1chaoticadult Posted September 14, 2004 Posted September 14, 2004 screamer run the setup cancel and look in your system drive for a directory called sav_setup files or something. Then you can create an admin point from there.
Thauzar Posted September 14, 2004 Posted September 14, 2004 I don't know how you did it but my SAVSource installation folder is 42.5Mb (including the most recent virus defs and Intelligent Updater (around 8Mb)) How can any of you compress this using 7zip to get to 11Mb sfx? I tried at ultra compression, with 255 word lenght and 48 word size (or something like that) and I still got a 27Mb file... any hints?What's the difference between LiveUpdate and IntelligentUpdater? Symantec's site is so clear and full of explanations... (I'm being sarcastic here) But since both are updating the virus def, I don't need both, maybe one is automatic and LiveUpdate is manual? Then why do I have to manually download the new intelligent updater file?
mazin Posted September 14, 2004 Posted September 14, 2004 What's the difference between LiveUpdate and IntelligentUpdater?Symantec supplies updated virus definitions files weekly through LiveUpdate and daily through Intelligent Updater files posted to the Symantec Security Response Web site. (Updates are also issued whenever a new high-risk virus threat emerges.) Make it a practice to update virus definitions once a week at a minimum. Scheduling LiveUpdate to run automatically is the easiest way not to forget. Always update immediately if a new virus scare is reported. With LiveUpdate, Symantec AntiVirus connects automatically to a special Symantec Web site and determines if virus definitions need updating. If so, it downloads the proper files and installs them in the proper location. LiveUpdate also checks for and downloads program patches to Symantec AntiVirus, if available. Generally, you do not have to do anything to configure LiveUpdate. The only requirement is an Internet connection.Source: SAV Help!
RyanVM Posted September 14, 2004 Posted September 14, 2004 Anyone knows how to update the scan engine? I have on two computers and on one the scan engine is and on the other one it is One of the computers with the newer scan engine had SAVCE before, but I uninstalled it and installed instead. ----UPDATE----It worked when running liveupdate and then unloading the service and reloading the service again. The scan engine version displayed is the currently loaded. ----END UPDATE----By the way, according to Symantecs guide to slipstream the update patches you can not have SAVCE installed on the machine where you are patching it with setup /a.I was just going to respond to your post saying that I was unable to reproduce now that I've "come into" a copy of B). It shows scan engine here on a clean (read: fresh XP install in VirtualPC with no AV software prior) install here. Apparently it does for you too, though .
jbourgui Posted September 14, 2004 Posted September 14, 2004 Does anybody know how to change LiveUpdate settings so it's installed with them in place?.....Anybody have a clue how to make the settings stick?ryanvm, check out my post: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...20entry180255it details how to change settings for default scan options, scheduled scans, and Live Update settings. it's not an elegant .msi integrated solution, but it works. -joe
RyanVM Posted September 14, 2004 Posted September 14, 2004 Does anybody know how to change LiveUpdate settings so it's installed with them in place?.....Anybody have a clue how to make the settings stick?ryanvm, check out my post: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...20entry180255it details how to change settings for default scan options, scheduled scans, and Live Update settings. it's not an elegant .msi integrated solution, but it works. -joe I don't see a setting for Express mode in your post, which is the setting I'm looking for. I'm pretty sure that those settings are controlled in the Settings.LiveUpdate files and not in the registry.Thanks anyway, though.
awarberg1 Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 Hi guys,I'm administering a small Windows 2003 domain. We are using group policies to install software on our Windows XP clients.Although it would be possible to install via GPO directly by using the "Symantec AntiVirus.msi" file I would like to make some changes in what is installed. For instance, I dont think our users really need the SAVHelp component...The "Symantec AntiVirus.msi" file accepts commands from the command line to control what is installed, but as far as I know, it is not possible to issue commands to a GPO installed package.I have searched the Symantec knowledge base and found this article: Symantec article discussing MST transforms, which suggests creating a MST transform file (we already use a transform file for our Office installation) to make changes to the installation. So I have become acquainted with Orca, which generates MST files, however, I wouldn't know what to "transform" in the MSI file to make my desired changes appear. Symantec KB doesn't talk about configuring what is installed using MST files.Have you got any suggestions as to how I might make changes to the installation with GPO distribution in mind?Thank you.Best regardsAndreas
RyanVM Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 I'm not familiar with making MST files in Orca, but you could edit the MSI file it WinINSTALL LE easily enough and remove the sections you don't want installed.
awarberg1 Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 Hi Ryan,This is great! I am able to define what is to be installed.Do you know if it is possible to configure the virus definition update interval through wininstall le 2003?Regards, Andreas
RyanVM Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 Yes, look back a couple pages for the registry entries involved in doing it.From there, just go to the registry section of the MSI file in WinINSTALL LE and have the MSI add those entries.
r4v3n Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 It would be nice if the SAV9 installation guides and all these tips and tricks could be summed up on this page: http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/applications/sav.htm
mazin Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 but my SAVSource installation folder is 42.5MbI think you want to compress SAV91400 not SAVSource!
Nilfred Posted September 19, 2004 Posted September 19, 2004 I was doing this for some time: $oem$\Prog$\Symantec\Liveupdate\Settings.Merge.LiveUpdatePREFERENCES\CORPORATE_MODE=YESPREFERENCES\ALL TRANSPORTS AVAILABLE=YES$oem$\Prog$\Symantec\Liveupdate\Settings.Host.LiveUpdateHOSTS\0\ACCESS=D:\Av\LiveUpdateHOSTS\0\ACCESS2=D:\Av\LiveUpdateHOSTS\0\IS_SYMANTEC=NOHOSTS\0\NAME=Buscando actualizaciones en unidad de CD-ROM D:...HOSTS\0\LOGIN=nologinrequiredHOSTS\0\PASSWORD=nopasswordHOSTS\0\SUBNET=\0\SUBNETMASK=\0\TYPE=LANHOSTS\1\ACCESS=E:\Av\LiveUpdateHOSTS\1\ACCESS2=E:\Av\LiveUpdateHOSTS\1\IS_SYMANTEC=NOHOSTS\1\NAME=Buscando actualizaciones en unidad de CD-ROM E:...HOSTS\1\LOGIN=nologinrequiredHOSTS\1\PASSWORD=nopasswordHOSTS\1\SUBNET=\1\SUBNETMASK=\1\TYPE=LANHOSTS\2\ACCESS=liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.comHOSTS\2\ACCESS2=http://liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.comHOSTS\2\IS_SYMANTEC:ENC=N%9-U,&[>@MHOSTS\2\LOGIN:ENC=YBR#A%5\(CIHOSTS\2\NAME=liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.comHOSTS\2\PASSWORD:ENC=YBR#A%5\(CIHOSTS\2\SUBNET=\2\SUBNETMASK=\2\TYPE=HTTPHOSTS\3\ACCESS=liveupdate.symantec.comHOSTS\3\ACCESS2=http://liveupdate.symantec.comHOSTS\3\IS_SYMANTEC:ENC=N%9-U,&[>@MHOSTS\3\LOGIN:ENC=YBR#A%5\(CIHOSTS\3\NAME=liveupdate.symantec.comHOSTS\3\PASSWORD:ENC=YBR#A%5\(CIHOSTS\3\SUBNET=\3\SUBNETMASK=\3\TYPE=HTTPHOSTS\4\ACCESS=update.symantec.com/opt/content/onrampHOSTS\4\ACCESS2=ftp://update.symantec.com/opt/content/onrampHOSTS\4\IS_SYMANTEC:ENC=N%9-U,&[>@MHOSTS\4\LOGIN:ENC=V!0QDU7."^$C(%+!24M?+AHOSTS\4\NAME=update.symantec.comHOSTS\4\PASSWORD:ENC=L"`';1^I=[DC(%+!24M?+AHOSTS\4\SUBNET=\4\SUBNETMASK=\4\TYPE=FTPHOSTS\NUM_HOSTS=5These settings merge at first Liveupdate run into:"c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Datos de programa\Symantec\LiveUpdate\Settings.LiveUpdate"So Liveupdate scan CD for virus def. an other stuff. In facts download:livetri.zipsymtri.zipAnd scan for needed stuff.I use Liveupdate Administration to keep track of updates, but its 120 Mb of downloads actually, because I used for all Symantec producs.To slim down the needed updates I peek at:"c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Datos de programa\Symantec\LiveUpdate\Log.LiveUpdate"There is where all the Liveupdate process is logged. So you must first download the requires files to put in the cd:livetri.zipsymtri.zipWith these files in the "Host file" path, launch Liveupdate: It will recognize the needed updates but fail to download them. But you will get the errors in the log file:22/08/04, 00:10:57 a.m. GMT -> Progress Update: DOWNLOAD_FILE_FINISH: - ERROR! - URL: "D:\Instalar\Aplicaciones\Nav2002\LiveUpdate\ennfullb.x86", Full Download Path: "C:\WINDOWS\All Users\Datos de programa\Symantec\LiveUpdate\Downloads\ennfullb.x86" HR: 0x802A003322/08/04, 00:10:57 a.m. GMT -> HR 0x802A0033 DECODE: E_CANT_CREATE_FILEThe paths in the example abobe may differ from the host file presented before (should be the same) because is really a log for a NAV2002 update, but you get the idea:"The files marked with ERROR! should be downloaded from the symantec server"So for the example abobe you may also download:http://liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.com/ennfullb.x86(between other files)The full update process may require you restart and launch Liveupdate again to get all the updates, so you must repeat the "LiveUpdate Error->Log peek->Download->LiveUpdate Success-Restart" I personally switch to Liveupdate Administration (hacked*) because is easier to mantain the updates.Nilfred -)*The hack consist in a read only and modified products.xml to add the files I need which are not dowloaded by itself.
RogueSpear Posted September 19, 2004 Posted September 19, 2004 Been a lurker for about a week now and for the life of me, I have no idea how this site has escaped my attention for so long. Sort of feel like I'm crashin a party here.Well I just read all 21 pages of this thread, and I hope I didn't miss this, but here goes:On the distribution CD in the unsupported tools area (where Packager can be found), is a directory called ConfigEd. In there is a little utility where you can generate a GRC.DAT file with all of your desired SAV settings. Place this file in the root of your installation point of SAV and all those settings will be imported into the client at install.Anyone know if there is a seperate thread for SCS (SAV and the Firewall Client)? Or is this thread open for that discussion too?
jbourgui Posted September 20, 2004 Posted September 20, 2004 Sort of feel like I'm crashin a party here.hey, don't feel like you're crashing a party at all! for your first post, you nailed it! Using that config util is a MUCH easier and more elegant solution than the registry hack that I came up with.. new blood is always welcome!-joe
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