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  1. Yesterday
  2. well, I have now come across the bat version from github and I launched it, a russian wording came up a dos window and I can't make out what it means. but it did launch and execute. I just hope it has done the job if it was needed.
  3. ... Over the course of several previous years, "we" (UXP-users) have witnessed how the platform, in agony, struggled to cope with whatever new Javascript "feature" Google devs came up with, the most notorious of them being the non-polyfillable "operators" ("?.", "??"; read this excellent write-up by @InterLinked); at the time, I was semi-convinced that JS operators such as those would deal the final blow to UXP; thankfully, some talented UXP coders came up with own implementations of these operators, thus UXP was "saved" - but for how long? I'll have to side with NHTPG and, to a good extent, AstroSkipper that the death nail on UXP will be a "new" CSS-related "improvement" (sprinkle with a generous dose of sarcasm here ), implemented in a mixture of CSS code inside/alongside JS code (which seems to be the trend recently ); in the case of UXP, MCP's upstream (Mozilla) have CSS features implemented in Servo/Rust, so MCP can't backport easily, if at all, Mozilla code for these and get away with it; CSS-related UXP issues will keep piling up inside their tracker, with very dim prospect ... Case in point is a CSS bug that has been affecting GitHub in particular for many months now, it was acknowledged exactly one year ago, but so far no activity at all towards a resolution ... This particular "feature" was implemented only in Chromium 99, so it does "invalidate" the popular 360EEv13 and/or KafanMiniBrowser variants on XP/Vista x86; only implemented in Firefox 97, thus putting Mypal68 out of the game, too; if it weren't for the new "additions" (Supermium and its semi-fork Thorium) that appeared at a most opportune time , "we" retro-OS-ers (I just devised this term, ) would have run out of options...
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