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Switchless Silent Installers, RVM/nLite Addons, .MSI Files


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I made a silent installer for Paint.NET that was pretty much just like yours BUT it works :P (just joking) and it's compressed with WinRAR its only for x86 and installs to %Systemdrive%\Program Files\Paint.NET and places one shortcut in "Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories" It's 3.41 mb's

EDIT: I posted it on rapidshare here is the link http://rapidshare.de/files/15371716/PaintDotNet.exe.html

Edited by godan
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@RogueSpear: Thanks for creating your VMWare Tools addon. Nobody else has been able to do so!

Any chance of you releasing an updated version that is more of a 'standard addon' than your 7z/vb/OEM version?

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Update - 20060313

Added iTunes V6.0.4.2

Updated Real Alternative to V1.48

Updated QuickTime Alternative to V1.69

Updated VirtualDub to V1.6.14 Build 24415

Updated Winamp to V5.21


I am going to be discontinuing this thread soon. It's been fun and I'm glad that a LOT of you have gotten some use out of these installers, but this is starting to take up entirely too much of my time. It's cutting into my real life just a bit too much. It's also seriously hampered my efforts to get serious about programming. A good deal of these installers I have to maintain for work, clients, etc. But a lot of them I don't. Making the .cab addons and everything involved with keeping the thread up to date involves time that I simply don't have anymore.

I haven't decided when I'm going to wipe it all out, but it will probably be sooner rather than later. So get everything you want to get from here now, because I'm not going to be emailing out any special requests. Thanks to everyone who wrote with words of gratitude and thanks to those who gave me some pointers and pointed out flaws in my work. It all helps to make better installers.

I made a silent installer for Paint.NET that was pretty much just like yours BUT it works :P (just joking) and it's compressed with WinRAR its only for x86 and installs to %Systemdrive%\Program Files\Paint.NET and places one shortcut in "Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories" It's 3.41 mb's

Great work :thumbup Maybe you can help to make up where I am leaving off.

winrar installers run also better

What exactly are you basing that statement on? I've made installers using both and really fail to see any difference in their execution.

Any chance of you releasing an updated version that is more of a 'standard addon' than your 7z/vb/OEM version?

Well when you decompress the downloaded file you get a switchless silent installer and a VBscript. You can always delete the .vbs file if you like and just use the installer however you see fit. Perhaps I'm not quite understanding what you mean.

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I posted a GUIDE here not that long ago. It could have been better, could have been more detailed, but again we have this time issue. It's funny though because I had no less than two dozen people send me PM's requesting such a guide. So I posted the guide and figured that something with that amount of room for error would surely generate tons of questions, suggestions, and so forth. But it completely bombed. I don't know if that's because people figured they could just wait for me or someone else to release something or if the guide truly sucked.

Hopefully we can get a few people on board to start making these things. Shark007 has made some nice installers which he keeps right up to date. Maybe godan ;) has a flare for these too.. Now seeing that I did post a guide, if you can figure things out and work through problems, you should be able to make your own installers. If anybody runs into problems making one, just send me a PM. Don't send me a PM asking how to make one from scratch - that's what the guide is for :D

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Rogue i'm so sorry that you will not continue release this amazing silent installer, so serious, so impecable...sigh...

But now it's time to ask!!!!!:):):)

What is the link to the cab addon? i don't understand why this file, what can i do with this?

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Just to let all of you know, QuickTime Alternative 1.69 sucks just as bad 1.68. It's also based on QuickTime 7.0.4. The older 1.67 still works just fine. The installer I made is fine, it's the actual release that is terrible.

@Jedi82, the .cab addon downloads are for use with either RyanVM's Integrator or nLite. The cab file actually contains the exact same switchless silent installer that is available as a download. The cab file just contains instructions so that RVM/nLite know to place the installer in the svcpack directory and make the appropriate entry in svcpack.inf.

Edited by RogueSpear
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Hello! I just wanna say I really love your addons!

To have all these great programs install nicely and orderly in set folders. I'm gonna miss that when different people make addons with other standards. I must always change them myself, and that is work enough for me. You have been my God and teacher. :)

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A guide, great I must have missed it. Thanks!!! I have no formal training on computer programs. Everything I know I've learned from You, Ryan, Kel and all the great people in the forums. I guess I could take some classes, but my schedule won't allow it. I guess I continue to plink around.

Thanks again

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I have a request.

Could you make a switchless uninstaller for SPTD please. I wish to add it to WPI for future proofing. Just in case I don't want it installed by default at a later date (T-12 install->WPI Uninstall).


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Did Anyone test Desktop Sidebar 1.05.111. I receive an error when i try to integrate the cab with NLite or RVMIntegrator.

Product: Desktop Sidebar 1.05.111 -- Error 1904. Module C:\Program Files\Utilities\Desktop Sidebar\basicpanels.dll failed to register. HRESULT - 2147010895. Contact your support personnel.

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The Desktop Sidebar issue is something that was also brought to my attention over at RyanVM's forums. Personally, I am only able to duplicate the problem on a computer that has an nVidia video adapter :blink: I don't quite get that. Just a little background for those interested: the Desktop Sidebar installer is not a repack like most of my installers. It's the original .msi file with plugins and skins injected into it. In due course of troubleshooting the issue I made an installer with the original .msi file and got the same error (on a laptop with an nVidia Go).

So it seems to work for some and not others. My suggestion is that if you want to be on the safe side, install it from RunOnceEx.

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The Desktop Sidebar issue is something that was also brought to my attention over at RyanVM's forums. Personally, I am only able to duplicate the problem on a computer that has an nVidia video adapter :blink: I don't quite get that. Just a little background for those interested: the Desktop Sidebar installer is not a repack like most of my installers. It's the original .msi file with plugins and skins injected into it. In due course of troubleshooting the issue I made an installer with the original .msi file and got the same error (on a laptop with an nVidia Go).

So it seems to work for some and not others. My suggestion is that if you want to be on the safe side, install it from RunOnceEx.

Allright,'ll try to install it from the RunOnex.


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