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Everything posted by enuffsaid

  1. And now ofcoarse SP1 for .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1
  2. Microsoft have released .NET Framework 1.1 SP2. You can download it here.
  3. Ardi, I'm experiencing the same problem with a laptop I've upgraded to SP2 final build. The BETA SP2 which was installed before the final did NOT have this problem. So instead of shutting it down, I used "Standby". The problem "went away" after 1 day.
  4. The checksum for the "new" (build 2158) doesn't need a fix. The patches I provide include a fix for the checksum. The updated TCPIP.SYS is from Microsoft. It's their first SP2 hotfix. Why would I change the build number? Have you actually read this tread?
  5. Toolkit to Temporarily Block Delivery of Windows XP SP2 to a PC Through Automatic Updates and Windows
  6. Add the following reg hack to make it appear. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList] "Administrator"=dword:00000001 You'll have to be logged on as an admin to apply that reg key. If your using XP Home, reboot in safe mode and apply. For XP Pro, press CTRL-ALT-DEL twice for admin logon.
  7. @ prathapml: acha acha (nodding my head in the typical indian way). @ Gunr: Thanks for the info and feedback. I've copied that directly into my WINNT.SIF. Thanks for your work.
  8. Microsoft have published a list of programs that have compatibility problems with SP2 here. There is an entry for the AOL Toolbar, but I don't think that has anything to do with your problem. I'm sure lots of others use AOL, but you seem to be the first to bring up this problem, that I know of. Have you checked with other AOL users?
  9. What happens if you turn off the virus scanner, spam killer, security, and anti hacker stuff? Try re-installing IE6. If that doesn't work do more search for spyware on your PC. Adaware alone is not enough. Try HijackThis. Check out some of the tools at http://www.pchell.com/support/spyware.shtml
  10. Not to mention security. In Windows XP Home Edition all users log in as Admin! That should be fun for the support team.
  11. 25 disks in the past 2 days?!? How many times do you test your Unattended installation. What does VMWare cost anyway? EDIT: Just looked it up... $189 electronic distribution $199 packaged distribution ... for VMWare Workstation 4.5! Wow. That's a lot of dough.
  12. and i bow before you. BTW, did you know I lived in India for 5 years? "Bombay walla" mean something to you?
  13. I'll update mine. Can't wait for the slider bar in the mini-toolbar mode.
  14. Check out Microsoft's KB313644 Non-Administrators Cannot Remap an LPT Port to a Network Printer
  15. System Restore already creates restore points every 24 hours. Check out the Microsoft System Restore FAQ Microsoft provide System Restore scripting samples here
  16. Indeed, HijackThis should be used along with Ad-aware or Spybot. Check out the Spyware Removal Section of www.pchell.com. Plenty good additional tools targeted at specific spyware.
  17. LOL! He said he found it already. But you're still a nice guy.
  18. you would'nt happen to know if there's a winnt.sif entry that controls remote assistance, would you?
  19. @pthomas: done ps. that was a nice fipo! Welcome aboard! EDIT: Oops, just saw gunr beat you to it.
  20. no problems, matey. Glad you resolved your problem.
  21. i got the link from some thread in here... let me search... EDIT: here: http://www.macromedia.com/go/full_flashplayer_win_ie
  22. yeah yeah yeah... the guy is a nut case! I'd say we're better off without him.
  23. I use these for flash and shockwave: ECHO. ECHO Installing Flash and Shockwave Player ECHO Please wait... start /wait %CDROM%\Software\Flash\Flash.exe /q start /wait %CDROM%\Software\Flash\Shockwave.exe /SILENT perhaps not as fancy but certainly does the job.
  24. Most are stored here: C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper But if you find a picture on a website, and right-click > set as wallpaper, that wallpaper will be called "Internet Explorer Wallpaper" and can be found here: C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer.
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