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Windows Jackhammer: The last update you'll need for Win98.


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I know that quoting yourself is not good, but:

I don't want to "Bite off more than one can chew", so my idea is mutch simpler: something like a WPI (Windows Post-Install Wizard) made of ONLY open source softwares that substitutes (uninstall) official components. :sneaky:

JackHammer is not that bad... at least in its "soul".

I think it has to be modulated better... (check out the Open Sourcing Windows 9x 3ad !)

Edited by patchworks
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First of all I would like to thank NL-Stitch for his hard work and his sharing contribution here.

This project sounds much better than what I initialy thought.

Now we have 3 levels of upgrade solution pack:

uSP2.1 : basic system updates mostly

PowerPack : uSP2.1 + cosmetic ones + media or semi-system component updates

Jackhammer : uSP2.1 + PowerPack + Usefull Apps

Jackhammer offer to the noob an all-in one OS with not only the tweaks and updates but also most of the softwares he may need.

All this without searching ages or asking endless questions.

For example it can be great for the noob who use XP because w98 doesn't have a zip compressor. Or the one who doesn't know what to do with a video that refuse to play and think it's because w98 is too old.

However the real geeks (like most of us here) prefer to find these software themsleves and select the udates one by one and won't use half of the Jackhammer package content.

It depends who use it and what's the purpose.


I don't agree it's bloated. In fact if everything is optional, what you install won't be bloat since you choosed to install it.

But a few things are redundant. Why including TweakUI if it's already in uSP2.1? Then why including uSP2.1 which is already in PowerPack for example?

OTOH, if we add apps like image editors, we could include many other apps. Audacity comes to my mind.

Then instead of including all the softwares in the pack, why not creating an html/hta interface with links and descriptions of lot more softwares available for free.

What If I don't want Firefox, but like Maxthon?

Not only that would reduce the download burden, but users will always get the last updates.

Then offering the user to burn a second CD with the softwares downloaded through the interface for further quick re-install if needed.

That would mean a cd with the essential stuffs, then a second self-made cd with the customized stuffs and the updates.

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I think no service pack of any kind should not include 3rd party

Let say i like mpc and you like WMP someone else likes Vlc etc....

just adding any one them will bloat it up because everybody have their

personal preference about what Notepad, Media Player,etc...

program they wanna use.For all you pack makers i love your work but

Damm is it so hard to make a pack without including the stuff you prefer?

A service pack or whatever with just system updates is not gonna kill anyone.

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I want to thank members like patchworks, jaclaz and ALL (I forgot to mention some names but could not remember them just now, sorry) those people who support me in my work. Thank you VERRY much.

Let me just state that this is NOT ... the end-user-product. Indeed.. it may be ultra-bloated.. It may not have the porgams you preffer...but remember.. this is just a package so that people can have a look at what it's like within 30 minutes.

My end-goal is to make a streamlined Win98SE CD with allot of software on it. ( or I will just use a program like Windows-Get to get a lot of software from the internet so I can safe space on my installaton-cd's.) I am hearing a lot of people who want there own preffered software in it. Some like Mplayer, some like vlc etc. etc.

So.. I want to help you all.

Post your favorite program here, and also specify the "type" of program like a browser. I am doing this, because at the end-user product, I will give you a setup-GUI program that takes you trough some steps to choose your own preffered browser, mediaplayer, anti-virus software and etc.

But for me to do just that, I will need your help. Please post your preffered software for Windows 98 (Open-source software offcourse) and I will defenitly include it in my software CD-Rom.

People who want to help me set this end-user product up, can give me an e-mail. If you want jackhammer to be what you really want it to be (include your own personal ideas). Then i suggest that you can help me setup a wiki with all those personal ideas in it. Then, we can have a large list of all your ideas and try in implement it.

Crititcs, ideas, questions or insults(please, no) to this post are appriciated.

Greetings NL-Stitch

P.S: If you had a question that i forgot to reply to (sorry), then please re-ask the question by post, pm or email, i'll be glad to awnser your question.

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ie isnt the most horrible browser in existence,

personaly i think netscape is the worst but anyway

It depends on the version, Netscape 3.0 Gold was the best browser in its time. Netscape 4 was not so good but still much better than IE 4.0. Of course, IE 6.0 SP1 is better than Netscape 4.8. In fact, I never used IE as my main browser, I switched from Netscape 4.78 (?) to Mozilla 0.8 and today I use Mozilla Seamonkey 1.0.7.

As with everything, people are just used to use some products, know what they can expect and what not, know workarounds for known problems and are surprised by the behavior of other product.


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[ Reply to Fredledingue ]

But a few things are redundant. Why including TweakUI if it's already in uSP2.1? Then why including uSP2.1 which is already in PowerPack for example?

I did not have time to investigate the included software of all those service packs. I did some research if some registry tweaks where included, but that is about it. I just did not have the time to think about it for a long time. It was a luxery that i did not have. ( I made it as a school project now by myself, and it had to be completed in 6 weeks. Documentation was a lot of work and I had to apply the schools-judgement system so that it could be approced an rated with grades.)

The idea of a second cd with software sounds verry good, look at the reply above about a windows-get method or equalivent, does this sound good to you Fredledingue?

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NL-Stitch, by Windows Get, do you mean wget ?

Because then it is web get which is a nix tool and which has also been ported to windows.

Anyway, I think your project is gold. And from personal experience, I know how huge such project are (without even considering some softs are not compatible with 9x anymore). Keep it up; it is really worth. ;)

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As LLYX posted its "Ultra bloated".

I may be wrong, but I think that:

1) NL-Stitch put a lot of work in his project and was so kind as to share the product of his work.

2) You may like or not like it.

3) You are free to download and use it or not.

4) Bashing NL-Stitch or his project for not being "the project" you wish it was or for not being "the project" you expected seems, besides vaguely unpolite, also uncalled for and not really constructive.

So, even if most probably I'm not going to download or use it, thanks NL-Stitch for sharing your work :) .


Thats right. I have a lot to learn. I think i should start again.

:hello: Good work NL-Stitch.

Here's my list of few favorite programs:


1. Foobar 0.8.3 (Fastest and simplest audio player)

2. Restoration 2.5.14 (Undelete deleted files, again very simple and fast)

3. CCleaner (Registry cleaner and junk files deletion)

4. Daemon tools (Virtual CD creator)

5. Partition saving. (Allows a partition to be saved and restored, i use it to do a fresh installation of Windows 98 on a formatted disk)

Edited by myelin
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...i rise my Open Sourcing 9x idea (gradually substitute original MS-Windows components with open source ones) again.

For example: why not replace Media Player with skinned-VLC ?


Addictional note: a WPI tool should be more legal (than bundling GPL with closed source softwares) to me...

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[Reply to ALL]

Please submit your favorit software like this:

Deamon tools: Virtual CD-emulator.

Mplayer: Media player


I have made a new Wikispace website. This contains a list of all the software you preffer.

But I will need some help with it, because I have a lot on my mind now.. So would anyone would like to help?

Here is a link to see all the current software. You can also join the "team" and add your software by yourself.

Click Here

Because of security reasons, please register to edit the list (takes about 20 seconds if you can click fast)

Thank you.

[Reply to Camarade_Tux]

Thank you for the compliment.

I was referring to "Windows-Get".

Sourceforge page: HERE

But if you have a other solution you like better, then please, tell me! I will put it on the newly created wiki.

[reply to myelin]

Software added. Look HERE

[reply to patchworks]

I do not really know what your idea is, but can you please post the software packages and/or link to it so i can include it? thank you.

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