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Everything posted by gamehead200

  1. I haven’t posted in years. Found this thread from Slashdot. Just wanted to swing through and say how awesome this is.
  2. My, how things have changed around here! Just dropping in to say hello to the community and to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year!
  3. Hey all, Just an update. I got all of the parts on Tuesday and assembled most of it then. I finally had a chance to throw in the SSD and the optical drive and installed Windows 7. This was my final build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/cuhl And I think I'm pretty with it. It's blazing fast! Definitely the most powerful machine I've ever had my hands on (apart from a server).
  4. OK, that all made a lot of sense. CoffeeFiend, if you're not very fond of ASRock, what would you suggest instead?
  5. How hot will it typically run compared to the Intel chip?
  6. I always thought the new Intels used way less power than AMD chips, so I stuck with that. Might consider it, though, for my purposes, I think 8 cores is a little overkill.
  7. Why? Trying to save some $$. The 570 fits my budget. Unless you can suggest something comparable for the same price? Again, this is for occasional gaming.
  8. Hey all, I'm back from the dead, kind of. I've missed out on a lot of hardware-related news over the years. Anyways, I haven't built a desktop in about 10 years (about the same time I joined MSFN) but am planning to build one since I won't be on the go as much as I have been while I was in school (holy crap, just graduated!). This was my first attempt at speccing it out: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/bNUV Here's my revised build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/bP6J Trying to get the built closer to $1k as much as I can, just not sure what to cut. I would cut the SSD down to 128GB if I wasn't planning a dual-boot with Linux and Windows 7, so I'd like to keep that if possible. The Samsung HDD is there for storage and I'll eventually have another one in there for some RAID1 action. What will I be using this for? Occasional gaming, media playback, photo editing, file/media store/server. I also need it to have some pep for running some CPU-intensive apps on occasion. What exactly? No idea yet, but it happens from time to time. Tripredacus will wine about how I asked /r/buildapc before coming to MSFN for help, but that's only because a bunch of friends recommended it.
  9. The sounds of cars passing by outside.
  10. I like this theme too. So much better.
  11. [ Moved. ]
  12. Happy Birthday buddy!
  13. Some more information on what GrofLuigi mentioned: http://www.kpsec.freeuk.com/components/led.htm#series
  14. That should work. If the store you buy it from allows it, buy it, test it out, and if it doesn't work out, return it.
  15. Have you read the official guide yet? Everything is covered pretty well in it: Introduction Requirements Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 [ Moved. ]
  16. I'm not so sure it would. AP Client Router mode only works with WISP, and I don't think that applies in this situation. Wait until someone else chimes in to make sure of this though.
  17. Linksys WRT54GL with Tomato firmware on it will work fine as a wireless client. No need for WDS in this case (though the firmware does support it). Note that once you set it up as a wireless client, you won't be able to use it simultaneously as an access point.
  18. Welcome to MSFN! We can definitely help you out. First off, the minidump won't be of much help, so I'd suggesting creating a full memory dump if the BSOD ever happens again (instructions here: ). This will help us further analyze the cause of the problem.
  19. OMG GURL!!!!!!! Kidding aside, welcome to MSFN and enjoy your stay here!
  20. Thanks guys! @cluberti: I don't get those anymore.
  21. Funny thing - I've celebrated turning legal drinking age three times (18 when I was in Quebec, 19 while in Ontario, and well, 21 for when I'll be in the US, where I'll be doing my next internship). Had a fun time with my friends last night, and the partying hasn't ended just yet. Thanks for the birthday wishes.

  23. MD5 is one of the most commonly-used hashes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5 Example: The MD5 hash of 12345 is 827ccb0eea8a706c4c34a16891f84e7b.
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