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Everything posted by enuffsaid

  1. MSDN is expensive to accuire. If you've got acces to it, or know someone who does, ask him if he can get it for you. All languages are available through MSDN. If not... my tip for you... eDonkey.
  2. I've tried to rip out stuff from Plus! and place it my unattended CD. I've ripped out the Screensavers, the WMP visualizations, Desktop Themes... etc. BUT!!!!! Everytime I start a screensaver, or one of the Plus WMP visualizations, it tells me I did not accept the EULA. I've been trying to find the right .dll and register it, but so far to no avail. Spent a few threads on it, too, here. Let me know if you manage. Regards, eNuffSaid
  3. @ Simonsays... I really didn't want to butt into your thread as we are such "good friends"... but it is obvious you don't know what the hell you're talking about with regard to the patch.... First of all... you mention offset 130... what am I supposed to patch there??? That's where the checksum resides? What happened to your checksum? LOL!!! For each patch, be it 50, 500, or unlimited, you'll have to calculate a NEW checksum. Please post the correct checksums for your patches. Next, the TCPIP.SYS is completely language independant. The installer may be localized but the file itself is NOT! Finally, the latest official release is IDENTICAL to the one released BEFORE it was "regression tested". The made NO modifications to the file. The checksums are identical. You could have just as easily used the one that was patched in the thread a few weeks ago. Nice try Simon.
  4. There is a problem with SP2 and certain Mobo and Graphics Card manufacturers. Supposedly it has to do with writing to the RAM, but the GPU somehow interferes with this. The manufactures are pointing an accusing finger at each other, but currently it is the consumer that's paying the toll. The advice is to go back to SP1. Let me know if you need more info on this. BTW, I am NOT talking about that issue (which already has been patched by MS) with regard to MoBo's that didn't have native support for P4 or Celeron procs.
  5. @ shaz: "helemaal toppie toppie" Just tested the .ms file silent install and it works for me. Great post.
  6. If people searched they would have found prathapml's excellent post regarding this subject: How to pre-set user icons: But nothing wrong with writing your own, guy.
  7. owww yes... forgot to mention what I DON'T like... The sidebar, it sort of sucks big time. I havent been able to move that thing around, but haven't spent much time trying either. Get Desktop Sidebar instead. http://www.desktopsidebar.com/
  8. I like it. Installed it and ripped out the best parts for my Unattended CD: Logon Screen Styles (the ones I like) Log-off / Restart / Shutdown Screen. and ofcoarse my favorite Longhorn backgrounds. I've also got a very nice download of great looking Longhorn icons. My next step is to incorporate those into the Unattended CD for a Windows XP with complete longhorn look.
  9. Creating custom boot screens has already been explained by BOred: Editing WINNTBBU.DLL For Dummies , The Complete Idiots Guide To Hacking WIN To use custom pictures during the unattended install, simply copy them to the afore mentioned folder during the GUIRunOnce phase of your unattended setup. ...or, as SiMoNsAiD wait for the tut.
  10. That's easy. Drop a bitmap with the user name in the following folder: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\User Account Pictures That's all! The "application data" is a hidden folder. Your bitmaps should be 48*48 pixels.
  11. "floating contacts" is still a buggy feature. If you come back from a system standby, your contacts may disappear. With a little more work this could turn out to be a nice feature. Thank heavens he fixed the advertisement banner bug.
  12. Hey! I'm working on a WPI DVD. This may come in handy. Don't have time to try it right away, just wanted to thank you for your effort. Cheers!
  13. My comment was geared towards MCT anyway. It works for me and should work for others. If pskill makes you happy, be my guest.
  14. or... if you're using Windows XP Pro, do even simpler... don't copy anything and use the included "taskkill.exe" instead. (not included in Windows XP Home) taskkill /F /IM msnmsgr.exe
  15. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Patchou\MsgPlus2] "LanguageFile"="Lang_Espanol (Espana).ini"
  16. They why does the tool tell my I have products that may need updating? This tool can't differentiate between WXPSP1 and SP2 or Office 2003 and Office 2003 SP1?!?! Sad
  17. BTW, I have WXP SP2 and Office 2003 SP1. The tool told me I have software running that might need updating. Downloaded a bunch but each fix told me I'm already patched or running a newer update. (or something along those lines).
  18. with regard to the GDI+ Detection Tool (KB873374).... Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\GdiDetectionTool] "GDITool"=dword:00000001 ...will have Windows Update NOT show the GDI tool Critical Update. Delete this key and it will show again on WU.\ Oh bugger, somebody beat me to it.
  19. yup, after XPER read my post here.
  20. ROFLMAO Again XPER posts this news on the frontpage about 30 minutes after I posted it on the forums. This has happened on several occasions already. I'm faster than XPER (or he reads my posts well)
  21. EVERYTHING in one place: http://www.pchell.com/support/spyware.shtml
  22. The SP1 for .NET Framework 1.1 is available here.
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