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Posted (edited)

Hello guys and if any gals are on this forum. But this is my first post, I usually don't tread over to the tech forums, just mostly read tech news. However, I have done a few searches on here to see what AV software you guys used, and what you liked. Well, I didn't want to revive an old forum so I just made my own. All the AV software that you did polls on are obsolete. If you want to know what is the best security product on the market, it's not available for public use. The software that makes AV obsolete is called ImmuneEngine created by BBX Technologies. Just a few features that make AV software seem like childs play.

1) No signatures required. No database is created of know viruses. It contains the first ever binary search engine. Designed to pick up any executable, be it desguised or un-desguised, known or un-known.

2) It has an automatically deployed authentication defense thread that analyzes every executable on the system. If not originally apart of the computers matrix, then that executable will not run at all. It will intercept every executable before it is passed to the kernal. Then the binary search engine will sweep and eradicate it(not quarantine) from the computer.

3) When installed, system idle process is an average of 95 to 98%. Designed to be literally undetectable to system resources.

4) Runs independently of the Microsoft OS. Traditional AV relies on the OS to tell it something has happend.

5) Protects from the inside threat.

6) Because it does not use the System driver approach, it continues to provide protection in Safe Mode.

This is the only software solution that will literally make you get out a screw driver to change the hardware of the box to break it. It has been put up against "RED" teams of certain government agencies to be broken. It has been in a line up test with the basic AV software in government test facilities and come out the winner by a landslide, just for the simple reason it has a binary search engine. You guys have never seen this software, so I'm sure you all are skeptical about it. But it does live. Viruses are not designed to combat with such a system as this. You have to turn off the software if you want to get a virus in. And if you don't have access to it, then your not turning it off. Nothing can do what this software can do. And I've only described just the core stuff. There are other little tid bits of security that it depolys that I have not explained, such as securing the cmd.exe program. It's not in the public sector, so I figured that's the reason none of the polls have it mentioned.

Edited by rhythmnsmoke


Read up on the forum rules and ettiquette. Coming

16. Don't self-promote your site, the moment you sign-up. Wait till you have atleast 10 posts to your name, before talking about your own site (in the "websites and boards" forum).


This shouldn't even be in the WindowsXP section either...


Also a RRP would be more likely to increase numbers of customers showing interest, without that they will be less likely to email sales.


haha thats funny... the site is crap... i don't believe this stuff... and why i think that is because the site is designed by a msn group... LOL....

yes i do know that i'm jumping to conclusions... but meh !


I did a Google search to see what I could turn up about this program. I like one persons comments: "The article makes it sound like the best thing since Microsoft Bob", lol. Joking aside however, the few articles I could find on it seemed to like it, but I have my doubts about a software that hasn't been proven in the wild. Sure, they managed to trick a few people in government to approve it for use, but if it can't hold it's own in the wild on a normal users PC it's not worth squat.


yeah, somebody tried this about 8 years ago, I wonder if this guy repackaged it and now is setting about trying to get rich :lol:

now, about the software, what happens when you try to install new software? does it get blocked automatically? and lots of dll files are executable, imagine some poor n00b trying to install a new program with this AV software installed :o


No, guys this is real. It might sound like an infomercial, but I run it on my own at home. Now, if I wasn't prepared to meet all of your skeptics head on, I would have never posted this in the first place. If you guys don't believe me, that's cool, I can demonstrate it live via the internet to anyone interested enough to see it work. I have Live Meeting setup to run, and all I have to do is send you the instructions on how to get to my desktop to view.

Read up on the forum rules and ettiquette. Coming
16. Don't self-promote your site, the moment you sign-up. Wait till you have atleast 10 posts to your name, before talking about your own site (in the "websites and boards" forum).


This shouldn't even be in the WindowsXP section either...

I'm not trying to promote the site. I'm trying to educate the masses any way I can, to show you there is something far greater in technology than the popular AV software of today. To be quite frank with you, probably 95% of the people we deal with on a daily basis have never even seen our website. This is a true "Word of Mouth" product.

Also a RRP would be more likely to increase numbers of customers showing interest, without that they will be less likely to email sales.

My Co-CEO, also the cheif programmer of the software always comments this "All roads in security lead to Washington". If you are not protecting something of importance in the gov. sector first, then you can forget about the public/corporate sector. The focus of the company right now is to tackle government entities. This is not available to the general public, although we do have a home version. This concept is hard to grasp even for people who have P.H.D's in computers.

haha thats funny... the site is crap... i don't believe this stuff... and why i think that is because the site is designed by a msn group... LOL....

yes i do know that i'm jumping to conclusions... but meh !

Like I told the other guy, I wasn't posting to promote a website. We are a small company, and we don't have a web designer. So no fancy graphics coming from here. Besides that, we rarely update the site. When we promote our product, it's truly by "Word of Mouth". I didn't expect ANY one of you to accept this as true to begin with. It's like me trying to tell you something is RED, but you only see Blue. But I am prepared to demonstrate it live to you via the internet. All you need is a PC with an internet connection.

PS...If any of you think that I'm trying to pull one over you, Call my Bluff! I will demonstrate it to you.

Posted (edited)

and to answer the other questions…

A word of mouth product wouldn't need you to join forums advertising it.

If it were as good as you say, you should advertise it properly, produce a proper web site, to sell it, and give a guide price.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you if it is everything you say, but if it is, your marketing strategy needs a complete overhaul, since it could conceivably be the biggest selling security product in the world!


Sorry missed the last couple of posts during composition.

What would be the fundemental difference between a Government, Corporate and Home version.


Edited by Yzöwl
I did a Google search to see what I could turn up about this program.  I like one persons comments: "The article makes it sound like the best thing since Microsoft Bob", lol.  Joking aside however, the few articles I could find on it seemed to like it, but I have my doubts about a software that hasn't been proven in the wild.  Sure, they managed to trick a few people in government to approve it for use, but if it can't hold it's own in the wild on a normal users PC it's not worth squat.

How does "Sitting at the computer with a cd loaded with 100+ viruses on it, and launching each one of those viruses against the machine sound". Because it has been done. And we killed every one of the them. Then you might say, well they were all known viruses. I would then challenge you to create a virus un-known to the wild, and try to run it, only to find out that it wouldn't run, and the binary search engine would sweep the computer to destroy it and alert the Admin console everything you just did. I run it at home on my desktop, does that also count as being in the wild.

The software has been through rigourous testing, and pass with flying colors. It has been hit my "RED" teams of government agencies. It has also be hit by hackers that work for certain corporations. Let me give you another example real quick of a test we performed.

There was a test done, by an independent lab, they took several boxes and lined them up. Install several different AV software, and then ImmuneEngine on the last computer. Now....all they did was just deposit some program on to each box. Did not execute the program at all. The box with ImmuneEngine running because it has the first ever binary search engine, did a sweep of the machine(as it's always constantly doing a sweep) saw the new program, and cleaned it from the machine. Every other AV software machine in the test, sat there dumb as a post.

yeah, somebody tried this about 8 years ago, I wonder if this guy repackaged it and now is setting about trying to get rich :lol:

now, about the software, what happens when you try to install new software? does it get blocked automatically? and lots of dll files are executable, imagine some poor n00b trying to install a new program with this AV software installed :o

If it can execute, it will get blocked and ate. When it comes to installing software, all you have to do is send the probe machine a signal from the main Admin console to bring down the shield, either globally for all the probes talking to that machine, or individually for seperate occassions. Corporations are tired of people running around, installing software all over the machine. This software will no longer allow you to do that. Software will not get installed unless the Admin knows about it. More importantly than just the end-user, Admins are wreaking havoc all over company networks. We secure the computer for the All Mighty Admin as well.

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