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SAV 9 - Symantec AntiVirus 9.0


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I get a folder popping up called C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec, every time I boot into Windows.

....... it appears that Lusetup.exe creates a second folder in Program files (C:\Program Files\Symantec) instead of using the default (C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus).

I don't have this problem.

You can't be right about LU because it doesn't start with Windows.

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I followed the instructions in the first post on the first page, but got this error when running "remote.cmd":

The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the update patch may update a different version of the program.  Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and you have the correct upgrade patch.

I think I have Symantec Antivirus Corporate v9.0.1.1000

What do I need to do?

Here's my remote.cmd:


@echo off

ECHO Creating AIP

start /wait setup.exe /A /V"/QB TARGETDIR=%systemdrive%\SAV91400" 

sleep 30

copy lusetup.exe %systemdrive%\SAV91400\CommonAppData\Symantec\LiveUpdate\LuMMInst\Lsetup.exe

ECHO Patching AIP

copy "SAVCE_9.0.0.1400_AllWin_EN .msp" %systemdrive%\SAV91400\savce1400.msp

start /wait msiexec /p %systemdrive%\SAV91400\savce1400.msp /a "%systemdrive%\SAV91400\Symantec AntiVirus.msi" /QB

del %systemdrive%\SAV91400\savce1400.msp

ren "%systemdrive%\SAV91400\Symantec AntiVirus.msi" SAV.msi

ECHO Updating AIP Virus Definitions

attrib -r "%systemdrive%\SAV91400\program files\Symantec AntiVirus\Virus Defs\*.*"

start /wait 20041002-003-i32.exe /Extract /Q "%systemdrive%\SAV91400\program files\Symantec AntiVirus\Virus Defs"


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Quote: I get a folder popping up called C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec, every time I boot into Windows.

I had this problem before and also I couldnt even install norton 2003 or 2004.

Here is the reason why.

While going through the forum I found a reg tweak to speed up the partition.

one of the tweaks was to disable the 8.3 naming. BIG MISTAKE!

It is cause of this norton 2003 and so on kept giving me a error of the program being modified and on SAV the folder kept opening, anf the systray icon wouldnt show cause the path was in a 8.3 format. (C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec)

I undid the tweak and no more probelm. Excpet I had to reinstall XP.

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I undid the tweak and no more probelm.

See! People cause problems to themselves and say it's this or that app. ;)

After reading all those similar complaints, which don't happen to me, I started to feel like I'm the only anomaly in this world. :}

Thanks for clarifying this.

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I think I have Symantec Antivirus Corporate v9.0.1.1000

What do I need to do?

I'm who needs to do something, really. If you downloaded the MSP mentioned in the guide, then this is the problem. It's not for your version.

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I think I have Symantec Antivirus Corporate v9.0.1.1000

What do I need to do?

I'm who needs to do something, really. If you downloaded the MSP mentioned in the guide, then this is the problem. It's not for your version.

so i'm already "updated"?

also, slightly off-topic: does symantec antivirus automatically run liveupdate like nav does? or do i have to run it manually? ( i dont mean the first time, i mean in general)

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@RyanVM here you go

;Symantec Antivirus System Tray Fix
"vptray"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Symantec AntiVirus\\VPTray.exe\""


@smc1979 I disagree with you. I have had this problem and I don't use this tweak disabling ntfs 8.3 naming. Tried on clean computer and virtual machine.

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Well thats the problem I had, only with the 8.3 format. havent had it since

Also what is the code fix for? cause that isnt in the 8.3 format

;Symantec Antivirus System Tray Fix


"vptray"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Symantec AntiVirus\\VPTray.exe\""

Mine is in the 8.3 format and no problem.

You can find more on nortons website. they even tell you about the 8.3 format and why not to disable it.

this is the tweak that will do it and mess it up.



should be


for it to work right. check your reg and see what it is set to.

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I am confused as to the differences between Symantec AntiVirus (v9) and Symantec Norton AntiVirus (2005). Are both updated/secure/reliable virusscans?

Do either of them have features that the other does NOT have?

I have, in the past, used NAV, but I just got SAV to see it, and it appears (to my untrained eye) to be NAV without the eye-candy. Is this the only difference?

Does SAV auto-update the virusdefs like NAV? Or do I have to manually start LiveUpdate to get the processes started?

Is it OK to use SAV on a single home computer?

Sorry if this is a little off-topic but it is important for me to understand the differences between these two products.


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Good morning everyone happy? Good, I took the time to read the last 4 pages of this post and look what I found? the answer to a06lp's question! So I am glad to post him where to look. Have a great and marvelous day everyone ;)

cheers :P

@a06lp: look here man, mazin explained it all. And concerning the autoupdate feature, look again a but further down the same page, me and SMC are giving our codes for the reg file

Hope that helps :thumbup

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Ya, ok... we got the message, huh? lol.

You ARE cheerful. :lol:


I was just about to link to the same posts, that thauzar did above. Beat me by a few minutes, lol. Shows what happens when you don't refresh a page for a long time. :P

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