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Switchless Silent Installers, RVM/nLite Addons, .MSI Files

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@ RogueSpear, mate the link to the "Microsoft .NET Framework All-in-One .zip Addon" coomes up "404 not found" can you fix it please

@ RogueSpear, mate the link to the "Microsoft .NET Framework All-in-One .zip Addon" coomes up "404 not found" can you fix it please

Thanks for the notification on that. Hopefully that's the last of the bad links.

Posted (edited)

I did not put in any password on the new Daemon Tools installers. And I specifically checked the box to allow for decompilation. You should be able to use the AutoIt tool to simply decompile each installer.

EDIT: Here are the scripts exactly as I wrote them:

Opt("TrayIconHide", 1)
FileInstall("SPTDinst.exe", @WindowsDir & "\")
Run(@WindowsDir & "\SPTDinst.exe add")
WinWaitActive("SPTD setup V1.25", "This program will install SCSI Pass Through Direct")
ControlClick("SPTD setup V1.25", "This program will install SCSI Pass Through Direct", "Button1", 1, 1)
WinWaitActive("SPTD setup V1.25", "You need to reboot for changes to take effect.")
ControlClick("SPTD setup V1.25", "You need to reboot for changes to take effect.", "Button1", 1, 1)

Opt("TrayIconHide", 1)
FileInstall("DAEMONTools.exe", @WindowsDir & "\")
Run(@WindowsDir & "\DAEMONTools.exe")
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Welcome to the DAEMON Tools 4.03 Setup Wizard")
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Welcome to the DAEMON Tools 4.03 Setup Wizard", "Button2", 1, 1)
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "License Agreement")
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "License Agreement", "Button2", 1, 1)
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components")
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", 1017, 1, 1)
ControlSend("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", 1017, "{TAB}")
ControlSend("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", 1032, "{DOWN}")
ControlSend("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", 1032, "{SPACE}")
ControlSend("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", 1032, "{DOWN}")
ControlSend("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", 1032, "{SPACE}")
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Components", "Button2", 1, 1)
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Install Location")
ControlSend("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Install Location", 1019, "C:\Program Files\CD-R\DAEMON Tools")
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Choose Install Location", "Button2", 1, 1)
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Completing the DAEMON Tools Setup Wizard")
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Completing the DAEMON Tools Setup Wizard", "Button4", 1, 1)
ControlClick("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)", "Completing the DAEMON Tools Setup Wizard", "Button2", 1, 1)
RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "DAEMON Tools")
If Not FileExists (@ProgramsCommonDir & "\CD-R") Then
DirCreate (@ProgramsCommonDir & "\CD-R")
FileCopy (@ProgramsCommonDir & "\DAEMON Tools\DAEMON Tools.lnk", @ProgramsCommonDir & "\CD-R\DAEMON Tools.lnk", 1)
DirRemove(@ProgramsCommonDir & "\DAEMON Tools", 1)
If FileExists (@WindowsDir & "\DAEMONTools.exe") Then FileDelete (@WindowsDir & "\DAEMONTools.exe")

Edited by RogueSpear
Posted (edited)

It still didnt work for me, but thx anyway :thumbup

I made my own

WinWait("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)","Welcome to the DAEMO")
If Not WinActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)","Welcome to the DAEMO") Then WinActivate("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)","Welcome to the DAEMO")
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit)","Welcome to the DAEMO")
WinWait("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Please review the li")
If Not WinActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Please review the li") Then WinActivate("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Please review the li")
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Please review the li")
WinWait("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Choose which feature")
If Not WinActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Choose which feature") Then WinActivate("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Choose which feature")
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Choose which feature")
WinWait("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Choose Install Locat")
If Not WinActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Choose Install Locat") Then WinActivate("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Choose Install Locat")
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Choose Install Locat")
WinWait("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Completing the DAEMO")
If Not WinActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Completing the DAEMO") Then WinActivate("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Completing the DAEMO")
WinWaitActive("DAEMON Tools 4.03HE (32 bit) ","Completing the DAEMO")
WinWait("Wizard Nieuwe hardware gevonden","De wizard Nieuwe har")
If Not WinActive("Wizard Nieuwe hardware gevonden","De wizard Nieuwe har") Then WinActivate("Wizard Nieuwe hardware gevonden","De wizard Nieuwe har")
WinWaitActive("Wizard Nieuwe hardware gevonden","De wizard Nieuwe har")
WinWait("Wizard Nieuwe hardware gevonden","Met deze wizard kunt")
If Not WinActive("Wizard Nieuwe hardware gevonden","Met deze wizard kunt") Then WinActivate("Wizard Nieuwe hardware gevonden","Met deze wizard kunt")
WinWaitActive("Wizard Nieuwe hardware gevonden","Met deze wizard kunt")
WinWait("Wizard Nieuwe hardware gevonden","De wizard Nieuwe har")
If Not WinActive("Wizard Nieuwe hardware gevonden","De wizard Nieuwe har") Then WinActivate("Wizard Nieuwe hardware gevonden","De wizard Nieuwe har")
WinWaitActive("Wizard Nieuwe hardware gevonden","De wizard Nieuwe har")

edit : dutch !

Now it runs fine

Edited by muiz

decompiling the .exe file didn't work , and yours doesnt install the driver , and it installs in a directory i dont want. :blushing:


I don't know what to tell you muiz, it installs perfectly for me. As far as decompiling the whole thing, I did check the box to allow decompiling. Perhaps there's a problem with the version of scite that I'm using.

I don't know what to tell you muiz, it installs perfectly for me. As far as decompiling the whole thing, I did check the box to allow decompiling. Perhaps there's a problem with the version of scite that I'm using.

As far as i know i am using the latest version.

Maybe that is the problem

Posted (edited)

Update - 20060723

Updated QuickTime Alternative to V1.71

Updated Real Alternative to V1.49

Note: If you downloaded the updates to Crap Cleaner or SyncBack shortly after they were posted, you should check your MD5's. If they don't match that means you should download them again. I had to fix them because I upgraded to AdminStudio 7.5 which apparently cannot deal with unadvertised shortcuts on it's own. I just knew when Macrovision bought out InstallShield that things would start to go down the crapper.

Edited by RogueSpear
DAEMON Tools V4.03HE (w/ SPTD V1.25) .cab Addon

Home Page:http://www.daemon-tools.cc

File size: 2.26MB

MD5: 20A88E1DB1E0707B90355F10D9540A1E

MD5: FD3F5108030E82CDD07D9CF4CBBE9239

Install from: svcpack.inf and RunOnceEx

Installs to: %PROGRAMFILES%\CD-R\Daemon Tools

Shortcut: Programs\CD-R

Last updated: 20060715

Notes: Without getting the idea to first extract SPTDinst.exe from MHz, I never would have made this. I had essentially given up on the idea. This download contains two installers. The first one, SPTD.exe, should be installed from svcpack.inf. The second file, 050_DAEMONTools.exe, should be installed from RunOnceEx. If you follow these simple instructions, it will work. I have tested it. The SPTDinst.exe file that is used with the first installer is left inside %SystemRoot% in case you later need to uninstall the driver. Also, the registry entry to autorun the tray application has been removed, but you can easily enable it yourself when you first run the application. The .cab Addon Pack can be integrated using the RyanVM Integrator and the RunOnceEx setting will automatically be picked up if you use my ScriptPack. If you do not use the ScriptPack, then you will have to make arrangements for the RunOnceEx registry setting on your own.

If I add this to my unattended cd, will I need to do any thing else, because after I integrate it with RyanVM integrator I did not find it installed at all.


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