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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2020 in Posts

  1. Many thanks for still finding the time, between your hectic real life currently, to compile and offer these builds! I think I am one of the very few (possibly the only one?) but I actually read closely and study these official changelogs every week (so rest assured your effort is not in vain...), but I am sorry to say this week's is a sorry mess... And this is identical to last week's: I believe the correct changelog for this week is (what is currently listed under this week's PM changelog): Official UXP changes since my last build: - Issue #1665 - Take overflow-wrap into account when calculating min-content intrinsic size. (8e18743ab) - Issue #1666 - Implement overflow-wrap: anywhere (dadef50bd) - [devtools] Teach devtools about overflow-wrap: anywhere (521f2b476) - Issue #1606 - Add support for multi-monitor DPI awareness v2 (W10 1706+) (bda6f1a93) source: https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP/commits/master Correct changelog for this week is: Official Pale-Moon changes since my last build: - Back-end branch pointer update (Unstable 2020-10-04) (f6ae5e0) - [app update] Move update cert entries to branding (b48aee5) - Issue #1812 - Enable per-monitor DPI v2 in Pale Moon (762408f) - [SSUAO] Update Yahoo override, since they now throw a fit when seeing anything "Pale Moon" in the UA. (aa3ff77) source: https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon/commits/master NB: http://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/2020/10/weekly-browser-binaries-20201010.html is also messed up!... Take the best of care!
    3 points
  2. You forgot to say "then install Windows 7 on it"
    2 points
  3. Get rvkroots.exe (Google), extract updroots.exe from it and put it in some folder. Get Curl: https://rwijnsma.home.xs4all.nl/files/curl/curl-7.69.1-mbedtls-zlib-win32-static-xpmod-sse.7z and unpack in the same folder. Then you just run the following batch file: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- curl -O http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/authroots.sst curl -O http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/delroots.sst curl -O http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/disallowedcert.sst curl -O http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/roots.sst curl -O http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/updroots.sst updroots authroots.sst updroots updroots.sst updroots -l roots.sst updroots -d delroots.sst updroots -l -u disallowedcert.sst cls ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Done, takes 20 seconds to update, no complicated nonsense like they do in the XP forum.
    1 point
  4. ...Well, @roytam1 is extremely busy and pressed for time currently in RL, that's probably why the recent discussion about broken YT chat on LIVE streams was not acted upon in a due fashion... Upstream have also received similar reports (be it in the Mac subforum) and Moonchild himself was initially oblivious to the solution: Most thankfully, @rereser stepped in to enlighten the browser guru: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?p=201384#p201384 so I guess that change will soon hit the upstream Pale Moon repo and, hopefully, be merged in next weekend's New Moon 28 builds... NB: As an unofficial/non-endorsed fork, New Moon isn't entitled access to the "Dynamic SSUAO Updates" service, currently put in place for the stable channel of Pale Moon; so, as you said, a NM28 user has to manually correct/modify the YT SSUAO entry inside about:config... OT: Thank you again for notifying "upstream" about this; I guess having an account on both "camps" is useful for cases like this one, where both "worlds" can profit from... But it sure was a prudent thing to exclude even the most minute reference to forks/officially unsupported OSes/MSFN in particular, or a "certain" person will have eaten you raw... (And I've also noticed how that person has adopted a recent habit of checking official forum posters against the database of MSFN members, once a match is found (via username), then the reporter is treated as dirt... ) Kind regards
    1 point
  5. Sorry - just saw this. As Den says, I actually *AM* a lawyer. Here's my advice: Go out, have a beer and buy a used Win 10 machine on racinenorth.com Now, where do I send my bill? OK OK - what's the question? I'll try. But if it's about copyright or IP, I'll need to reach out to colleagues. My own specialty is bad real estate deals and sexual diseases.
    1 point
  6. @KeyCat Try this instead until you get help for heinoganda's Cert_Updater
    1 point
  7. thanks for pointing out that I forgot to replace old changelogs (it may because I was too sleepy at that moment), this is first time to do release engineering just before sleeping, maybe this is not a good choice as a result. I usually do release engineering right after wake up, but today I have a bicycle visit to my former teammate's workplace and I have to go in the morning.
    1 point
  8. Updated the mirror of Firefox ESR 45 and New Moon 26.5 / 27 / 28 (other builds may follow in the future) -> https://soggi.org/misc/tools.htm * * please don't link directly to a file/download as hotlinking is not allowed and older hotlinks won't work anyway (404), because only the latest build is available for download. I also do, but obviously not as carefully as you...didn't notice the recurrence. kind regards soggi
    1 point
  9. Since I said that, I found that an x86 dll broke after renaming both a forwarded export and its pointer to the recipient function/dll. Simply changing the latter did not causes problems. I don't believe that this problem exists with PE32+. No, but I heard of it a long time ago. Didn't use it though considering the stability of exporttabletester with PE32+ and your statement that the regular ExpX corrupted one of your files. Though it seems pretty nice. Most of the work in kernel32 was done in late June and early July, almost immediately after gaining the bare minimum knowledge necessary to add functions to PEs. So horrific messes like that occurred because I kept running out of room in each new export table and didn't think of expanding the current one. Reason? CFF Explorer would never enlarge a section even if I had changed the virtual and raw sizes of it afterward. Now I know enough to make sure such a cluster.... never happens again.
    1 point
  10. Basilisk 32-bit: roytam1 said: > I think they said they don't produce official 32bit binaries only, they don't break it in source code level. You're forgetting a little detail: if this can be used to harm unwelcome forks, they will do so with GLEE... And of course claiming it's just for cleaning up unused and in future possibly buggy code... (sorry, but could bet 100:1)
    1 point
  11. New build of Firefox 45ESR: Test binary: SSE https://o.rths.ml/gpc/files1.rt/firefox-45.9.29-20201010-7391af2bb-win32-sse.7z IA32 https://o.rths.ml/gpc/files1.rt/firefox-45.9.29-20201010-7391af2bb-win32-ia32.7z repo: https://github.com/roytam1/mozilla45esr Changes since my last build: - import changes from tenfourfox: - #621: temporarily block all scripts on LinkedIn CDN (07f2b0d73) - #622: M1646140 (665369699) - #622: update tzdata, TLDs, HSTS (ab5c5eb23) (b312bc847) - bump version to 45.9.29 (908cacbb3) - partly import changes from tenfourfox: - #627: M1631583 M1631597 M1636771 M1637222 M1649316 M1651520 (2373458b5) - #627: M1631573 (0abd0fc5d) (698630799) - import changes from tenfourfox: - closes #624: update Readability to tip (92be8e3be) - closes #626: M1440677 (81acd2b99) - moar adblock hosts (f8a60dfea) - add javascript on-off menuitem in tools (191db31e6) - #612: M253143 M1643126 (9d3a83602) - #612: M1224669 (819a49413) - #628: M1663642 M1663439 (bc184b4c4) - #628: update TLDs, pins, HSTS (16c85bb33) (7391af2bb)
    1 point
  12. New NewMoon 27 Build! 32bit https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20201010-9fcdd744e-xpmod.7z 32bit SSE https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20201010-9fcdd744e-xpmod-sse.7z 32bit noSSE https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20201010-9fcdd744e-xpmod-ia32.7z 64bit https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win64-git-20201010-9fcdd744e-xpmod.7z source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27 repo changes since my last build: - partly import changes from tenfourfox: - #627: M1631583 M1631597 M1636771 M1637222 M1649316 M1651520 (2373458b5) - #627: M1631573 (0abd0fc5d) (27e2dca99) - import tzdata, DNS, HSTS from tenfourfox (as of rev 16c85bb3) (b08d019cf) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1149486 - Regroup PerformanceStats by window. r=jandem, r=bholley (bedbaab6b) - fix build.... we have a nwer GetScriptableTop() now... (d4c5b9833) (properly fixed by me) - Bug 1167308 - Add a simpler to use CallTyped for the many simple pre-cast cases; r=jonco (73124e936) - Bug 1167313 - Simplify UbiNode::construct dispatch using CallTyped; r=jimb (ce8e33fdd) - Bug 1167314 - Use CallTyped to simplify PushArena; r=jonco (4e07c7a96) - Bug 1167309 - Remove MaybeCompartment using CallTyped; r=jonco (b85699798) - missing bits of bug 1156708: Part2. Add pref to toggle new code. (122a90f03) - Bug 1164777 - Part 1: move evalStaticScope to GlobalSharedContext. (r=shu) (b38066072) - Bug 1164777 - Part 2: Make super.prop parse inside inside eval inside arrow functions. (r=shu) (f7a2fc1fa) - Bug 1141865 - Part 5: Implement new.target inside eval. (r=jorendorff, r=jandem) (4e558cb93) - Bug 1141865 - Part 6: Implement new.target in arrow functions. (r=jandem, r=jorendorff) (f7694ad0b) - Bug 1156264 - Activate/deactivate jank and CPOW monitoring separately (low-level). r=jandem (3837061f6) - Bug 1150259 - Deactivating subtest under old Windows/old Linux. r=yoric (128dc82d4) - Bug 1150514 - in about:performance, fixing CSS of jank levels. r=Yoric (136e06827) - Bug 1150548 - MISBEHAVING_ADDONS_CPOW_TIME_MS is in milliseconds, but is filled with microseconds data. r=yoric (b477de514) - Bug 1155355, e10s, rewrite and reenable browser tests in layout/xul/t#est, don't show tooltips during a drag, use system event listeners for tooltips, r=billm (858570301) (partly) - Bug 1142814 (attempt 2) - Optimize String.fromCharCode() when the number of args is small but > 1. r=jandem. (7c03f649e) and partly import changes from mozilla in order to fix build: - Bug 1149486 - Extract a window title and window ID for PerformanceStats. r=mossop - Bug 1156264 - Activate/deactivate jank and CPOW monitoring separately (high-level). r=mossop (9fcdd744e)
    1 point
  13. I don't know, both? The only difference between the midway and the midway "clean" seems to me (besides the set command for ocount, which I cannot believe can be relevant) the removal of the (unneeded) "cat --locate=\x22 --replace=\x00 (md)%mdmem%+1", so that it must take some time, but it is only run once, so? In a "direct comparison", the "tokenize" *needs* it and with it the cat in the subroutine is faster than dd (QED ), BUT as you correctly did, by removing it (as it is not needed in the dd version) the batch regains some speed, or maybe the difference is all in the insmod loading? Side note about the 255 chars limit, I don't see it as a real world limitation, though of course it is not "fully" universal. I like to see this kind of stuff (when talking with "real" programmers, which would obviously consider it a serious flaw[1]) like doors . The size of a door in an apartment is normally WxH 80 cm x 210 cm. It has been de facto standardized as it is "wide enough" and "tall enough" to let 99,9 % (say) of people go through "comfortably", beside having a "pleasing to the eye" ratio. If you are a basketball player or a seriously obese person they won't be good. Still, we cannot make all doors - still say - WxH 120 cm x 250 cm to take care of the exception and if we add a control of some kind to prevent large people to go through (nowadays that would be an IoT device, a 3D scanner that assesses the size of the person approaching the door, sending it to a central server where an AI would then - in case of need - return to a speaker either a "Duck!" or a "Stop right there, fatso!" [2] vocal warning) that would be inconvenient. Anyway the exercise confirmed the base assumption, to know which is faster/better/whatever you need to test. jaclaz [1] typical is "you cannot use Excel for that, you need a proper database such as SQL", and BTW by the time they setup their "proper" database and the forms and the connection, I usually already have the results, printed and faxed to destination [2] my imaginary IoT devices are not politically correct
    1 point
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