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  1. Past hour
  2. This is probably going to be counted as a "loss" - but I'm posting it anyway, lol. D r . a s s
  3. Excellent program, I disabled the performance counters on everything. Thank you guys!
  4. Thanks but I looked first It's not MS, without SAB : No HR, no “ouvert” (open)
  5. Today
  6. I myself have no clue just how to define "ported" versus "knock-off". To me, NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR was not the "first" web browser (a program called "WorldWideWeb" was!) but it WAS the first for PUBLIC USE. EVERYTHING ever since is a "knock-off" of NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR.
  7. I suggest using Photoshop for the design work. Once that's done, convert the HTML into PHP. If your host supports MySQL databases, create a .sql file and set it up accordingly. For reference, consider how TradersFind handles this process. First, use Photoshop to create your design. After finalizing the design, convert the HTML files into PHP. If your hosting provider supports MySQL databases, generate a .sql file for the database setup and configure it on your server.
  8. Well, I tend to disagree, if it's ported without the bloat adding, without spyware, I mean, only its API changed, why it's a knock-off?
  9. Just got an Alienware AW510K keyboard. Operates fine under XP as expected, but to customise macros and lighting, you must use their "Alienware Command Center" software, Currently at version 6, oldest version they have is 5, and only for Win 10 x64. https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-au/product-support/product/alienware-keyboard-aw510k/drivers Anyone know where to find older versions that might support this hardware on XP? Nothing at oldversion.com.
  10. Sounds a lot like mine! Mine has a faster clock but otherwise very similar. It's about 10 years old but it still runs Serpent quite smoothly (at least in multiprocess mode, which isn't available in PM/NM/Basilisk). Switching topics, I think the problem with Serpent's fill login not working at Chase.com is due to Chase recently implementing custom elements on their login screen. They don't have <input> tags any more. Custom element support was added to UXP (& 55 by Roytam) but I don't think the fill login function was updated to work with custom elements.
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