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Everything posted by bonedaddy

  1. Very easy, WPI in DVD root, use Kels Vista\Win7 folder structure. I have Win7 DVD AIO, with 11 ver of Win7 made with vista sp1 waik. I'll find instructions and post back. It works with which ever version of Win7 you pick from DVD. BD
  2. Way to go Nuhi, perfection is not far off, although not much has been wrong for me, except that password expiration thing, for a long time........... Congrats bonedaddy B)
  3. My guess??? Nuhi has Vista on a CD in less than a month.........Oh yeh thats what he told me....ha ha... Well he may not do it in a month, but not long after for sure...... BD B)
  4. You the man Nuhi.........
  5. bonedaddy

    nLite 1.0.1 Final

    IE7b3 integration works perfect for me.......... BD B)
  6. All I can do share is my own expierences, since 2.0 was released I've only installed it....... Not once has there been a problem with any program that needed framework.......... BD B)
  7. bonedaddy

    nLite 1.1

    List the one feature or removal you would like to see in version 1.1, please if you want Nuhi to read it keep it simple, one feature or item removal. Just so you know there is a new page in 1.1, application install (addons will still be supported). Oh yes ie7b3 works in 1.1. BD B)
  8. looking forward to the testing tomorrow..............BD Way to go Nuhi.......... edit check your email.....
  9. Well it worked, sort of...... the window with the check boxes came up but there was no nothing inside, except for the check boxes, I checked them and everything installed fine.... Be nice to see what was being checked.......... BD B)
  10. Wrong forum, I'll ask Nuhi to move this to nLite forum......... BD B)
  11. very cool, I'll give it a test........ BD B)
  12. @RavenLord click the top link in my sig, nLite forum, and see if it will help you.........programs can be added to your pre-iso files with nLite, and you don't need to use nLite for anything else....many programs are ready for this........ BD B)
  13. Hey Solid How are you? Listen I've been using that since he posted it and no problems, I like watching the mouse move, ha ha............... PM me and I'll send you my au3 if you want................. BD B)
  14. thanks much, I don't know if all understand how handy it is to have this reference, I do................ Hope you hospital problems are not serious.......... BD B)
  15. @ X-Savior if you are testing on a spare machine you are using the best method........ as long as that spare is free, use it, nothing compares to real time testing.... just my 2 cents worth boneadddy B)
  16. Your timing is perfect, with all the folks now making cab's for RVM integration and nLite integration, works great, thanks very much........ BD B)
  17. Thanks, got it......... BD B)
  18. Hi. would like to try your ver but rapidshare is not working for all, just had the same problem with XMLinst, so PryGuy uploaded to http://www.sendspace.com/ here as well.......... thanks BD B)
  19. very cool, got it............ BD B)
  20. rapidshare not working still for me tried IE7 and FireFox............. googled and many have problems with rapidshare many don't?? might upload to http://www.sendspace.com, no reg or anything........... thanks BonEdAddY B)
  21. @ Dynaletik thanks, it's just I'm getting an error everytime 1.0.7 opens, like this....... ......."An error occurred starting Disk I/O Component"....... Well your answer has me looking on my end then, thanks again..... BD B) EDIT this whole topic should be moved to "other member contributed projects" area
  22. I asked PryGuy if I could post this, it's just to help those like myself, he had to PM me so I could get it to work, so this may help someone.......at this time he is very busy but will post something more professional later........
  23. this is what I use, I'm sure you know how to get the msi........ BD B)
  24. Has anyone used this with Firefox 1.0.7 BD B)
  25. @ I Devil yes, I do, but I use a third party software, (boot-us), to totally hide the other partitions.......just to be safe, since one is test partition it has to be fully hidden....... and if fully hidden you can do autoformat ect... good luck BD B) EDIT If you keep critical data or mp3's or pic or what ever I would never chance it..........
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