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Switchless Silent Installers, RVM/nLite Addons, .MSI Files


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I had been planning to announce this at some point in the not too distant future, but some low life scumbag from Romania has accelerated the time table significantly by sucking up 800GB in two days of my bandwidth. All of the request referrals came from this thread - so this thread is now finished permanantly.

Installers that had been posted here are currently available at my forums, but depending on what happens with my bandwidth they may not be available for a short period of time.

Edited by RogueSpear
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Updated 20051107

- Added Crap Cleaner V1.25.201

- Updated FileZilla to V2.2.17

- Added QuickTime Alternative V1.65

- Added Real Alternative V1.45

- Added SpywareBlaster V3.4

- Added SyncBack V3.2.8.500

- Added WinPcap V3.1 Beta 4

- Discovered the single post size limitation :blushing: I guess I'll be ditching the alphabetical order listing and just start appending as new titles are added.

Edited by RogueSpear
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That's one I've been using forever now, without a problem. Are you running it from svcpack.inf? Because it wont work from there. It needs to be run from RunOnceEx.

How do you use this?

i did what it said , but that way it didnt work

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Well I included the script because what it does it check the BIOS strings for "VMware", to verify that your install is being done in a VM as opposed to a real computer. For testing purposes, to make sure this thing will work for you, why don't you just hard code calling the file from RunOnceEx, so you know it'll run. Also, I didn't mention this before (probably need to do an edit), but this version of VMware Tools is for the latest release version (V5). I don't know if it would work in earlier versions or the more recent beta releases (V5.5).

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