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SAV 9 - Symantec AntiVirus 9.0


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because thats with norton. Sav doesnt have the files in a exe, they are all extracted. You well see that eairler in this thread. Since the new liveupdate has new and different files sav doesnt install the new liveupdate correctly. Which is no big deal just install live update afterwards, real easy.

Look here is my batch file that does it

ECHO Installing Symantec Antivirus Corporate v9.0.0.1400

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %CDROM%\Software\AntiVirus\setup.msi /qb REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS RUNLIVEUPDATE=0


ECHO Installing Symantec LiveUpdate 2.5

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %CDROM%\Software\lusetup.exe /q


ECHO Setting LiveUpdate Schedule

ECHO Please wait...

REGEDIT /S %CDROM%\Software\SetAntivirusUpdateSchedule.reg


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@big poppa pump

Well, if you want to pre-set live-update settings, then that's not all that easy.

Otherwise, if having the latest version of LU pre-installed with SAV is what you want, then read the first post of this topic once more please.

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I posted in this thread a little ways back about a utility on the SAV install media called ConfigEd. You can set all of your liveupdate settings (among others) there and save to a GRC.DAT file.

Put the GRC.DAT in the root of your install source and the settings will be imported at setup time. You can find the utility buried in the tools\nosuprt directory.

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Why do you have to install LU separately?


Would you please explain an example of configuring those settings via GRC.DAT? I haven't read much about it.

It'd be better if you could post it, here.

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Using the configed utility, you can set all of the various SAV setting, including LiveUpdate settings, and save all of it to a file called GRC.DAT. In a corporate environment, these files hold much more significance, but even with one computer they can be quite handy.

You can lock settings for instance, so a spouse or child can't disable your AV protection. You can set scanning exclusions. As as example to prevent SAV from scanning your event log files during a manual scan. There are also some settings that I have not found any other way to set (except maybe reg hacking). For instance, there is the "Continuous LiveUpdate" mode, where your computer checks for updated defs once an hour if you like. This is how I have primary AV servers set up in enterprise environments. Then the server can update all of the clients within minutes. This is especially helpful for those 0 day virus outbreaks.

Once you have configured all your settings as you want them, save the GRC.DAT file and place it in the root of your installation point. Any installation done from that point, whether it is manual, scripted, or via GPO, will assume the configuration defined in the GRC.DAT file.

For those of you who are using the SCS client that includes the firewall client, you can make a custom firewall policy, save it as cpolicy.xml and put it in the root of the installation point. Then the firewall client assume those settings. The major difference is that while the AV client is immediately active, and immediately applies the settings from the GRC.DAT file, the firewall client requires a reboot. Upon logon you will see a message that the firewall is importing your settings.

And that's it. Making a GRC.DAT file with configed is so easy it insults your intelligence. Making a foolproof, solid firewall policy on the other hand, is much more involved and I'm sure could spawn it's own monster thread. Symantec's documentation has always been lousy at best.


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I install live update seperetly cause I have tried all things in this thread but I still get the error message after install when I try to slipstream it into SAV.

It is really no big deal to install it after SAV it takes only a few secounds and its done.

I will diffently look into this utilitie on settings for SAV. Sounds great from what I have read.


Oh by the way mazin I have read a many of your posts and help for people.

Thank a many from me. I am sure you dont here it enough.

But from as many post as I have seen from you, you must not have much of a life LMAO jk

Thanks guys.

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coud someone put a exemple of the string to start sav9.msi on RUNONCEEX.cmd

i try but dont work

here is myne something is wrong

REG ADD %KEY%\014 /VE /D "Symantec AntiVirus 9.0" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\014 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\sav\sav.msi\ /qn RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS" "%systemdrive%\Install\sav\SAV1400.msp /a" /f

when go to install simply pass to sav not installing but dont give any error

i see the guide in the first page but i think something is wrong because you apply the pach before instale the sav . them i change the things first install sav then the patch . but whem goes to install simple pass trough way on installing anything or giving a error

this is my all runence

cmdow @ /HID

@Echo Off

rem PP=%SystemDrive%\Install\

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Programs" /f


REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\AdobeReader6\AR6.msi /QB" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "FRAMEWORK 1.1" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\dotnetfx\netfx.msi /QB" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\002 /VE /D "FRAMEWORK 1.1 sp1" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\002 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\dotnetfx\NDP1.1sp1.exe /QB" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\003 /VE /D "WINISO 5.3" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\003 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\winiso\WINISO53.EXE /verysilent /sp-" /f


REG ADD %KEY%\004 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\winrar\wrar340CE.exe /s" /f


REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\dk8\Diskeeper.msi /QB" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\006 /VE /D "Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Runtimes" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\006 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\vbrun60sp5.exe /Q:A /R:N" /f


REG ADD %KEY%\007 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\mp\mp10.exe /Q:A /R:N" /f


REG ADD %KEY%\008 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\mp\WMEncoder.exe /Q:A /R:N" /f


REG ADD %KEY%\009 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\DVDPack.msi /QB" /f


REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\mm_fl_sw_installer.msi /QB " /f


REG ADD %KEY%\011 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\ISORecorder.msi /qn" /f


REG ADD %KEY%\012 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\k-lite\klmcodec103.exe /silent /s /sp-" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\0013 /VE /D "Sun Java VM" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\0013 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\sun\j2re-1_4_2_05-windows-i586-p.exe /s /v\"/qb IEXPLORER=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress\"" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\014 /VE /D "Symantec AntiVirus 9.0" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\014 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\sav\sav.msi\ /qn RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS" "%systemdrive%\Install\sav\SAV1400.msp /a" /f


REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Install\tweaks.reg" /f


REG ADD %KEY%\016 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\rcgoogle.exe /s" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\017 /VE /D " A finalizar.... " /f

REG ADD %KEY%\017 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\final.cmd" /f



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i had slipstream

i put the patch inside the folder of sav and use the instrociuns to run

this is a bit confuse

i do this

firsst i copy all the from cd (sav 9) to a folder called sav then i download the patch that i exctract from the zip and put inside the folder sav then i give commmand.

first when i gone run said that he cant install the patch because are any software installed

second with this metod i demonstrate simply pass trough way withou any error or installation

last night i install this about 10 times with vmware different ways but no result

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Why people cannot follow simple instructions? I'm starting to understand why people like big poppa pump are so mean with newbies. Damnit this threat is about a guide, Maybe it should be more evident on page 1 or something... else you ask question AFTER you tried all the steps...

Look man it's simple (btw don't copy and paste my code, the names are for french versin of SAV9

remote.cmd is run on the first line of runonceex

cmdow @ /HID
@echo off
start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAVSource\setup.exe /A /V"/QB TARGETDIR=%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400"
sleep 45
copy %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAVSource\lusetup.exe %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\CommonAppData\Symantec\LiveUpdate\LuMMInst\Lsetup.exe
copy %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAVSource\README.txt  %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\CommonAppData\Symantec\LiveUpdate\LuMMInst\README.txt

copy %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAVSource\SAVCE_9.0.0.1400_AllWin_FR.msp %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\savce1400.msp
start /wait msiexec /p %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\savce1400.msp /a "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\Symantec Antivirus.msi" /QB
del %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\savce1400.msp
ren "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\Symantec AntiVirus.msi" SAV.msi

attrib -r "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\program files\Symantec AntiVirus\Virus Defs\*.*"
start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAVSource\20040913-023-i32.exe /Extract /Q "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus\Virus Defs"
copy %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAVSource\SAV9.reg %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\SAV9.reg

Then RunOnceEx

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installation des programmes" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /D "Mises a jour des programmes" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAVSource\remote.cmd" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\910 /VE /D "Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition v9.0.0.1400" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\910 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\SAV9.cmd" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\910 /V 2 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\SAV9.reg"

Like the guide said, first I create the AIP with remote.cmd before installing anything else on the system, then, at the end of my installation (or when you want to) I install sav. SAV9.cmd goes as followed

cmdow @ /HID
@echo off

start %systemdrive%\Install\SAV9.exe


I had to to this cause in french, when SAV installs liveupdate, it asks me to press OK after telling me it was gonna install liveupdate (duh!) So I had to write a nice autoit script, this is SAV9.exe that runs just before the SAV installation is started.

This is my SAV9.au3 wich is compiled to SAV9.exe

; AutoIt Version: 3.0
; Language:       Français
; Platform:       Win9x/NT
; Author:         Thauzar
; Script Function:
;   Clic OK (pèse sur enter) lorsque l'installation de SAV 9 demande pour LiveUpdate

WinWaitActive("Installation de LiveUpdate")
Send ("{ENTER}")

WinWaitActive("Installation de LiveUpdate")
Send ("{ENTER}")

That's it, see, i had trouble of my own, I followed the method and found myself the steps to get around it, with a bit of help from mazin and others but hey, that's why there is a forum. You should maybe learn to try a bit more before asking for predigerated food to be gently spit in your mouth

And your runonce ex code has two "" "" on the same line, where did you see such a code here to install any program? nowhere... check your syntax!

glad I could help

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