RyanVM Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 (edited) I think our work is inseparable whether we like it or not, nuhi Edited June 29, 2006 by RyanVM
nuhi Posted June 29, 2006 Author Posted June 29, 2006 Hey twoface What do you mean, you never used it.I don't mind anything to the limit, but do you see messages there is new nlite in your every version dedicated topic? If you do then I appologize.
RyanVM Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 (edited) Hey twoface Hey, I resent that.I don't mind anything to the limit, but do you see messages there is new nlite in your every version dedicated topic? If you do then I appologize.Get on IM and we can talk Edited June 29, 2006 by RyanVM
nuhi Posted June 30, 2006 Author Posted June 30, 2006 For the innocent public:we solved it...basically make a new thread when new rvm pack is out, it wouldn't clutter this one and we can discuss potential integration issues as well.Going to bed...dreaming of next beta...mmm
Jeremy Posted June 30, 2006 Posted June 30, 2006 Going to bed...dreaming of next beta...mmmSweet dreams. These days are very hopeful ones when it comes to nLite. I'm going to dream about going swimming in my in-laws' backyard pool and watching my girlfriend do the breast stroke.
Jeremy Posted June 30, 2006 Posted June 30, 2006 pls send pics? You deserve to be banned without notice, perve. LOL, JKing.
Zxian Posted June 30, 2006 Posted June 30, 2006 pics of nuhi's dreams? people need to just chill and appreciate the hard work that's gone into this. Good work nuhi.
Jeremy Posted July 1, 2006 Posted July 1, 2006 pics of nuhi's dreams? I think he was referring to my girlfriend doing the breast stroke... ahem, I need to sit down, wait... I already am. LOL Back on topic... I like cheese! lmao, who closed that thread? Beta Beta Beta! Me want beta! Great, I've reverted to n00b. It's Friday night and I'm utterly retarded.
Sesshoumaru Posted July 1, 2006 Posted July 1, 2006 anyone having trouble using nlite AFTER integrating rans 2.07a pack with the 1.3.0 integrator ? 2.0.7 with 1.2.2 was ok, and the new pack with no nlite is ok too, but the three of em toghether, results in "missing files" during the text mode part of the instalation (and a bsod atthe end of the gui part, if i chose to skipp al the files).this is a combined nlite + ryan problem, but ryan alone works, thats why i posted here XD
Kelsenellenelvian Posted July 1, 2006 Posted July 1, 2006 I have had no issues with doing ryans with the integrator and then using nLite.
Sesshoumaru Posted July 1, 2006 Posted July 1, 2006 strange, i am using the same nlite, SAME nlite options, and only new ryan pack + new integrator (this one doesnt have the option to remove the cat fiels, so the file protecion option in nlite is available, i will check that and see what happens )
Camarade_Tux Posted July 1, 2006 Posted July 1, 2006 I get an error with NetBT in eventviewer when I install vmware tools.It happened with previous version.I'm checking right now whether it is winnt.sif related or not.following is at least half false:Ok, if you do not install "printer and file sharing for microsoft networks" (with winnt.sif) and install VMWareTools you will get NetBT errors in the event viewer.Solved by installing this protocol.I don't know if it happens when a NIC is discovered or when a compatible network is found.If you remove this protocol again, the error does not seem to appear again.
Camarade_Tux Posted July 1, 2006 Posted July 1, 2006 (edited) It must be a component. Now I have to find the proper one. Edited July 1, 2006 by Camarade_Tux
Madhits45 Posted July 1, 2006 Posted July 1, 2006 (edited) Thanks for the final.. I've only noticed one problem compared to RC8 and that is an issue with the internet explorer icons disappearing from the desktop. Both the quicklaunch icon is gone and the special IE icon on the desktop are not created. In RC8 with the same items removed this does not happen. Here is a copy of my preset file for nlite final.. (same as rc8)If anyone has an idea of what could be causing this or if its a bug in the final nlite. Please let me know.[Main]Env = 1.0 Final - 2.0.50727.42.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2Target = Windows XP Professional Sp2 - build 2180 - English (United States)[Tasks]Remove ComponentsHotfixes and Update PacksTweaksPatchesOptions[Components];# Applications #BriefcaseCharmapGamesInternet GamesNT BackupPinballScreensavers;# Drivers #Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)Display AdaptersDisplay Adapters (old)Ethernet (LAN)InfraRedISDNLogitech WingManMicrosoft SideWinderModemsPortable AudioPrintersScannersSCSI/RAIDSony Jog DialSound ControllersTape drivesToshiba DVD decoder card;# Hardware Support #ALI IDE Bus DriverATM SupportBluetooth SupportBrother DevicesCMD IDE Bus DriverGravis Digital GamePortMulti-port serial adaptersSmart CardsToshiba IDE Bus DriverUSB Audio supportUSB EthernetVIA IDE Bus Driver;# Keyboards #Albanian keyboardArabic (101) keyboardArabic (102) AZERTY keyboardArabic (102) keyboardArmenian Eastern keyboardArmenian Western keyboardAzeri Cyrillic keyboardAzeri Latin keyboardBelarusian keyboardBelgian (Comma) keyboardBelgian (Period) keyboardBelgian French keyboardBengali (Inscript) keyboardBengali keyboardBosnian keyboardBulgarian (Latin) keyboardBulgarian keyboardCanadian French (Legacy) keyboardCanadian French keyboardCanadian Multilingual Standard keyboardChinese (Simplified) - Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0 keyboardChinese (Simplified) - NeiMa keyboardChinese (Simplified) - QuanPin keyboardChinese (Simplified) - ShuangPin keyboardChinese (Simplified) - US Keyboard keyboardChinese (Simplified) - ZhengMa keyboardChinese (Traditional) - Alphanumeric keyboardChinese (Traditional) - Array keyboardChinese (Traditional) - Big5 Code keyboardChinese (Traditional) - ChangJie keyboardChinese (Traditional) - DaYi keyboardChinese (Traditional) - New ChangJie keyboardChinese (Traditional) - New Phonetic keyboardChinese (Traditional) - Phonetic keyboardChinese (Traditional) - Quick keyboardChinese (Traditional) - Unicode keyboardChinese (Traditional) - US Keyboard keyboardCroatian keyboardCzech (QWERTY) keyboardCzech keyboardCzech Programmers keyboardDanish keyboardDevanagari - INSCRIPT keyboardDivehi Phonetic keyboardDivehi Typewriter keyboardDutch keyboardEstonian keyboardFaeroese keyboardFarsi keyboardFinnish keyboardFinnish with Sami keyboardFrench keyboardFYRO Macedonian keyboardGaelic keyboardGeorgian keyboardGerman (IBM) keyboardGerman keyboardGreek (220) keyboardGreek (220) Latin keyboardGreek (319) keyboardGreek (319) Latin keyboardGreek keyboardGreek Latin keyboardGreek Polytonic keyboardGujarati keyboardHebrew keyboardHindi Traditional keyboardHungarian 101-key keyboardHungarian keyboardIcelandic keyboardIrish keyboardItalian (142) keyboardItalian keyboardJapanese Input System (MS-IME2002) keyboardJapanese keyboardKannada keyboardKazakh keyboardKorean Input System (IME 2000) keyboardKorean keyboardKyrgyz Cyrillic keyboardLatin American keyboardLatvian (QWERTY) keyboardLatvian keyboardLithuanian IBM keyboardLithuanian keyboardMalayalam keyboardMaltese 47-key keyboardMaltese 48-key keyboardMaori keyboardMarathi keyboardMongolian Cyrillic keyboardNorwegian keyboardNorwegian with Sami keyboardPolish (214) keyboardPolish (Programmers) keyboardPortuguese (Brazilian ABNT) keyboardPortuguese (Brazilian ABNT2) keyboardPortuguese keyboardPunjabi keyboardRomanian keyboardRussian (Typewriter) keyboardRussian keyboardSami Extended Finland-Sweden keyboardSami Extended Norway keyboardSerbian (Cyrillic) keyboardSerbian (Latin) keyboardSlovak (QWERTY) keyboardSlovak keyboardSlovenian keyboardSpanish keyboardSpanish Variation keyboardSwedish keyboardSwedish with Sami keyboardSwiss French keyboardSwiss German keyboardSyriac keyboardSyriac Phonetic keyboardTamil keyboardTatar keyboardTelugu keyboardThai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) keyboardThai Kedmanee keyboardThai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock) keyboardThai Pattachote keyboardTurkish F keyboardTurkish Q keyboardUkrainian keyboardUnited Kingdom Extended keyboardUnited Kingdom keyboardUnited States-Dvorak for left hand keyboardUnited States-Dvorak for right hand keyboardUrdu keyboardUS English Table for IBM Arabic 238_L keyboardUzbek Cyrillic keyboardVietnamese keyboard;# Languages #;ArabicArabic (Algeria)Arabic (Bahrain)Arabic (Egypt)Arabic (Iraq)Arabic (Jordan)Arabic (Kuwait)Arabic (Lebanon)Arabic (Libya)Arabic (Morocco)Arabic (Oman)Arabic (Qatar)Arabic (Saudi Arabia)Arabic (Syria)Arabic (Tunisia)Arabic (U.A.E.)Arabic (Yemen)Divehi (Maldives)Syriac (Syria)Urdu;ArmenianArmenian;BalticEstonianLatvianLithuanian;Central EuropeAlbanianBosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)CroatianCroatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)CzechHungarianPolishRomanianSerbian (Latin)Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)SlovakSlovenian;CyrillicAzeri (Cyrillic)BelarusianBulgarianFYRO MacedonianKazakhKyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)Mongolian (Mongolia)RussianSerbian (Cyrillic)Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)TatarUkrainianUzbek (Cyrillic);GeorgianGeorgian;GreekGreek;HebrewHebrew;IndicBengali (India)Gujarati (India)HindiKannada (India)KonkaniMalayalam (India)MarathiPunjabi (India)SanskritTamilTelugu (India);JapaneseJapanese;KoreanKorean;Simplified ChineseChinese (PRC)Chinese (Singapore);ThaiFarsiThai;Traditional ChineseChinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.)Chinese (Macau S.A.R.)Chinese (Taiwan);TurkicAzeri (Latin)TurkishUzbek (Latin);VietnameseVietnamese;Western Europe and United StatesAfrikaansBasqueCatalanDanishDutch (Belgium)Dutch (Netherlands)English (Belize)English (Caribbean)English (Ireland)English (Jamaica)English (New Zealand)English (Philippines)English (South Africa)English (Trinidad)English (Zimbabwe)FaeroeseFinnishFrench (Belgium)French (Canada)French (France)French (Luxembourg)French (Monaco)French (Switzerland)Galician (Spain)German (Austria)German (Germany)German (Liechtenstein)German (Luxembourg)German (Switzerland)IcelandicIndonesianItalian (Italy)Italian (Switzerland)Malay (Brunei Darussalam)Malay 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NetworksCommunication toolsInternet Connection WizardInternet Information Services (IIS)IP ConferencingMSN ExplorerNetmeetingNetShell Cmd-ToolPeer-to-PeerSynchronization ManagerWeb FoldersWindows Messenger;# Operating System Options #.NET FrameworkAdministrative TemplatesAdministrator VB scriptsCommand-Line toolsDesktop Cleanup WizardDisk and Profile QuotaDisk CleanupExtra FontsFile and Settings WizardHelpManual Install and UpgradeMS AgentRemote Installation Services (RIS)Save Dump UtilitySearch AssistantSecurity CenterService Pack MessagesTour;# Services #Application Layer GatewayAutomatic UpdatesDistributed Link Tracking ClientFax ServicesImapiIndexing ServiceMessengerRemote RegistryService Advertising ProtocolSystem RestoreTelnet ServerVolume Shadow Copy;# Directories #DOCSSUPPORT;# Compatibility #[KeepFiles]hidbatt.sysbattc.sysbattery.infunires.dllxcopy.exeariblk.ttfpala.ttfwebdings.ttfmagnify.exeosk.exe[RemoveFiles]calc.exenotepad.execlock.aviaccwiz.exenarrator.exeutilman.exenarrhook.dll[Options]CABRecompressClassicSetupDisableFreereqDisableMinMemGuestName = ""AdminName = ""ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings"TargetPath = "WINDOWS"temp_dir = %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\TempSrvpEnabledRemoveMUIAdvTweaksNoISOPresetisovol = isoatt = -allow-multidot -relaxed-filenames -allow-leading-dots -N -l -d -D -joliet-long -duplicates-once -no-emul-boot -b boot.bin -hide boot.bin -hide boot.catalog[Patches]TcpIp = 100UsbPoll = 125DoSFC[services]Alerter,2AppMgmt,3ClipSrv,4EventSystem,3COMSysApp,3Browser,2CryptSvc,2DHCP,2MSDTC,3DNSCACHE,2ERSvc,2EventLog,2FastUserSwitchingCompatibility,3HTTP,3HTTPFilter,3HidServ,2IpInIp,3IpNat,3IpFilterDriver,3PolicyAgent,2Ip6Fw,4NwlnkFlt,3NwlnkFwd,3NDProxy,3NetLogon,3Netman,3NetDDE,4NetDDEdsdm,4NLA,3xmlprov,3NtLmSsp,3SysmonLog,2PlugPlay,2ProtectedStorage,2RasAuto,3RasMan,3RpcLocator,3RemoteAccess,4seclogon,2SamSs,4LanmanServer,2SENS,2LMHosts,2TapiSrv,3Themes,2UPS,3AudioSrv,2SharedAccess,3StiSvc,3winmgmt,2Wmi,3W32Time,2WmiApSrv,3LanmanWorkstation,2[Tweaks]Security-Disable Windows Script Host (WSH)[unattended]UnattendMode = DefaultHideComputerType = AutomaticMaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 12RestorePointLife = 30AutoUDay = 5AutoUHour = 15ProgFilesPath = "C:\Program Files"[GuiRunOnce][Drivers][Hotfixes]HotfixingReportsE:\XP CD\MSFN Unattended CD Files\RVMUpdatePack2.0.7.cab Edited July 1, 2006 by Madhits45
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