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Everything posted by enuffsaid

  1. CONFIG.NT can be found in your %systemroot%\system32 folder. Perhaps it is marked as hidden or system file. If you use the Windows XP search function, select "advanced options" and tick "Search System Folders" and "Find hidden files and folders". Supposedly, CONFIG.NT is only for DOS apps. Could it be that Sleep.exe is an MS DOS app or 16 bit Windows app?
  2. He didn't ask for easiest to use, but for the BEST anti-virus program. I think he means in finding virii. how it's named the thread?? The Best anti-virus?? it's not talking about easy or virus finder, it's simply the best for yourself!! please leave me!! find any other 1 to follow!! what are you trying?? grow your post quoting me?? Its called :The BEST anti-virus. And not "which is the easiest to use". I'm trying to explain that to you. Get that through that thick skull of yours! EXACTLY!!! Now we're getting somewhere. BEST! NOT EASE OF USE! Thank you for iterating my post (again). Just prove of how AGAIN you add to your post count adding NO content whatsoever.
  3. OMG! ROFL! Finally! Let me remind you that YOU started this... GUY! And where did you see me double post you freak? I already noted that you add to your post count by adding no content what so ever. Nice try in turning that around on me. But no go for you.... GUY! The only person I'm annoying is YOU, because YOU are annoying.
  4. @ Gai-jin... Good find. I noticed that I didn't have the "x" also, so I must have copied from your post, claiming it to be correct. Sorry about that. @ Gunr... Thanks for sharing that. I will try and see if it works. Especially the Firewall exception for Remote Desktop looks good.
  5. He didn't ask for easiest to use, but for the BEST anti-virus program. I think he means in finding virii.
  6. Hey guy yourself... True... but the problem is you consistently repeat previous post adding no content to the discussion. Just trying to make you aware of that... GUY! @enuffsaid ZzZzZ you bore me, find something that need your skills like... feed crocodiles? Another pointless post by "SiMoNsAySnOtHiNg"
  7. I believe you, I really do! But still I'm asking you, what is the value of the registry key AFTER you have checked the Remote tab in the system properties and have found it NOT to be enabled? [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server] "fDenyTSConnections"=dword:0x00000000 Also, do your users have a password? If not, give them a password and try again.
  8. A few posts up you mentioned you got the Pyrax fix, and you looked pretty happy then. What happend since then? I must say, you ask a lot of questions with regard to this matter. Problem is, you ask them ALL over the friggin forum! You're making such a mess of this place! sigh... Anyway... what you got is a PATCHER! You must RUN that patcher where your TCPIP.SYS is, and it will patch it for you. You can also get the pre-patched file from this forum.
  9. You can find setuperr.log in the windows folder. As for Virtual PC... I have no idea. Edit: VPC and not VMWare.
  10. Central European English vs. American English color vs. colour lift vs. elevator anyone got more?
  11. winntbuu.dll or winntbbu.dll? I'm asking, cause if its a typo, your making it consitently. Perhaps you named the file incorrectly?
  12. Id stay far away from that spyware infested garbage. Spyware? Where? What Spyware? In which files? I've gotten several nice bootscreens from them. All zip files with a bunch of bmp's, jpegs, a ntoskrnl, and documentation. One could easily use his bmp's to manually make your own winntbbu.dll. I don't see a problem. Certainly not with spyware. What am I missing? They've got tons of great bootscreens. People were asking for one's with pirate logos. The have a nice selection absolutely spyware free. Check 'em out, again. http://www.themexp.org/listings.php?type=b...at=7&view=views That link will drop you straight in the pirate bootscreens page.
  13. Thanks Kleopatra. I don't use Dutch myself, so I can't check. BTW, is the TCPIP.SYS the ONLY file that's updated with this update?
  14. Dang! I can handle a few... but they seem to be popping out of nowhere.
  15. It's the best! Every topic with regard to Adobe Reader should have that link.
  16. Why are you posting this in the unattended AND windows xp forum? And why are you asking how to integrate it into your unattended install, and when I tell you where to look, you claim you got the patch already? I don't get it?!?!
  17. Then why are you asking for it all over the place, as this has been discussed extensively here already?!?
  18. Yes, we know... we know... Get yourself the hacked TCPIP.SYS from the Sticky thread in the Windows XP forum.
  19. We've been aware of that for some time already. Read the sticky in the Windows XP forum how to integrate this .SYS file into you unattended install.
  20. @ Kleopatra, If you take your german TCPIP.SYS, and right click it, Properties, Version [Tab], what does it say for language? English or German?
  21. For those looking for "Pirated Bootscreens" go here.
  22. They could be the same, but you can't be sure enough. The newest TCPIP.SYS (5.1.2600.2505) was exactly the same size as the one that came with SP2, but they had different checksums, and the code was slightly different. I suggest you get the TCPIP.SYS for your language and do those patches yourself.
  23. Tobe has already provided that link in this thread a few days ago. They don't. Those are only downloads for their FREE reader.
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