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Everything posted by ^_^

  1. ^_^

    New PC Problem

    interesting comment on Asus That's all I use, and the only complaint I've had with them was the A7V333. it's a POS
  2. ^_^


    looks neat, but really, 1GHz? what a waste of money
  3. ^_^

    New PC Problem

    seems there are a bunch of bad motherboards out there also could be you got unlucky read http://badcaps.net/ident/ for more info on this subject good luck
  4. seems you should be able just to import the key, but I dunno, what kind of smartie am I anyway? to skip the authentication is to go to tool menu>Manage Add-ons then select from dropdown: Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer scroll down to Windows Genuine Advantage, select it and then select the disable button down below click OK, then exit Internet Explorer, and it will be disabled no more annoyances. except when you go to microsoft update, it will do a little popup saying that the website tried to use a disabled plugin when I follow the above procedure, it creates a key like this [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-527237240-682003330-725345543-1003\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Settings\{17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700}] "Flags"=dword:00000001 "Version"="*" thus my assumption that it is unique to each computer
  5. Removed by Admin except when you go to microsoft update, it will do a little popup saying that the website tried to use a disabled plugin
  6. I'd be intrested in seeing your reghack looks to me like the regkey is unique
  7. right, but he will want to reconfigure the software firewall once he has things sorted, he won't want to leave that disabled
  8. unless he has a software firewall like zonealarm running, and doesn't have the local zone set to allow file sharing.
  9. are both computers in the same workgroup? do both have file and print sharing enabled?
  10. yeah, it's getting friggin' boring now /me busts out of this thread, it's goin' nowhere fast. since you aren't willing to trust even a single person for a demo on this thing, screw it, even if it becomes the most successful piece of software on the face of the earth, I'll never give you a penny of my money
  11. IF I like it, then I'd spread the word. If I don't like it, then I'll uninstall it and I don't think I'd need technical support, unless it's way complicated not only that, I wouldn't put it on my main machine, it would go on a crash test dummie so I could really thrash it oh, and you wouldn't have to ship, ever hear of winimage? make an iso file and send it to me
  12. so I guess you won't lend anyone the "old obsolete" version to test out either????
  13. you have identical matching memory modules with the Asus board, I had to set the mem timing to manual, and slow down the latency
  14. that's all nice for you, as you probably don't have to pay for the software then there's people like me who would like to try it, and would spread the word IF I could get my hands on the software to make sure it is good but, as the song says, "You can't always get what you want....."
  15. you need the full original win98 cd to be bootable usually, if it's a copy, it's probably not bootable you can make a boot cd from a computer from a file at http://www.bootdisk.com/bootdisk.htm just choose the win98SE OEM file that should make a bootable win98 disk you probably will have to go into the bios again and make the floppy the first boot device then once you have fdisk and formatted the partition, you just need to type d:\win98\setup to start windows installation
  16. techniquefreak, I have installed the PG software, but not the paid version, so I can't examine all the features like I'd like to. Weird thing is, for a day it was acting like the full version, and was asking if I wished to allow processes to start, but then it went back to evaluation version. I do think it is an excellent solution for the price The other thing it does that is cool, even the evaluation version will not allow 1 process to stop another, so it should keep something from disableing Norton, or at least help in that matter. I'm seriously thinking of paying my money to get the registered version, as I think it could be a good tool especially at 1/10 the price of ImmuneEngine. (no offense rythmnsmoke, I'm a bargain shopper and don't need bulletproof, just a decent shield)
  17. here's a site that has a bit of an explanation on how to use fdisk http://www.compguysinc.com/techweb/fdisk/fdisk_scr.shtml
  18. I'm also trying ProcessGuard so far, so good I'm not really worried about it not working in safe mode, since nobody uses safe mode on a regular basis anyway, and most of the computers won't work properly on a network in safe mode anyway. If somebody wants to mess up a computer on purpose, they'll find a way to do it. what we need is something just to help idi0tproof from adware and stuff. now I need a test machine so I can try to bugger the program with known malware, as I'm not going to risk my regular PC for that
  19. lol, I never thought I'd see a linux question on a microsoft forum but if it says a folder exists already that is named com2, and they are hard to see as InTheWayBoy mentioned, is it possible it's actually there already, and you can't see it but the OS knows it's there?
  20. this guy did ask what is the task of the processor and ram super simply, the processor does the number crunching, and the ram is the worktable where that data is stored that's being worked on and the hard drive is where all the files are permanently stored (or until some idi0t erases them )
  21. I've had it run half decent on a 500MHz machine with 128 ram, but I'd rather see a minimum of 800MHz with 256 ram. but hey, with computer prices being so cheap, why not build a 3GHz machine with 1GB or more ram?
  22. that's barely 1 per page
  23. wow, this thread has caused 2 new users to join and smam 1 whole post
  24. is it possible that somebody is messing with the monitors to screw with your head? try adjusting the monitor brightness control to brighter
  25. New York Times reported that as well, but I guess it could still be a rumor
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