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Switchless Silent Installers, RVM/nLite Addons, .MSI Files

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I did have an installer up for both Microsoft AntiSpyware and for Windows Defender, but I made a decision that I'm not going to distribute any installers that require a WGA check in order to download from Microsoft. I just don't need the grief. Besides that I think Microsoft would have frowned upon how I managed to make Windows Defender installable from svcpack.inf (you can't normally).

The installers that I have on here now will get updated when I'm able to do so. Any spare time that I have outside of work and clients has been spent lately programming. The other thing is that repacking apps is very mouse and keyboard intense and I've been having a great deal of problems lately with my right arm.

Crap Cleaner is definately at the top of my list however.




Does THANKS = to your work

I do not think so

But english does not have another word to express what I would like to say

So you can imagine what I want to say

I spent more then three months trying to use runonce or wpi but always failed and finally you make the add on that I will use with nLite

I used to be a staff admin for one of torrent site, and it was eating my time very fast and I find nothing left for family,...etc

so I clearly understand your decision to give up, but you already left a great work behind

Thanks again



  • 2 weeks later...

Can anyone tell why when i intergrate OpenOffice2.cab it wont install when i install windows? I use RVM Intergrator to add, is this maybe the problem.

Would really like this to work



Is it possible to install Daemontools to his normal direction?

And it doesnt autostart anymore :(

Can i change this myself with your installer?

You can always decompress the installer and edit the script yourself if you want it to install to the default. And I specifically stated that I turned off autostart. Just enable it, or again, edit the script to not disable it.

I also want Daemon Tools to install to its default directory. But I cannot decompress the installer - it asks for a passphrase.

  • 3 weeks later...
Desktop Sidebar V1.05.111 .msi installer .cab Addon

Home Page:http://www.desktopsidebar.com

File size: 9.62MB

MD5: D71D59054E2564F171331DC3F6399A38

MD5: 9A97350FC0E41A676187F2C1B8079920

MD5: 2D789C1B44B569E9E2EFA6BDAF98C6E8

Install from: svcpack.inf

Installs to: %PROGRAMFILES%\Utilities\Desktop Sidebar

Shortcut: Programs\Utilities

Last updated: 20060228

Notes: I simply love this program and have been a faithful user for about two years now. I've added quite a bit to this installer. Extra skins: Aero Style (Glass Mistic), BMF, Concrete, Glass Black, Glass Blue, Homestead, IM contest, InspiratSE, LonghornNature, LonghornNature Blue, MetallicShades (Blue, Green, Purple, Red, All Blue, All Green, All Purple, All Red), OpusOS (Blue, Deep, Green, Olive), Royale_Black_Knight_Compact, Royale_Luna_Compact, XPMC, and XPMC Induztry. Extra plugins: AlarmPanel, BatteryMonitor Performance Ticket, DSCalculator, DSiTunes Controller, DSMixer, DSMPC (Media Player Classic) Controller, DSShutdown, FlashPlayer, FTPUploader, HowLongUntil, IPPanel, KeyboardState, Magnifier, MailNotifier, PrinterQueue, RecycleBin, ScreenSaverController, SpeedFan Performance Ticket, SportsCaster, Sudoku, Thumbnail, UserTitle, and Wireless Performance Ticket. Requires .NET V1.1 or greater to run. Also, if you do not have SpeedFan installed, don't try to run the SpeedFan performance ticket.

I've realize that many members failed to let that lovely tool work

Thanks for Kelsenellenelvian, because he is the one who did it,

so thanks for you Kelsenellenelvian and all credit back to him, where credit is due

here is what I did:

Downloaded sidebarb115.exe from the website:


Using 7zip to extract the source then use only the file DesktopSidebar.msi with the switch

DesktopSidebar.msi /qn

and DONE


Posted (edited)

Update - 20060630

Added Paint.NET V2.63

Removed MSN Messenger 7.5 due to obsolescence

Updated Adobe Reader to V7.0.8

Updated Crap Cleaner to V1.30.310

Updated OpenOffice.org to V2.0.3

I'll be attempting to update as many of the installers as I can this weekend. No promises though. Somewhere in this thread someone was looking for the source to the AutoIT scripts for the DAEMON Tools V4 installers. I erroneously told them to decompile the installers, forgetting I had protected them (for what reason I do not know). I came across the script files so here is the code:

Opt("TrayIconHide", 1)
FileInstall("C:\DAEMONTools.exe", "C:\DAEMONTools.exe")
Run(@ScriptDir & "\DAEMONTools.exe")
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Welcome to the DAEMON Tools 4.03 Setup Wizard")
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Welcome to the DAEMON Tools 4.03 Setup Wizard", "Button2", 1, 1)
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "License Agreement")
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "License Agreement", "Button2", 1, 1)
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components")
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", 1017, 1, 1)
ControlSend("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", 1017, "{TAB}")
ControlSend("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", 1032, "{DOWN}")
ControlSend("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", 1032, "{SPACE}")
ControlSend("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", 1032, "{DOWN}")
ControlSend("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", 1032, "{SPACE}")
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", "Button2", 1, 1)
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Install Location")
ControlSend("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Install Location", 1019, "C:\Program Files\CD-R\DAEMON Tools")
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Install Location", "Button2", 1, 1)
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Completing the DAEMON Tools Setup Wizard")
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Completing the DAEMON Tools Setup Wizard", "Button4", 1, 1)
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Completing the DAEMON Tools Setup Wizard", "Button2", 1, 1)
RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "DAEMON Tools")
If FileExists (@ProgramsCommonDir & "\CD-R") Then
DirCreate (@ProgramsCommonDir & "\CD-R")
FileCopy (@ProgramsCommonDir & "\DAEMON Tools\DAEMON Tools.lnk", @ProgramsCommonDir & "\CD-R\DAEMON Tools.lnk", 1)
DirRemove(@ProgramsCommonDir & "\DAEMON Tools", 1)

I can't be certain anymore that this was the final code because some of it looks idiotic (like if a directory exists then create it ?), but this is what I found.

Edited by RogueSpear
I'll be attempting to update as many of the installers as I can this weekend. No promises though. Somewhere in this thread someone was looking for the source to the AutoIT scripts for the DAEMON Tools V4 installers. I erroneously told them to decompile the installers, forgetting I had protected them (for what reason I do not know). I came across the script files so here is the code:

nice , now i can finaly add the default location instead of C:\Program Files\CD-R :thumbup

nice , now i can finaly add the default location instead of C:\Program Files\CD-R :thumbup

I bet myself a million bucks you'd post that.

nice , now i can finaly add the default location instead of C:\Program Files\CD-R :thumbup

I bet myself a million bucks you'd post that.


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