. My MS system inforformation doesn't work with more than 2GB RAM. I have to reduce phys memory (MaxPhysPage) accordingly. At my request Rudy said "Windows ME MSINFO32 definitely has a problem, probably an incorrect signed math bug.....You can also substitute the MSINFO32.EXE from Windows 98SE which works correctly" and I can use VWin32. Running Firefox 48.0.2:
  21. Yes, Tahoma is my default font, too. MS Sans Serif for Firefox menus is a bad choice. That's why I changed it many years ago. That's probably also the reason that "missing last character" in search bar never occurred here. SeaMonkey 2.40 also crashes immediately here without "hardware acceleration". I had massive JS problems with some versions of KM76 last year around April/ May/ June. It had crashed on almost all sites, so I was forced to turn it off for these versions, too. Although the problems were maybe often caused by myself, caused by testing and fiddling. These were always flawed, buggy profiles. Deleting the profile or prefs.js mostly solved the problem. The profile should be fresh and not mixed with other versions. It hasn't occurred since October at least.
  22. ZakMcKracken84: NV82.69 MDGX: http://www.mdgx.com/files/NV8269.EXE http://www.mdgx.com/files/NV8269.ZIP
  23. A YT user (and MSFN forum reader) uploaded some movies about KernelEX/98SE/ME. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB52pssqm8lsRvQQMAFs6Dw/featured) Unfortunately, I don't understand the language - it's probably spanish. I'm surprised, the user seem to be able to run NewMoon 27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4o15zPq6RI. In a XPSP3 dll package he/she has ATL.dll (then probably ATL Module for Windows XP Unicode) and msdmo.dll (DMO Runtime DirectShow). I always use atl.dll of IE6SP1 (Ansi) in my system folder. Some time ago I had tested the ATL unicode, but I got annoying messages about the wrong version. I tried it again and set it to XPSP2 now. The messages are gone. She/he changed the msvcrt.dll. Fiddling with different msvcrt 6.1.8637.0/6.1.9848.0/7.0.9981.0 files has brought nothing here so far. This user could also be able to run Firefox 36 - 41.
  24. - I compared layers DirectX mode with layers OpenGL mode on Firefox 45. OpenGL: user_pref("layers.acceleration.force-enabled", true); user_pref("layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled", "true"); user_pref("layers.prefer-d3d9", false); user_pref("layers.prefer-opengl", true); I can't see anything to choose OpenGL, nothing speaks for it. There are some more ui glitches. D3D9 is the better choice. - Icons on this board - FontAwesome: The settings browser.display.use_document_fonts;1 and gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled;false in combination with entries (example) in prefs.js user_pref("font.name-list.sans-serif.x-unicode", "Arial, Symbola, FontAwesome, Segoe UI Emoji, OpenSansEmoji, Microsoft Sans Serif"); user_pref("font.name-list.sans-serif.x-western", "Arial, Symbola, FontAwesome, Segoe UI Emoji, OpenSansEmoji, Microsoft Sans Serif"); user_pref("font.name-list.serif.x-unicode", "Tahoma, Symbola, FontAwesome, Segoe UI Emoji, OpenSansEmoji, Arial"); user_pref("font.name-list.serif.x-western", "Tahoma, Symbola, FontAwesome, Segoe UI Emoji, OpenSansEmoji, Arial"); are worth a try here. I can even see the "search magnifier" and the "Rate stars". Font Awesome must be installed. Please check. - RT's builds FF 45 - crash due to exception in XUL.dll: I tested older versions and just now it also happened on 45.9.17. But I'm still waiting on it on 45.9.9.
  25. I use Google search very rarely. I've just tried Google and have set Cookies to keep. Yes, I always have to accept the agreement, too. But it works on XP. So it is a bug on ME/KernelEx. Are you running FF45.9.31 (RT) or 45.9? Sometimes RT's FF crashed due to an exception in Xul.dll. (FIREFOX caused an exception 406d1388H in module XUL.DLL at 0177:027c56da)
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