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On Fri Jun 14 2024 (GMT+0000) at 12:37 AM, dmiranda said:

Thank you very much for the diligent support, @IDA-RE-things, I have not properly tried your build. I will do so (hopefully shortly) and report back. Cheers!

I like it very much. I use mostly  the same flags and settingsI reported in the supermium thread, now with your streamlined progwrp.dll, and the results are quite impressive:snappy pages, stable multiple tabs, good YT-GM. In xp, though I still can't enter official EU sites (even with vanilla settings -i.e., no flags/customized local state). For instance: https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/stronger-europe-world/global-gateway_en. I use a site to watch movies to learn second languages that used to work fine with all XP browsers, then only with chrome derivatives, then now only with thorium pure vanilla (although allowing for switches --user-data-dir=...\Chrome3 --no-first-run --no-default-browser-check . Overall, great, superior at the time to supermium.  Thanks @IDA-RE-things

Edited by dmiranda
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59 minutes ago, dmiranda said:

I like it very much. I use the same flags and settings reported in the supermium thread, now with your streamlined progwrp.dll, and the results are quite impressive:snappy pages, stable multiple tabs, good YT-GM. In xp, though I still can't enter official EU sites (even with vanilla settings -i.e., no flags/customized local state). For instance: https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/stronger-europe-world/global-gateway_en.....

For vanilla I just run  chrome.exe (renamed for thorium) --user-data-dir=...\Chrome3 --no-first-run --no-default-browser-check.

Bat I use for semi-Vanilla: 

:: Clear and copy Profiles to RAMDISK
rmdir /q /s "...\Chrome"
mkdir ....\Chrome\
mkdir ...\Chrome\Default\
copy "....\Profiles\Chrome\Local State" "....\Chrome\Local State" 
copy ",,,,\Chrome\Default\Secure PreferencesV" "...\Chrome\Default\Secure Preferences"
copy "....\Chrome\Default\Bookmarks" "...\Chrome\Default\bookmarks"
copy "...\Chrome\Default\Favicons" "...\Chrome\Default\favicons"
copy "...\Chrome\Default\PreferencesV" "...\Chrome\Default\Preferences"

START ....\chrome.exe --user-data-dir=...\Chrome --no-first-run --no-default-browser-check --no-referrers --no-pings --disable-component-update --disable-logging --disable-background-networking --disable-background-mode --allow-outdated-plugins --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --safebrowsing-disable-download-protection --disable-quic --disable-suggestions-service --kiosk-printing --disable-print-preview --load-media-router-component-extension=0 --ssl-version-min=tls1.2 --enable-strict-mixed-content-checking --process-per-site --site-per-process --renderer-process-limit=1 --disable-breakpad --disable-machine-id --block-new-web-contents --disable-crash-reporter --disable-default-apps --disable-domain-reliability --disable-external-intent-requests --disable-file-system --num-raster-threads=4 --enable-gpu-rasterization --ignore-gpu-blacklist --lite-video-force-override-decision --time-zone-for-testing=UTC --use-fake-device-for-media-stream --enable-features="BlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequests,BlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsForNavigations,BrowserDynamicCodeDisabled,DesktopScreenshots,DisableProcessReuse,ElementSuperRareData,EnableCsrssLockdown,EncryptedClientHello,ForceIsolationInfoFrameOriginToTopLevelFrame,GpuAppContainer,ImprovedCookieControls,IntensiveWakeUpThrottling:grace_period_seconds/10,IsolateOrigins,IsolatePrerenders,IsolateSandboxedIframes,MinimizeAudioProcessingForUnusedOutput,NetworkServiceSandbox,NetworkServiceCodeIntegrity,OpaqueResponseBlockingV01,OriginIsolationHeader,PartitionConnectionsByNetworkIsolationKey,PartitionDomainReliabilityByNetworkIsolationKey,PartitionExpectCTStateByNetworkIsolationKey,PartitionHttpServerPropertiesByNetworkIsolationKey,PartitionNelAndReportingByNetworkIsolationKey,PartitionSSLSessionsByNetworkIsolationKey,PartitionedCookies,PostQuantumCECPQ2,PrefetchPrivacyChanges,ReduceUserAgent,ReducedReferrerGranularity,RendererAppContainer,RestrictGamepadAccess,SandboxExternalProtocolBlocked,ScopeMemoryCachePerContext,SplitAuthCacheByNetworkIsolationKey,SplitCacheByIncludeCredentials,SplitCacheByNetworkIsolationKey,SplitHostCacheByNetworkIsolationKey,StrictOriginIsolation,SubframeShutdownDelay,SuppressDifferentOriginSubframeJSDialogs,ThirdPartyStoragePartitioning,ThrottleForegroundTimers,TurnOffStreamingMediaCachingAlways,TurnOffStreamingMediaCachingOnBattery,WinSboxDisableExtensionPoint,WinSboxDisableKtmComponent" --disable-features="DownloadBubble,TabHoverCards,PowerBookmarksSidePanel,AcceptCHFrame,AdInterestGroupAPI,AllowClientHintsToThirdParty,AllowURNsInIframes,AnonymousIframeOriginTrial,AutofillEnableAccountWalletStorage,AutofillServerCommunication,BrowsingTopics,ClearCrossSiteCrossBrowsingContextGroupWindowName,ClientHintThirdPartyDelegation,ClientHintsDPR,ClientHintsDPR_DEPRECATED,ClientHintsDeviceMemory,ClientHintsDeviceMemory_DEPRECATED,ClientHintsMetaHTTPEquivAcceptCH,ClientHintsMetaNameAcceptCH,ClientHintsResourceWidth,ClientHintsResourceWidth_DEPRECATED,ClientHintsViewportWidth,ClientHintsViewportWidth_DEPRECATED,ComputePressure,ContextMenuPerformanceInfoAndRemoteHintFetching,ConversionMeasurement,CookieDomainRejectNonASCII,CopyLinkToText,CrashReporting,CriticalClientHint,CrostiniAdditionalEnterpriseReporting,CssSelectorFragmentAnchor,DocumentReporting,EnableStructuredMetrics,EnterpriseRealtimeExtensionRequest,ExpectCTReporting,EnableTLS13EarlyData,FedCm,Fledge,FontAccess,GreaseUACH,IdleDetection,InterestGroupStorage,Journeys,LensStandalone,MediaDrmPreprovisioning,MediaEngagementBypassAutoplayPolicies,NavigationRequestPreconnect,NetworkTimeServiceQuerying,NotificationTriggers,OmniboxTriggerForNoStatePrefetch,OptimizationHints,OptimizationHintsFetching,OptimizationHintsFetchingAnonymousDataConsent,OptimizationHintsFieldTrials,Parakeet,Prerender2,PrefersColorSchemeClientHintHeader,PreloadMediaEngagementData,Reporting,RetailCoupons,SCTAuditing,SegmentationPlatform,SignedExchangeReportingForDistributors,SignedHTTPExchange,SpeculationRulesPrefetchProxy,SubresourceWebBundles,TabMetricsLogging,TFLiteLanguageDetectionEnabled,TextFragmentAnchor,SafeBrowsingBetterTelemetryAcrossReports,UserAgentClientHint,UserAgentClientHintFullVersionList,UsernameFirstFlow,UsernameFirstFlowFilling,UsernameFirstFlowFallbackCrowdsourcing,ViewportHeightClientHintHeader,WebNFC,WebOTP,WebSQLInThirdPartyContextEnabled,WebXR,WinrtGeolocationImplementation,RecordWebAudioEngagement" --cipher-suite-blacklist=",0x000A, 0xc013,0xc014,0xe013,0x009c,0x009d,0x002f,0x0035" --component-updater=url-source= --crash-server-url= --gcm-checkin-url= --gcm-mcs-endpoint= --gcm-registration-url= --google-apis-url= --lso-url= --oauth-account-manager-url= --override-metrics-upload-url= --realtime-reporting-url= --reporting-connector-url= --sync-url= --variations-server-url= --variations-insecure-server-url= --cipher-suite-blacklist="0xc013,0xc014,0x009c,0x009d,0x002f,0x0035" --blink-settings="dnsPrefetchingEnabled=false,preferredColorScheme=1,strictMixedContentChecking=true,strictMixedContentCheckingForPlugin=true,strictlyBlockBlockableMixedContent=true" --isolation-by-default --js-flags=--jitless --hide-avatar-button --close-window-with-last-tab=never --wm-window-animations-disabled --animation-duration-scale=0 --no_registry_writes --use-angle=d3d9 --ignore-gpu-blocklist

Hardened bat with static customized apps and such go in images (basically 0-byte files to prevent folder creation, and empty folders to prevent file creation: 

Customize Default presets.png

Prevent file and folder creation Default empty items.png

Root profile where default goes [local state with prefrered flags and widewine just in case ].png

Edited by dmiranda
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7 hours ago, dmiranda said:

I like it very much. I use mostly  the same flags and settingsI reported in the supermium thread, now with your streamlined progwrp.dll, and the results are quite impressive:snappy pages, stable multiple tabs, good YT-GM. In xp, though I still can't enter official EU sites (even with vanilla settings -i.e., no flags/customized local state). For instance: https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/stronger-europe-world/global-gateway_en. I use a site to watch movies to learn second languages that used to work fine with all XP browsers, then only with chrome derivatives, then now only with thorium pure vanilla (although allowing for switches --user-data-dir=...\Chrome3 --no-first-run --no-default-browser-check . Overall, great, superior at the time to supermium.  Thanks @IDA-RE-things

Working fine for me with Thorium and Supermium. Maybe you're blocking too many things in the useless name of "security, integrity and anonymity"... resistance is futile, you will be assimilated... lol...

What about these, can you access them?


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2 hours ago, Skorpios said:

resistance is futile, you will be assimilated... lol...

You've gotta name them first. My queen I named 69! :P

2 hours ago, Skorpios said:

Nope. But looking at logs I get a flurry of UPD 17 calls, which I block by default. That may be it...

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13 hours ago, dmiranda said:


Be on your guard with it! Blacklisting certain ciphers makes your HTTP2 fingerprint 100% unique, just sayin'. NSA (or whom you were afraid earlier, I forgot) will place red flags on such visits.

Probably better to not touch that values at all and run default.

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On 5/28/2024 at 11:10 PM, AstroSkipper said:

Not really. My computer is much older, my dear. It is from 2000. And TBH, such comments are not really helpful. :no:

It doesn't matter...:D

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41 minutes ago, hidao said:

It doesn't matter...:D

Of course, it does. :D However, it's probably better to ignore such unqualified comments about the age of hardware. :P But I'm not that kind of person. smilie_denk_24.gif

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On 6/25/2024 at 8:00 PM, D.Draker said:

Do they actually work in this new 124 version? Did you test them?


No solutions as of yet, what they did in the new Ungoogled patch - doesn't block all, btw. It's now more of a partially broken API there, from the looks of it.

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On 6/25/2024 at 6:58 AM, dmiranda said:

 --hide-avatar-button switch doens't work in mu thorium set up

It doesn't work in Opera anymore either, depreciated flag since v110.

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3 hours ago, Karla Sleutel said:

It doesn't work in Opera anymore either, depreciated flag since v110.

Half of flags in that list are depreciated, The list needs to be brushed through.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/30/2024 at 10:11 PM, VistaLover said:

I am aware of the "--disable-features=UserAgentClientHint" command line argument, but it appears it no longer works for Chrome 122 :( ...

I just bumped into this over the weekend.  :}

Finding the "perfect-for-me" browser has become a colossal nuisance in 2024!

I used one browser (and one only!) for all of 2022 and 2023 - I'm on my fourth already this year!

My credit card now only works with Chrome 122.  I'm sure it works with higher, I only incremented upward from Chrome 94, one my one, until it finally started working - which was Chrome 122.

Only discovered just yesterday and still digging.  Ungoogled Chromium 126 returns the ability to remove client hints (read here), I will have to try this evening.

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This one is a weird one to track down.

My credit card web site no longer works in Ungoogled Chromium v94 all the way through v121.

But DOES work in Ungoogled Chromium v122.

But does NOT work in latest-and-greatest newest-there-is Ungoogled Chromium v126 - does not matter if Client Hints is enabled or disabled.

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
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