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Everything posted by .PsychoMerc.

  1. What situation in Palestine?
  2. I got the NVIDIA GeForceFX 256 MB 5600 or whatever and my 3D mark score sucks! Should I take it back or do you guys know any tweaks?
  3. thanks
  4. ehh.
  5. Karim, cut it out, thats 72 posts in under three hours. Go get some sunshine or something. Jesus H. Christ
  6. Notice she doesn't post..
  7. Radioshack.
  8. We live in the same area: Atlanta, just tell them to remove you off their list, and if they call back, sue their pants off! I suggest getting one of those phone recorders that attaches to the mouthpiece so you can record the conversation, so your proof is indefinite.
  9. Perhaps uninstall the modem drivers?
  10. Charges pending against some ZySoft noname company, I'm gonna run their asses out of business!
  11. I use MSN 8 with advanced spam filtering™. So I get zero spam, occasionally something slips by, but for the most part, I'm in the clear. Isn't advertising/spam the same as telemarketing? If you reply and tell them not to email you back, then legally they can't email you for a year. Read up on it and save the emails, sue their pants off and stop working!
  12. Please tip your server, welcome to MSFN!
  13. As long as you aren't spamming, you're welcome here. Just a suggestion: Don't dredge up old threads just to heighten your post count. Post helpful tips and ask questions about stuff you need to know. Welcome to MSFN.
  14. Exit MSN, paste it into your MSN Directory. Restart MSN. Enjoy.
  15. :asschaser:
  16. Smooth and simple, great for the not-so-computer-savvy consumer. Well-done.
  17. Theres yer preview.
  18. I grouped them together so others wouldn't have to go through the painstaking process of right clicking.
  19. Includes many of the cool smilies from MSFN. Download now! Installing the smilies: Unzip the files to a directory on your system using WinZIP, note the directory, and open a chat window with one of your buddies. Click the smiley icon to bring down the dropdown menu containing the smilies, click My Emoticons and add the files included in the zip. Select your own shortcuts! Once again, Download Here!. And a preview for you paranoid mofos..
  20. ya its wired together, but it works at this house
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