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How Long have you gone without sleeping?


How Long Have you Gone Without Sleeping?  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. How Long Have you Gone Without Sleeping?

    • Im always sleeping! zZzZz
    • 1-2 days
    • 3-4 days
    • 5-6 days
    • 6+
    • I am an insomniac

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Well the worst I ever did was:

day, night, day, night, day, night, day, night, day, night, day, night

Then I passed out for night, day, night and woke up in the middle of the next day..

Soo I guess my record is about 120 hrz

I was trying to hack into a place where they had information i needed.

After that perriod of sleep I actually got right back at it with another 96 hrz and I managed to get in and I got what I wanted..:)

3 weeks after that I got a new job...:) That would never had happend without the information I got..

Mr. No Need To Sleep!!!

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2 days :yes: I went on a trip to Amsterdam by train (Netherlands).

We went out for 2 day's, I don't really remember what kind off drugs we took but damm we had energy :D

I had a complete black out, my friends had to tell me what we did.

After that I needed to smoke some good Amsterdam home grown to sleep :D

Now I'm a good boy I only smoke some good home grown :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

1 day

I was at my friend and we did some work on the computer all night,and early in the morning I went back to home on foot,thats was like 30 min. of walk....man i was walking like a drunk

My head was falling down every two minutes..and then I hit my head in street sign,that sure wake me up..and I had bump on my head :D

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I'm a **** insomniac... I have so much trouble sleeping... I generally sleep for about 4 hours a night (sometimes 6 when I'm lucky)... My record for staying awake is something like 7 days... Then I pretty much passed out from exhaustion and woke up the next day...

I went to see the doctor and he prescribed these sleeping pills... They didn't help... He said I have terminal insomnia. :unsure:

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2 Days - **** MSBlaster... 

Now thats funny.

I dont sleep for 2 days and then sleep for about 8 to 12 hours and ready for another 2 days, really odd sleeping pattern or so I am told by my doctors. As for my record of 4 or 5 days ... week long lan party. Had to sleep a couple of hours the last day so I could drive home ... felt like I was drunk, or maybe I was?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

One week in the middle of summer some friends and I stayd up for about 5 days in a row hust for fun... We were really, really bored...

Now adays it feels like I never fall a sleep.. The weekends are sacred relaxing times... ;)

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i went 2 weeks straight no sleep. I felt like sh*t after and was almost sent to the hospital lol. drank about 40 2 liter bottles in the time to myself. and about 30 bottles of Bawls *not those balls perverted minds*...

reason why? I was spending the night at a friends house and we were seeing how long we could stay up since it was summer time we didn't have to worry about school or jobs lol. btw i won =P by an hour :zzz:

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  • 1 month later...

2 and a half days. I was on a p2p proggie and chatting to some people on it. One minute I was telling someone my age, and the next minute I was walking through a forest. Something invisible hit me in the face. I woke up and I was face first (with my glasses on) on my keyboard. At that point I figured it was time to go to bed. Woke up the next day at 3 PM to my friend on my PC listening to music and chatting to people.


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