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nLite 1.0 Final - RC not


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I got a copy of XP Pro that I have been itching to...just itching to install and stuff but I am not too sure when I will get the time for it...maybe this weekend! With nLite final out an everything this will be a very busy weekend setting up the new cd etc etc...thanks for all the great work nuhi! You rock!

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Thank you all, you're so kind :)

Suren, aha

Shuttle, from the quick look Automatic Updates and Remote are fixed but others will be checked upon for later. Thing is that most of them are in tweaks and that's not really my priority, and guys who helped there are no longer that active, thus the delays in fixing that area.

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I've got an urgent support request in. Hopefully they get my site back up QUICK. :realmad:
Site's back up. Thanks for your patience everybody :). Now, go get 2.0.7 and see if you can break nLite with it :D:lol:
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I've got an urgent support request in. Hopefully they get my site back up QUICK. :realmad:
Site's back up. Thanks for your patience everybody :). Now, go get 2.0.7 and see if you can break nLite with it :D:lol:

thanks ryan, was just waiting on your pack release mate, hey to me nlite and ryanvm packs are like sugar n coffee going together, 1 is no good without the other.. ;) LOL, thanks guys... new cd is lovin it bigtime

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congrats Nuhi FINE JOB!!!!

[my feature request]...

> better intergration of Nlite and DriverPacks...

an option were we can add drivers to the instal like in driver packs

but also tell it witch to keep and witch to lose.

for example only have all drivers supported for NVIDIA or SIS chipsets

and lose ATI, intel and VIA (or the other way around). or only keep lan drivers from 3com and losing the rest....

well you get my point...

i think nlite could real benfit from deleting only parts of certain driversets..

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you: releasing the v1.0 final of Nlite

me: having 2 weeks off work with nothing to do

R U a mindreader? :D

many thanks for your hard work & patience thru all this time

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Of coure it could be done manually but why not have it automated with nLite?

Feature Request for future releases:

Direct Integration of .theme files!

put them into the OEM folder and $Resources [ put them themes there ]

i think thats the folder name and it will copy them over

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First at all, i have to say THANK YOU nuhi!

Last year was a Final nLite just a april fool hoax at the german-nlite forum.

My other reason to post here, was the support removing from Serebys-updatepack.

A lot of germans using SerebysPack and to remove the support ist like buying a car without a steering wheel.

But the latest news are you changed your mind and the next nLite version a still supporting it.

Thanks again!

The last thing i wound say is, that you (nuhi) shout get some money from microsoft, because I and some others woudent use Windows without nLite anymore!

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