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Everything posted by oioldman

  1. @sam13484 - use the link at post #38 by 5eraph
  2. thanks for the heads-up that Update10 had been released as some areas of java.com still say update9
  3. Welcome, check the reg tweaks are for this, has been mentioned a few times. Also, no need to bump so quickly as there is a lot to read and we will get there in the end, patience is a virtue.
  4. means what it says. you need to check that the file 20.xml is located on c:\ as you have stated in your install path. i have read that if you place in install folder it will automatically pick it up from there. Also, experience has taught me that it can't install at T-13 or T-12 and gives same error message
  5. Cheers jroc, it confirmed one thought, but i would like to know how to remove it. i'm guessing ill have to do a regsvr32 /u shimgvw.dll to un-register
  6. ****, i want to remove it and not sure if Fax Service is enough... can anyone confirm if it is please
  7. i use cmdlines.txt with no issues and my .reg tweaks get added all ok - clean, easy, simple and not much to go wrong
  8. i would use ryanvm silent install package and install from svcpack.inf it would appear that .net2 can't be done from svcpack.inf .net3 i'm not sure about
  9. why have autorun enabled? that is how Sony managed to install their rootkit without peoples knowledge and with it disabled you have more control over what happens when devices are plugged in and cd's are inserted
  10. why rename it, just set the TargetPath= in winnt.sif to be what you want windows folder to be called?
  11. I nearly though of adding something here, then decided i couldn't be bothered, as this topic seems to be a waste of time and i can't believe i spent 15mins reading it. if somebody is willing to read a 300page doc to shrink windows, go ahead and do it if somebody wants to use nlite, go ahead and do it - less mistakes will be made here i believe also Xyberz, your not you knocking something that you deem in that case nuhi would never realise it and we should all go home
  12. scary, that's over £350 (GBP) which is so wrong especially as XP is till knocking about for about £100-£150 less, so guess which people will continue to buy and why pirate copies will be in demand
  13. just a joke, but a very good one. other topics take you to msfirefox.xom, which take you microsoft.com
  14. old news i'm afraid, there are quite few other links about this
  15. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=40838 i use this and works a charm, have extended to include all post sp2 updates include .Net 1 & 2, WMP10 & 11. checks registry and if installed skips to next, otherwise installs.
  16. ditto with the no av or spyware installed i do have zonealarm pro and it works fine for me haven't come across any issue as bad as you guys though, feel rather lucky
  17. thanks guys, but is has always worked!
  18. an example of xcopy in action REG ADD %KEY%\030 /V 4 /D "%WINDIR%\system32\xcopy /C /V /Q /Y /I %CDROM%\Apps\AcrobatReader\*.* \"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Setup Files\RdrBig708\ENU"\" /f and it works every time for me i don't use REG ADD to add a key. i normally use this REG ADD %KEY%\040 /V 2 /D "REGEDIT /S %CDROM%\Apps\<appname>\<filename>.reg" /f so based on teh top option i reckon using something like REG ADD %KEY%\030 /V 4 /D "%WINDIR%\system32\net use <command>" /fwould work
  19. you don't normally see that under Start | Programs as it is a Add-On for IE and Firefox or any other Internet browser you may have installed. If you go to control panel | Add/Remove programs and see if it listed there as either Adobe or Macomedia flash player - if listed it is installed. However, it came with XP by default and it is that version (very old) that needs the update applied - so you could manual download install and that will probably stop the message
  20. Fernando 1, your right it does work on it's own with no special requirements. have looked at this; http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=77999 and it fails saying that i have virus which i know it doesn't, but hay ho thanks
  21. i have a similar issue, but my laptop Acer Travelmate 4260, didn't come with any specific SATA drivers disc. from device manager i can see it uses; Intel 82801GBM/GHM (ICH7-M Family) Serial SATA Storage Controller - 27C4 I'd like to know it all builds correctly via vmware first before doing for real and this is first time i have come across SATA. So i'm guessing it uses the ICH7 chipset drivers?
  22. i use this with no problems REG ADD %KEY%\020 /VE /D "Java Runtime" /f REG ADD %KEY%\020 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Apps\Java\J2SE509.msi allusers=1 ADDLOCAL=jrecore iexplorer=1 javaupdate=0 /quiet /norestart" /f via runonceex.cmd at t-12
  23. just laze - please remove your serial key just had a quick look and can't see anything obvious
  24. i use the below code with no issues vviewer.exe /Q:A /C:\"vviewer.msi ACCEPTEULA=1 ASSOCIATE=1 RESTART=0 /qn" /R:N
  25. i agree with blkcrowe, i have used a few times and found it to be very good at what it does. yes, trial and error are needed, but it is the same as most new things. suggest you try it in vmware or the like to make sure your happy with build before testing on your pc
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