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Windows Jackhammer: The last update you'll need for Win98.

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The time has come,

Maybe you remembered the post a year ago, where I said I wanted to created my own expansion pack to Windows 98? It is finally here!

The latest and last Service-Pack you'll need for Windows 98 has arived!

Windows: Project Jackhammer was made by me, and is designed for Windows 98 computers.

It is a Service/Upgrade pack for Windows 98.

It has a new look& feel thanks to the Windows 98 Revolutions Pack, it has new drivers like Nvidia and ATI graphics cards and ...full USB support, it has new software like a new security center and Office Suite. It is almost a whole new OS made out of an old Windows engine.

So.. I want to welcome all you developers to the playground. Please download the Open-developement BETA at sourceforge.net, check it out, build you programs and submit them at the project admins @ sourceforge.net!!

After the open-developers beta, we will include all your submissions and release the final end-user version.

This version can then be download, and used as replacement of your current Windows 98!

So.. whipe of that dust off the computer that is laying on your attic, and download it today!

Please read the DISCLAIMER & F.A.Q found on Sourceforge.net, before asking the frequently asked questions.

For more information about the End-User product: Click here

For more information for developers check out sourceforge:Click Here


OMG! You've done it while i hasn't! Congratulations!


1) MOAR screenshots please. And i mean a lot MOAR.

2) I don't believe that Sourceforge hosts this! Dunno what MSFN'll say.

3) 2 CD - sure a lot. Can you please write a short list: what's included, what's removed, what's extremely different?


I a going to bed now, and will not be able to reply because I have a field-trip tomorow.

But yes, i will certainly will reply on saturday CET daytime.

3) 2 CD - sure a lot. Can you please write a short list: what's included, what's removed, what's extremely different?
:blink: :blink:


WHAT did you do to Win98se to make it take up two CDs? :blink::blink:


1st: i havent tried it, still downloading (torrent downloads would be apreciated)

2nd: thanks for the christmass present !

The open source nature of the project brings a question in my mind: does the jackhammer goal changed ?

If i remember well, the goal was to open source windows 98...

Another question: source code is about 3,5 Mb... how can become 2 cds ?

According to the Installation guide the procedure is not so simple... don't you think that a "selective feature installer" (something like 98lite) would be simpler and easier for users ?


hello all,

I will try to awnser all your question at one. So please, sit and chill.. I will explain..

[ Response to Tihiy]

1.) We are currently having a open-beta.. posting more screenshots does not give you a better idea how it all comes together.. you will have to try it :blushing:

2.) All software used in Jackhamemr is open source. My own made programs are also open-source. If i release the source-code of my own programs, it would not be a problem.

3.) Here is a software list: (some entrys may have been deleted )

2.0 – Add-ons

2.01 – Resize-O-Magic; A explorer-expansion for the r-mouse context menu, image-editting

2.03 – Jackhammer Filesorter; cleans folders and categorises files.

2.05 – Gaim; An alternative for msn messenger

2.07 – ClamAv – Antivirus Software

2.09 – OpenVNC/ Remote Desktop; Remote Desktop solution.

2.11 – Secure Boot , restores system defaults, protects system files.

2.12 – Driver-packs; popular drivers included.

2.13 – USB for Win98; Solution for current USB problems

2.14 – Updates; All current available updates for win98

2.15 – Windows 98 Revolutions; Expansion pack for Win98

2.16 – Partition saving; software needed to create the Jackhammer Installer

2.18 – Update-All; Software updater for sourceforge related software

2.19 – Gnummeric; Excel Processor

2.20 – AbiWord; Word Processor

2.21 – Jackhammer Image Browser; XP-like image viewer

2.22 – Java Runtime; Current Java-runtime version

2.23 – Inkscape; photoshop solution

2.24 – Real Alternative; Realmedia Alternative Codec

2.25 – Quicktime Alternative; Quiktime Alternative Codec

2.26 – DVD Decrypter – Rips DVD’s to Iso’s

2.28 – Jackhammer GUI for CD/DVD-burning / Ripping. (DVD decrypt, CDRtools)

2.29 – CDRtools Frontend; CD-burner

2.30 – 7-zip; File Archiver

2.31 – Bitcomet; optional package - Torrent Downloader

2.32 – Filezilla; FTP Client

2.35 – Mozilla Firefox/ Fasterfox; Web-browser

2.36 – Mozilla thunderbird; E-mail Client

2.37 – Explore2fs; enables the user to read Ext2/Ext3 type partitions

2.38 – FFDshow; Divx related codec

2.39 – FFvFw; Mp4 media format Codec

2.40 – AC3 Filter; Media Codec

2.41 – Xvid; Xvid media Codec

2.42 – TweakUI; Tweaks advanced user prefences.

2.43 – Poledit; Edits Win98 User policy’s

2.44 – Windows-get; command line linux apt-get solution

2.46 – Xcopy; Command line Copy utility

2.47 – Jackhammer Context menu addons; see 3.06

2.48 – NTFS for windows 98 by Sysinternals; see 5.04

2.49 – Winpcap IP protocol

2.50 – AC 97 audio driver (WDM @ download.com)

2.51 – DirectX ( @ download.com )

2.52 – Windows 98 SE Unofficial Service pack 2.1

2.54 – Windows Multi-Enhancher (http://www.netcult.ch/elmue/ElmueSoft-en.htm )

2.55 – Foxit PDF Reader

2.57 – Some tweaks from Windows 7 years later project (http://www.msfn.org/board/?showtopic=53392)

2.58 – Process Explorer v10 (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/security/processexplorer.mspx)

2.61 – Windows ME Defragmenter

2.62 – Windows 98 Upgrade Pack (http://www.bpa23.host.sk/wupg.html#EN)

2.63 – Windows 98 Cumulative Update (http://www.msfn.org/board/?showtopic=50611)

2.64 – Windows 98 Power Pack (http://www.jimmsta.com/)

2.65 – Windows Installer V2

2.66 – Regclean 4.1a

2.67 – ASPI Layer 4.71a2

2.68 – Internet Explorer 6 sp1

2.69 – Windows media player (see 7 years later project)

2.70 – Microsoft Data access Components 2.8 sp1

2.71 – Macromedia Flash for IE 6 en Firefox

Those are just the included software packages. There are a lot of registry tweaks applied also. See http://www.winguides.com/registry/ , almost every usable tweak for windows 98 was implemented.

So there is your 1.16GBs... SOFTWARE + WIN98SE + CABFILES @ C:\WIN98CD + Windows Jackhammer Custom Software = 1.16GB

My goals was to make it as "out of the box" as possible. If you download like Windows XP (SP3-UWI) from a torrent site, yo uwill notice that all programs included do not seem out-of-the-box. The software list in your start->programs list is HUGE. While Jackhammer devided it over logical folders.

[ Response to LLXX, awergh ]

see above.

[Response to patchworks and to ALL]

1.) Sorry for the download speed. Sourceforge is still spreading the files over its servers. If you want better performance, you should try a server that is located the nearest to your location.

2.) No problem, it was a dream for like 5 years now, so i am glad to finnally releasing it.. pfhew..

3.) " remember well" quote ; wow.. I did not know that users where actually folowing my project. I am a bit late.. I know.. but I discovered that THE goal of a project is, is to finish it! I have spend 3 days installing and glueing parts together of this os. and after that, it wasn't even perfect.. It took time.. and more time. But I know that I had to be patient if I wanted to finish it (which I am defenitly not in real life); but what i learned the best is that perseverance will pay off. Thanks for keeping my dream alife, members of msfn, and the good old OSBeta-archive.Thanks to all.

4.) The released source-code is only from my own programmed software. As you may already see on the software list, the most are open-source, and the source-code of those pograms are out there on the internet. I thought i did not have to go through al their sites and rip their code.

-But, before commenting on freeware programs, where there is no source-code available. Please.. look through them.It is not worth the discussion I think..

5.)The install guide.. is indeed pretty hard. But this is because I only intend that people with computer knowledge & a legal win98 cd key offcourse download this software.

- Question for admin,

I forgot to ask for a lock & sticky at the beginning of this subject, is it possible to make it sticky and locked at this stage? thank you.

Greetings, happy christmas and a happy new year to you all.


P.S: Sorry for my bad english sometimes, my hand are shaking a bit because I fell pretty hard at snow-boarding (the field trip) yesterday..

Posted (edited)

pm mdgx for lock and sticky

(i know, i know im commenting on you program list but i thought dvd decrypter was discontinued, but it is good

Edited by awergh

Not everyone wants all that crap installed too, you know...

You've basically created an ultra-bloated OEM restore CD.

I'm still working on Windows 98 Third Edition ~ which will be nearly the same as 98SE except with updated files (think of Windows XP with integrated SP2)


maybe you want to add mplayer @http://www.mplayerhq.hu/

it's open-source and don't need any installation just unzip and play. last version for win includes gui.

great work (Y)

Posted (edited)

Sincerely I don't know what I must do with an ultra-bloated OEM restore CD.... :}

Time lost for a thing that all could create, this isn't a real project.

Edited by Max_04
As LLYX posted its "Ultra bloated".

I may be wrong, but I think that:

1) NL-Stitch put a lot of work in his project and was so kind as to share the product of his work.

2) You may like or not like it.

3) You are free to download and use it or not.

4) Bashing NL-Stitch or his project for not being "the project" you wish it was or for not being "the project" you expected seems, besides vaguely unpolite, also uncalled for and not really constructive.

So, even if most probably I'm not going to download or use it, thanks NL-Stitch for sharing your work :) .


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