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  2. Yesterday I found a stack of my old mid-90's sdks, ddks, and msdn discs. I'm starting to search them now....
  3. For example, Firefox has QUIC enabled by default. Check your Firefox-based browsers. To disable QUIC the setting below must be set to false network.http.http3.enable - false Sorry for the last OT.
  4. Does MS actually have a secret XP ESU program, or are you talking about some company selling alleged security updates? Always assumed XP was down to to running aging signage, ancient-but-cool lab gear & crusty CNC rigs, that sort of thing, air-gapped from reality.
  5. In this thread, i'm talking about browsers running on home computers (and whether these browsers have QUIC enabled).
  6. I would say security updates to the public because the large corps still pay for security updates up until 2025 at least for WinXP you can't believe how much I hate the crap W7 not only because they removed essential XP functions but there are things that get me angry
  7. Yay! My hope computer is still LEGACY. Shew, that's a relief. I was feeling bad for upgrading from Legacy XP. But I guess it doesn't matter since my LTSB 2016 is also Legacy.
  8. LESS THAN 8% of web sites use QUIC. The percentage of Chrome versus Safari versus Edge versus Firefox doesn't really matter. The web site being visited has to support it lest the browser supporting it is irrelevant. https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/ce-quic
  9. A mere 4 years without security updates. You win.
  10. There is an alternative: https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/wiki/solutions/youtube/ The rules are updated more frequently. But not all rules of them have the functionality one might expect.
  11. I'm not up to arguing (especially when there's no need to). "Microsoft ends Windows 7 security updates | TechCrunch" Windows 7 is a legacy OS. https://techcrunch.com/2023/01/10/microsoft-ends-windows-7-security-updates/
  12. just ignore and move on that's what I do when I don't like some posting or suspicious users.
  13. Which part of Do you disagree with? Here we talk about browsers for legacy operating systems, the ones which no longer receive security updates.
  14. The last update of the GoodbyeAds-YouTube-AdBlock-Filter filter list seems to be performed 4 months ago. So, for me, not that old at the moment. However, if no more updates are rolled out, I will unfortunately have to remove this list from my mod uBlock Origin Legacy. PS: Not every list is maintained on a regular base. There are many lists maintained by only one person or updated when time is available. So, users have to be patient, unfortunately. But you can disable such a list at any time if you think, it has become obsolete.
  15. https://msfn.org/board/topic/186133-thorium/?do=findComment&comment=1264771
  16. Everything except new versions of Windows 10/11 is officially "legacy", including, but not limited to, Windows 8.1 and old Windows 10 (like LTSB 2016 version).
  17. isn't Huawei a black listed brand ? are you using Android or the new Harmony OS ? I prefer a Samsung phone with a weak speaker than a chinese phone to be honest
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