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Switchless Silent Installers, RVM/nLite Addons, .MSI Files


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I really dont mean to put words in his mouth but I do belive he said he really wouldnt make any custom releases. He just does this for his own use and is nice enough to post his work here for us incase we might ahve a use for it, which many of us do.

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Where possible I stripped out all non-English support files in the interest of smaller file sizes. If you require non-English language support then these installers are not for you.
This is from post #1 in this thread. So I don't see why on earth I would go out of my way to make an installer for a "language pack".
I have so much going on right now that it's a struggle just to keep up with what's here already. Besides the installers here, I also have to maintain as least as many which I don't post. These are mostly commercial apps or proprietary programs for work or clients. At some point soon something is going to have to give and unfortunately new titles here is probably going to be first. Also updates to existing titles may not show up here the week they're released from the developer either.
I just made this post less than a week ago. There are other posts in this thread that I have made where I clearly stated that I will not be taking any requests. Not trying to be an jerk, just the simple fact that I'm way overextended as it is.
I really dont mean to put words in his mouth but I do belive he said he really wouldnt make any custom releases. He just does this for his own use and is nice enough to post his work here for us incase we might ahve a use for it, which many of us do.
@godan, I couldn't have asked anyone to explain it better.
Is a windows update , but gues your to stupid to figure that out.
@muiz, so what are you looking to get banned for a second time?
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Its not up to him whatever i request or not.

This has nothing to do with personal requests , next time FIRST READ before yell things like that.

Next time just say "No i cant , or will not do your request"

That saves things like this.

Edited by muiz
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And since when are you a mod here ?

I wasn't threatening to ban you, as I obviously don't have the capability to do that. I don't have the desire to do that either. Just a little friendly advice as that type of personal attack is exactly what got you booted the first time around.

And who was yelling anything besides you?

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The link for Windows Live Messenger cab file seems to be broken.

Did you actually mean the .msi file? The cab addon seems fine, but the .msi file link was pooched. All fixed now though. Thanks for the heads up.

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just want to report a bug of sorts, after using the silent installer via RunOnceEx for Paint.NET if you right click on a picture file like a .jpg and choose "Open With -> Paint.NET v2.6" windows installer starts up and starts to ask for PaintNET.msi this also happens when you are in Paint.NET and try to use "File -> Acquire", it's really a pain. I do want to point out that this doesnt happen the very first time you right click and "Open With -> Paint.NET v2.6" only every time after that. I dont know if its a problem with Paint.NET itself or if its with your installer.

EDIT: I uninstalled the silent version and downloaded and installed the normal version from thier website and installed it normally with autoupdate off and desktop shortcut off and file associations on and everything works fine now so I do think it has something to do with the silent installer OR with installing from RunOnceEx but I dont know.

Edited by godan
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I've only ever installed it from svcpack.inf and didn't notice that, but then again I can't say for certain that I've recreated your set of circumstances - open files multiple times via right click. I'll have to check into it further.

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I had a problem with **** NFO viewer doing something like that. Windows Installer would pop up saying it needed the msi, but it already had the msi selected. So I just clicked next and it did its thing. But still ... it was annoying. These pesky msi files man ... they're a real pain the a**. :(

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Usually it's not a problem with installers made from an administrative installation point. I have run into some notable problem children though. PowerArchiver for some reason always does this to me unless you run the app from the start menu first :blink: I never did figure that one out and quite frankly I don't even care now as I use 7-Zip and WinRAR almost exclusively for archive files. Another one is Spybot - Search and Destroy. I've had a couple of complaints about the current posting. I'm guessing that if I pack it up with the browser helper disabled that the problem will go away.

What I've determined is that there are two things that for some strange reason will only sometimes cause these problems. Shell extensions and browser extensions. I wish I could nail it down with absolute certainty. For instance, I've never had this problem ever with 7-Zip or WinRAR, both of which use shell extensions.

I should start a new thread "Unattended Installation Mysteries" :D

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