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8 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

Did you already test CuteButtons in a clean profile? :dubbio:

Yes, this extension alone is enough to cause the delay.

Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, UCyborg said:
14 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

Did you already test CuteButtons in a clean profile? :dubbio:

Yes, this extension alone is enough to cause the delay.

To find out whether one of the CSS files inside the extension causes this issue, you could install them via the userchrome.css file in the profile's chrome folder as described on CuteButtons' GitHub page: https://github.com/ChoGGi/CuteButtons 
If it really works for FF 57+, it will probably work for lower legacy browser versions, too. The advantage of this method is to switch the CSS files on and off to check if one or more of them is the culprit and then perhaps to fix its or their code.

Edited by AstroSkipper
Update of content
Posted (edited)

Icons.Normal.css is enough to cause slowdown. Well it does few more things for other extensions, but removing those parts don't seem to cause any noticeable speedup. Guess those parts of the browser just got slow over time. The slowdown with taskbar button minimization is not the only thing, window restoration also takes longer, the time it takes before window content is repainted and that is not Windows specific phenomenon. Looks like AVX optimizations in official build don't help much with that either. Firefox 52.9 was still fine in that regard.

Edited by UCyborg
Posted (edited)

Yes, I loaded Icons.Normal.css alone through userChrome.css without extension. Minimizing delay using taskbar button is just an odd quirk or side effect, the CSS applied slows down the GUI response in general. Didn't realize my Pale Moon was slower than the norm because of that. It's also apparent with tab switching.

Edited by UCyborg
On 9/11/2024 at 12:07 PM, DanR20 said:

Today Microsoft sent a message that by September 16th all Hotmail accounts must use OAuth2. I've tried setting mailnews up with IMAP (pop accounts don't have the OAuth2 option for Hotmail) but mailnews says it doesn't support that authentication method. Is there anything that can be done to fix this otherwise Hotmail accounts will no longer be available?

Any answer for this? Well for now at least it doesn't matter since normal password is still working as usual. Microsoft is never on time with their threats so who knows how much longer it will go before they finally pull the plug. 

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, RamonUn said:

MailNews is able to handle OAtuh2 for gmail and yahoo. I would have expected to see it work with hotmail as well.

Mozilla added OAuth2 for gmail into Thunderbird I believe in v38.0. Not sure when Hotmail was included but it may have been around v60 so whether those working on MailNews can code it into their version is the question. Yahoo had it updated in MailNews by providing a key, I forget by who but it may have been Sampei.Nihira.

Edited by DanR20

New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20240921-f38f996411-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20240921-f38f996411-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20240921-f38f996411-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win64-git-20240921-f38f996411-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1263951 - Avoid trying to initialize new GMP instances once the browser enters shutdown. r=cpearce (3ca153c7f4)
 - Bug 1268714 - Check for failure result or a failed nsresult from SendLoadGMP. r=mccr8 (928546a72a)
 - remove redundant decl (0c7c81e384)
 - Bug 1161339 - Add gtest calling rust code. r=cajbir (9c0a4982d7)
 - Bug 1269249: [MSE] P1. Clamp range to media source duration when media source is ended. r=jwwang (dfc42686b5)
 - Bug 1269178: P4. Add mochitest. r=gerald (37fe5f9232)
 - Bug 1269249: [MSE] P2. Add mochitest verifying behavior. r=jwwang (f50fb0d648)
 - Bug 1245052 - various media b2g build errors r=jya (1fc0f3b8f1)
 - Bug 1239598 - Fix potential deadlock and race condition r=bechen (dfebc1b9c5)
 - Bug 1185931 - Add assert(mDecoderStateMachine). r=jwwang (16a79dd863)
 - bits of Bug 1160695 (a595535a04)
 - Bug 1205209 - Check whether mStreamSource is null in MediaOmxReader. r=bechen (3e380b282d)
 - Bug 1210286 - Fall back to converting SourceSurfaces (RGB) to NV12 in OMXCodecWrapper. r=jolin (b9e26a43ee)
 - Bug 1090015 - Suppress multichar warnings in the OMX code. r=kinetik (13cea78721)
 - missing bit of Bug 1137151: Remove ref-counting from |OMXVideoEncoder| (0abf3cccf3)
 - Bug 1239610 - Remove GonkNativeWindowClient usage from OmxDecoder r=jolin (a1ccc2a40e)
 - missing bit of 1198576 (c3284a3002)
 - Bug 1267637: P1. Consider invalid an AudioData with more than 8 audio channels. r=gerald (9bacf3fa8d)
 - Bug 1267637: P2. Ignore outright audio track considered invalid. r=gerald (d34b468c87)
 - Bug 1267637: [opus] P3. Reject audio data with unsupported audio configuration. r=gerald (90be7f8e3a)
 - Bug 1267637: [vorbis] P4. Reject audio data with unsupported audio configuration. r=gerald (2321df4669)
 - Bug 1267637: [AT] P6. Reject audio data with unsupported channel configuration. r=gerald (48756a764b)
 - Bug 1267637: [ffmpeg] P7. Reject audio data with unsupported channel configuration. r=gerald (bbf90018b5)
 - Bug 1267637: [gonk] P8. Reject audio data with unsupported channel configuration. r=gerald (44043594f0)
 - Bug 1199809 - Remove all references to unused task queue. r=jya (829bb54ce7)
 - Bug 1199809 - Don't schedule decoder I/O task when there will be more input. r=bwu (284c8b28d4)
 - Bug 1215441 - Skip flush before Init() is completed. r=sotaro (f59f4ae450)
 - Bug 1207214 - Assert decoder attaches EOS flag to final output buffer. r=sotaro (da0fc1f41b)
 - Bug 1217220 - use output timestamp to decide which item needs to be removed from waiting list. r=jya (b056c21000)
 - Bug 1222919 - Make ProcessFlush() virtual. r=jya (bea87e8e8a)
 - Bug 1259366 - Flush after eos of android::MediaCodec r=jolin (c8e1e038ad)
 - Bug 1199809 - Reset last decoded frame time on looper thread to avoid race condition. r=jya (1d56c95439)
 - cleanup (83701e29ea)
 - Bug 1267637: [wmf] P9. Reject audio data with unsupported channel configuration. r=gerald (c1f32cf152)
 - Bug 1264925: Force D3D9 when attempting to decode VP8 or VP9. r=mattwoodrow (2a7d853fe6)
 - Bug 1162899 - Use sync message for in-process mozHasPendingMessage. r=fabrice (d28430d0b2)
 - Bug 1235484 - Part 1: Refine radio state check in MmsService. r=bevistseng (5f00e3ec79)
 - remove android, fix some missing tests (01b371eb39)
 - Bug 1259148 - Notify content when the notification permission pop-up is dismissed by the user. r=past,wchen (ca2dfbf92f)
 - Bug 1267357 Cycle collect NotificationPermissionRequest::mCallback. r=mccr8 (6d0086af08)
 - Bug 1265828 - Remove persistent notifications from storage. r=wchen (230d6f8458)
 - Bug 1254816 - Use IgnoredErrorResult instead of ErrorResult for rv in nsDOMOfflineResourceList::Length(). r=bz (581f5c69db)
 - Bug 1140478: Free the string returned by PrintJSStack(), in android shutdown logging function. r=jorendorff (ebf6ef80d1)
 - Bug 1191137 - fix Mulet and responsive design mode to send key events properly r=ochameau,jryans (d47db5bf2b)
 - Bug 1267096 - Return early if we have no global when creating a Promise. r=smaug (d4075f38fe)
 - Bug 1146418 - Promise API entry points should use NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD, r=baku (a43b49c451)
 - Bug 1262069: Wrap promise resolution values before storing. r=bz (66ebb63ce1)
 - Bug 1246073 - Fix unique constraint errors in the H2 backend when resubscribing. r=dragana (43c67dc6bc)
 - Bug 1266433 - Clean up nsIPushNotifier static casts. r=dragana (eef5497c75)
 - Bug 1266433 - Update the comments in the Push XPIDL interfaces. r=me (35cd32c385)
 - Bug 1266433 - Indicate push subscriptions created by privileged code. r=dragana (824381dd69)
 - Bug 1242436 - default value of ok = true in order to check the return of SendPush and SendPushSubscriptionChange. r=kitcambridge (da55effde0)
 - Bug 1267889 - Always steal the error result in PushMessage::Json. r=dragana (a66bf171b6)
 - Bug 1243778 - PushRecord::getLastVisit cannot rely on the Places url index anymore. r=kitcambridge (07c3bdc4db)
 - Bug 1260499 - Handle incoming messages before push service is initialized. r=nalexander,jchen (d60ccda56b)
 - Bug 1265915 - Remove adaptive pings from the Push WebSocket backend. r=dragana (c8de7d5dd3)
 - Bug 1262559: Fix misspelled comment in dom/push/PushServiceWebSocket.jsm; r=jdm (a9d869773d)
 - Bug 1265914 - Remove Push UDP wake-up. r=dragana (128cf912bb)
 - Bug 1261634 - Update whitespace skipping for meta csp. r=dveditz (c6abb5c502)
 - Bug 1227813 - CSP: Ignore unsafe-inline within style-src if hash or nonce specified. r=kmckinley (ab1db6e779)
 - Bug 1192840 - Fix CSP report content-type. r=ckerschb (81c55b28f0)
 - Bug 1262635 - Don't strip URIs of ftp: when sending reports. r=dveditz (77e9aacac1)
 - Bug 1216365 - nsMixedContentBlocker should use innerMostURI for aContentLocation. r=tanvi (9134c28268)
 - Bug 1260153 - remove unreachable code in nsMixedContentBlocker. if/else blocks above all return. r=ckerschb (da297bf7ff)
 - Bug 1202374 - "Can't open apps any more". r=lissyx+mozillians (ed090dbfce)
 - Bug 1216498 - Bump SettinsDB version in order to enable pin the web. r=mhenretty (e2d0e9986f)
 - Bug 1226906 - Bump Settings BD version. r=gwagner (e063a2d482)
 - Bug 1119727 - Make Settings Soft Lockup threshold configurable. r=gwagner (1f5d9d3a50)
 - var-let (48c1155a0e)
 - bit of Backed out 2 changesets (bug 1202902) (828b6981a8)
 - Bug 1228673 - Clean-up 'Then' before ~MediaTimer. r=jya (e51663a94b)
 - align tests (0fbfa6f14b)
 - Bug 1152236: OMX codec should use AnnexB as input format. r=jya (fc7ed581ac)
 - Bug 1153895 - Support audio AMR-WB for Gonk in MP4Reader. r=jya (d9a530979e)
 - Bug 1174623 - Support mp3 in Gonk PDM. r=sotaro (1f6efd4397)
 - Bug 1174166 - Support H.263 in Gonk PDM. r=sotaro (5634e66ce3)
 - Bug 1251155 - Remove GLContext from VideoDataDecoder r=snorp (814629fcd9)
 - Bug 1262456 - [2.1] Replace queue adapter with deque. r=snorp (80587b789d)
 - Bug 1262456 - [1.1] Prevent interruption of the decoder shutdown procedure and early shutdown return. r=snorp (98b97f0b48)
 - Bug 1248792 - [1.2] Replace MediaRawData raw pointers with RefPtr. r=snorp (c1c62c4dc6)
 - Bug 1226730 - [1.1] Provide sample rate instead of bit depth in audio format creation. r=snorp (86e50d757f)
 - Bug 1244292 - [1.2] Release decoder on init failure. r=snorp (48b18cf8dd)
 - Bug 1267637: [android] P5. Reject audio data with unsupported audio configuration. r=gerald (cf74f43c71)
 - Bug 1230784 - Don't copy SurfaceTexture contents when presenting video on Android r=esawin,jya (fbd0ffd1ea)
 - Bug 1230768. r=jesup (1619923f64)
 - Bug 1205164 - Make sure ShmemPool high water mark is logged in all allocators. r=jesup (1fa4710751)
 - Bug 1205164 - Fix ShmemPool detection of failed allocations. r=jesup (070327ef38)
 - Bug 1247933 - do not perform null check on aClient since we know for sure it's a valid pointert. r=sotaro (1ac12b4091)
 - Bug 1200903 - Fix MediaSystemResourceService::RemoveRequests() r=cpearce (13676b47c7)
 - Bug 1250083 - make sure value attributed to usPerDataChunk is floating point value. r=cpearce (af9c3bd65d)
 - Bug 1250497: Initalised Values used in WaveDemuxer.cpp. r=cpearce (36a24774ed)
 - Bug 1250293 - Fixed Coverity warning in WaveDemuxer.cpp. r=cpearce (f5a690fac4)
 - bug 1220042 make AlignedTArray base class inheritance private r=jwwang (3dd9efaa68)
 - Bug 877662 - Add AlignmentUtils.h r=padenot (82b7563dd7)
 - bug 930257 schedule Analyser inactive check when sending last null chunk r=padenot (61e9b5cf0f)
 - bug 1197028 add MOZ_IMPLICIT for AudioBlock constructor from base AudioChunk on CLOSED TREE (0e2a86c6b5)
 - bug 1203380 add custom AudioBlock copy constructor and make AudioChunk conversion constructor explicit r=padenot (56f2e37d5b)
 - bug 1205540 initialize mBufferFormat when constructing silent block r=padenot (078feb4af4)
 - bug 1203380 ClearDownstreamMark() before returning AsMutableChunk() r=padenot (56ea1f589f)
 - bug 1203380 tighten not-sharing assertion in ChannelFloatsForWrite() r=padenot (368e354a06)
 - bug 1203380 add custom assignment operator to AudioBlock r=padenot (31f9f914d1)
 - Bug 877662 - Align audio buffer allocations to 16 byte boundaries r=padenot (5f33e9dd0e)
 - Bug 1173016 - Bustage fix: mark BasicWaveformCache's ctor as `explicit`, on a CLOSED TREE. (bb28bb93fc)
 - Bug 1265397 - Add a length attribute to OfflineAudioContext. r=smaug (3c2cf2aee6)
 - bug 1255618 remove AudioContext from global window at unlink r=Ehsan (5332c8b42b)
 - bug 1222202 implement query interface to nsIMemoryReporter r=bz (e6662d2ba8)
 - Bug 1259831 - Remove the auto-suspend logic for AudioContext. r=karlt (3376fb3209)
 - Bug 1232326 - Uninitialised value use in AudioBufferInPlaceScale. r=dminor. (548cbbfa52)
 - Bug 1240054 - Only rebuild BandLimitedTables if more partials are required r=padenot (39bf05e142)
 - Bug 1216081 - OscillatorNodeEngine::mFinalFrequency is used uninitialised. r=padenot. (5989729ec6)
 - Bug 1265405 - Use a dictionary to specify how PeriodicWave should be normalized (or not); r=padenot (f43e3f17ba)
 - Bug 1267096 - Check the return value of Promise::Create in AudioContext::StartRendering. r=smaug (5efca6cfe8)
 - Bug 1267579 - Unexpected result when using OscillatorNode with custom wave shape; r=padenot (ed62d1b496)
 - Bug 1209904 - Optimize OscillatorNode when its frequency is not changin and it's using ::ComputeCustom. r=karlt (9a2246cc3f)
 - Bug 877662 - Use SSE2 versions of AudioNodeEngine functions r=padenot (1efa0b2cf3)
 - Bug 877662 - Add an SSE2 implementation of AudioNodeEngine.cpp functions. r=ehsan (ce5ff146e5)
 - Bug 877662 - Update SSE2 versions of AudioNodeEngine functions r=padenot (ded51f436e)
 - Bug 1266405 - AudioBufferSourceNode::CopyFromBuffer should not borrow unaligned buffers; r=padenot (a2880e5c97)
 - bug 1227411 add some initial logging of AudioNode API use r=padenot (6d0febaf34)
 - bug 1199561 delay offline buffer allocation until non-null input is received r=padenot (38d56f3e89)
 - Bug 1110344 - Replace float by double in AudioTimelineEvent ctor to prevent a rounding issue. r=padenot (c358371cfa)
 - Bug 1231124 - addded mCurve to constructor. r=smaug (572fed89d6)
 - Bug 1232646 - initialize 3 variables: mCurve, mTimeConstant, mDuration. r=cpearce (e36b3dbb71)
 - Bug 1069825 - Check if we compare two automation curves occuring at the same time during overlap checking. r=padenot (35624be622)
 - bug 1227411 add WEB_AUDIO_API_LOG r=padenot (89de67e91b)
 - bug 1189168 avoid main thread assertion accessing mNode in SizeOfIncludingThis() r=padenot (370df2ff5b)
 - Bug 1266047 - Fix crash in mozilla::AudioBufferAddWithScale_SSE r=padenot (388de2edf6)
 - Bug 1266772 - Unbreak FreeBSD build after bug 881587. r=dminor (e194878792)
 - Bug 1266112 - Remove unnecessary alignment checks from AudioNodeEngine.cpp; r=padenot (284ac98016)
 - Bug 881587 - Add SSE2 version of AudioNodeEngine.cpp routines added in bug 815643. r=tterribe (5532515d07)
 - Bug 881587 - Use SSE2 version of AudioNodeEngine.cpp routines added in bug 815643. r=padenot (82100493a4)
 - Bug 1105513 - Add a NEON version for AudioBlockPanStereoToStereo when aIsOnTheLeft is an array r=padenot (b102beb60d)
 - Bug 1203836 - Properly handle silent chunks in AudioNodeExternalInputStream. r=karlt (0597e5c122)
 - Bug 1265131, part 1 - update moz.build for Skia m51. r=jrmuizel (745537cf9b)
 - Bug 1265131, part 2 - update SkiaGLGlue for Skia m51. r=jrmuizel (71a3ffc91e)
 - Bug 1265131, part 3 - update Moz2d for Skia m51. r=jrmuizel (2129a455cb)
 - Bug 1262745 - Fix tests for Canvas CSS/SVG Filters. r=mstange (93d3652ac0)
 - Bug 1265131, part 4 - fix tests for Skia m51 update. r=jrmuizel (964ea5c037)
 - Bug 1265131, part 5 - update Skia to m51 branch. r=jrmuizel (42da76e40e)
 - Bug 1268816 - allow Skia to use C++11 features on platforms that have them. r=froydnj (ff7d9e46b6)
 - Bug 1268816 - follow-up to fix #ifdef -> #if. r=me (b81d86c173)
 - Bug 1267180. Don't draw emojis as paths when they are too big. r=lsalzman (61c3bd732c)
 - Bug 1269247 - check that SkPaint has a typeface before using it. r=mchang (cf873c19b0)
 - bug 1249738 - make sScreenConfigurationObservers a function static r=dhylands (ab698385c4)
 - bug 1249738 - make sBatteryObservers a function static r=dhylands (eb205b1b64)
 - bits of Bug 1265131, part 5 (1340103927)
 - Bug 1248224 - backport of Skia GrPathUtils::QuadUVMatrix assertion fix. r=jrmuizel (bcf81bf241)
 - bug 1249738 - make sNetworkObservers a function static r=dhylands (a5d03d4425) (116abd772d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - bug 1249738 - make sWakeLockObservers a function static r=dhylands (a606893142)
 - bug 1249738 - make sSystemClockChangeObservers a function static r=dhylands (c994867638)
 - bug 1249738 - make sSystemTimezoneChangeObservers a function static r=dhylands (d053417e69)
 - Bug 1184285 - Stop warning if RemoveObserver() is called for unregistered observer. r=dhylands (5119547e11)
 - Bug 1244754 - part 1 - backport zero-length gradient interval fix from Skia upstream. r=jrmuizel (c1ae572de9)
 - Bug 1229975 - backport fix for Skia's GrConvexPolyEffect. r=mchang (80aba4e282)
 - Bug 1206961 - Use channel->AsyncOpen2() in image/imgLoader.cpp; removing security checks from the callsite reveals that we have to pass the accurate contentPolicyType to ValidateEntry (r=seth,bz) (0d771560b6)
 - Bug 1266615 - Fix C4334 in imgFrame.cpp. r=padenot (2d8227a6cc)
 - Bug 1230907 - mPixelRowSize added to constructor with 0 value. r=seth (5681184935)
 - Bug 1249550 (part 1) - Flip BMPs with negative height when downscaling. r=tn. (ca5978c766)
 - Bug 1249550 (part 2) - Add a test. r=tn. (d3c61944de)
 - Bug 1255675. SurfacePipe handles removing the frame rect, so pass the frame rect directly. (ef71f57a9a)
 - Bug 1255104 - Use SurfacePipe in nsIconDecoder. r=njn (e10c6c8a29)
 - Bug 1120141. Don't use surface with alpha for first frames of all pngs. r=edwin (5e5ffc4465)
 - Bug 1265631 - patch 1 - Add line-break data from Unicode's LineBreak.txt to nsUnicodeProperties for builds without ICU. r=masayuki (9873992421)
 - Bug 1265631 - patch 2 - Implement GetLineBreakClass() accessor to get Unicode line-break class from ICU or nsUnicodeProperties data. r=masayuki (fe7fcbf270)
 - Bug 1265631 - Reftests for line-breaking with supplementary-plane characters. r=masayuki (55e1974356)
 - Bug 1265631 - patch 3 - Add surrogate support to nsJISx4051LineBreaker so that supplementary-plane characters get correct line-breaking behavior. r=masayuki (ef24e8efc5)
 - Bug 1265631 - followup with adjustments for review comments on patch 3. no_r=me (4fbc8d5a98)
 - Bug 1128454 - Fix IPDL test (r=jimm) (82cb7e77fa)
 - Bug 1254373: Make TestDemon build on Windows; r=billm (11eeb63019)
 - Bug 1227327 - Use regular background image display items for painting button backgrounds. r=mattwoodrow (7a36d30032)
 - Bug 1255022 - Make the test_transformed_scrolling_repaints* tests mochitest-plain instead of mochitest-chrome. r=mstange (3d150690e7)
 - Bug 1268195 - When restoring a scroll position outside of incremental load, don't keep trying in a loop - just do it once and stop. r=tnikkel (ab9f4f57ab)
 - Bug 1265256 - Use the canvas positioning area when computing the background-attachment:fixed rect for canvas frames. r=mstange (3dda1b8beb)
 - Bug 623432 part 1 - When the target scroll point is at the screen edge and no scrolling occured, then try to scroll 10px in that direction anyway. r=tn (f9952f107d)
 - Bug 623432 part 2 - Ignore scrollbars while drag-selecting content. r=tn (ca26f1145e)
 - Bug 623432 part 3 - Check nsFrameSelection::GetDragState() earlier to optimize away some more expensive calls. r=tn (6d540874e2)
 - Bug 1269539 - Ensure that the scroll position is restored properly on reloading a page which loads incrementally. r=tnikkel (1e018dca29)
 - Bug 1239808 - Fix mozharness mach command for test_packages.json retrieval. r=jlund (9639ec1459)
 - Bug 1248097, part 1 - Fix indentation in SpecialPowersObserver.jsm. r=jmaher (75ed8bf7b9)
 - Bug 1248097, part 2 - If no name is specified for createFiles, use createUnique to create one. r=jmaher (aa9b8b60f7)
 - Bug 1248097, part 3 - Add file creation support for options. r=jmaher (9086ae5f9c)
 - Bug 1248097, part 4 - Don't throw away the _createdFiles array every time. r=jmaher (4a7732a4d4)
 - Bug 1241576 - Convert testing/ to use channel.open2() (r=sicking) (ecadf38f7b)
 - Bug 1251139 - Support running a function in the parent with loadChromeScript. r=jmaher (50377424bb)
 - Bug 1153128 - Add sendSyncMessage to SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript. =jmaher (f53c487b0c)
 - bug 1254091 convert test_mousecapture.xul to mochitest-plain so we can run it in e10s, r=enndeakin (900bce80cf)
 - Bug 1254091 - part 2: fix focus messaging from SpecialPowers to refer to the right window, r=enndeakin (4ec66a9b8f)
 - Bug 1258534 - Port test_bug599295.html to mochitest-plain so that it can be turned on in e10s mode; r=mrbkap (2a669777de)
 - Bug 1260076 - [Mochitest] implement SpecialPowers.loadPrivilegedScript, r=bholley (8e2076f952)
 - Bug 1252750 - Part 1: Create a helper function on SpecialPowersAPI which creates a nested event queue and spins it for a bit. r=mrbkap (fdefa1a3d6)
 - Bug 1205358 - Fix up nsUrlClassifierPrefixSet memory reporting. r=gcp. (1c9d78607d)
 - Bug 1244259 - Limit PrefixSet read and write buffer sizes to file size. r=froydnj (0906574833)
 - Bug 1247615 - Fix off-by-one error in PrefixSet Delta storage compaction. r=froydnj (b72f052289)
 - Bug 1219482: Replace PRLogModuleInfo with LazyLogModule in toolkit subdirectory.r=erahm (9d00df5d13)
 - Bug 1213400 - Fix crash in broken Safe Browsing list updates. r=gcp (a073ec1a8f)
 - Bug 1160263: Don't allow add-ons to override the periodic XPI signature check. r=rstrong (1ef54384cc)
 - Bug 1180273 - Adding missing 'this' pointer when forwarding newChannel2 calls (r=gijs,sicking) (b173efdff4)
 - Bug 1147562 - Update remaining callsites of newChannel before landing the shim in b2g/ (r=sicking) (10ab6df542)
 - Bug 1194087 - MailtoProtocolHandler, SmsProtocolHandler, and TelProtocolHandler will all fire twice after introduction of newChannel2 r=asuth (ff7cc15c67)
 - Bug 1204703 - Add AsyncOpen2 to channels in toolkit/ and b2g/ (r=sicking) (8d4b8ad5c6)
 - Bug 1264383 - makeFilteringListener breaks eventremoval with shims. r=mconley (6a9d6d5079)
 - Bug 1256468 - sessionHistory shim should QI DocShell to nsIWebNavigation automatically. r=krizsa (9a111454cb)
 - Bug 1164011 - Test for CPOW shims. r=mconley (bbf7880955)
 - Bug 1236409 - Remove toolkit impl of XUL prompt for nsICookiePromptService r=margaret (9f620ba65a)
 - Bug 1236259 - Quote MOZ_APP_ID; r=gps (58b8e287b8)
 - Bug 1174036 - Handle dynamically-removed textareas gracefully. r=mikedeboer r=ehsan (0797d45e3b)
 - Bug 1259531 - [e10s] Fix test_bug451286.xul to run in e10s by converting to a mochitest-browser test. r=mikedeboer (00539d564c)
 - Bug 1237798 - Use correct Components object inside CommonJS. r=Yoric (895beb28e2)
 - Bug 1188158 - Move nsIPrivateBrowsingTrackingProtectionWhitelist to its own component in toolkit; r=jdm (6c75ab641b)
 - Bug 1221537 - Provide a flash.bat script for Windows to device image builds (especially aries). r=fabrice (3eb8a25c0a)
 - Bug 1232285 - The Terminator's notion of ticks is incorrect. r=Yoric (bc2688343c)
 - Bug 1252382 - Get rid of PR_Sleep in the terminator;r=froydnj (a76de950df)
 - Bug 1242084 - nsTerminator::UpdateTelemetry() leaks 8 byte nsStringBuffer when app.update.channel gets set to Beta. r=gfritzsche (56902dc11b)
 - align some tests (e5179f8158)
 - Bug 1260908 - Allow keyed histograms to accumulate early in startup (r=gfritzsche) (1852efe810)
 - Bug 1254550 - Make Telemetry configuration consistent across builds. r=gfritzsche (16dcbf9a83) (f38f996411)


New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 5e324904fd...f38f996411:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1263951 - Avoid trying to initialize new GMP instances once the browser enters shutdown. r=cpearce (3ca153c7f4)
 - Bug 1268714 - Check for failure result or a failed nsresult from SendLoadGMP. r=mccr8 (928546a72a)
 - remove redundant decl (0c7c81e384)
 - Bug 1161339 - Add gtest calling rust code. r=cajbir (9c0a4982d7)
 - Bug 1269249: [MSE] P1. Clamp range to media source duration when media source is ended. r=jwwang (dfc42686b5)
 - Bug 1269178: P4. Add mochitest. r=gerald (37fe5f9232)
 - Bug 1269249: [MSE] P2. Add mochitest verifying behavior. r=jwwang (f50fb0d648)
 - Bug 1245052 - various media b2g build errors r=jya (1fc0f3b8f1)
 - Bug 1239598 - Fix potential deadlock and race condition r=bechen (dfebc1b9c5)
 - Bug 1185931 - Add assert(mDecoderStateMachine). r=jwwang (16a79dd863)
 - bits of Bug 1160695 (a595535a04)
 - Bug 1205209 - Check whether mStreamSource is null in MediaOmxReader. r=bechen (3e380b282d)
 - Bug 1210286 - Fall back to converting SourceSurfaces (RGB) to NV12 in OMXCodecWrapper. r=jolin (b9e26a43ee)
 - Bug 1090015 - Suppress multichar warnings in the OMX code. r=kinetik (13cea78721)
 - missing bit of Bug 1137151: Remove ref-counting from |OMXVideoEncoder| (0abf3cccf3)
 - Bug 1239610 - Remove GonkNativeWindowClient usage from OmxDecoder r=jolin (a1ccc2a40e)
 - missing bit of 1198576 (c3284a3002)
 - Bug 1267637: P1. Consider invalid an AudioData with more than 8 audio channels. r=gerald (9bacf3fa8d)
 - Bug 1267637: P2. Ignore outright audio track considered invalid. r=gerald (d34b468c87)
 - Bug 1267637: [opus] P3. Reject audio data with unsupported audio configuration. r=gerald (90be7f8e3a)
 - Bug 1267637: [vorbis] P4. Reject audio data with unsupported audio configuration. r=gerald (2321df4669)
 - Bug 1267637: [AT] P6. Reject audio data with unsupported channel configuration. r=gerald (48756a764b)
 - Bug 1267637: [ffmpeg] P7. Reject audio data with unsupported channel configuration. r=gerald (bbf90018b5)
 - Bug 1267637: [gonk] P8. Reject audio data with unsupported channel configuration. r=gerald (44043594f0)
 - Bug 1199809 - Remove all references to unused task queue. r=jya (829bb54ce7)
 - Bug 1199809 - Don't schedule decoder I/O task when there will be more input. r=bwu (284c8b28d4)
 - Bug 1215441 - Skip flush before Init() is completed. r=sotaro (f59f4ae450)
 - Bug 1207214 - Assert decoder attaches EOS flag to final output buffer. r=sotaro (da0fc1f41b)
 - Bug 1217220 - use output timestamp to decide which item needs to be removed from waiting list. r=jya (b056c21000)
 - Bug 1222919 - Make ProcessFlush() virtual. r=jya (bea87e8e8a)
 - Bug 1259366 - Flush after eos of android::MediaCodec r=jolin (c8e1e038ad)
 - Bug 1199809 - Reset last decoded frame time on looper thread to avoid race condition. r=jya (1d56c95439)
 - cleanup (83701e29ea)
 - Bug 1267637: [wmf] P9. Reject audio data with unsupported channel configuration. r=gerald (c1f32cf152)
 - Bug 1264925: Force D3D9 when attempting to decode VP8 or VP9. r=mattwoodrow (2a7d853fe6)
 - Bug 1162899 - Use sync message for in-process mozHasPendingMessage. r=fabrice (d28430d0b2)
 - Bug 1235484 - Part 1: Refine radio state check in MmsService. r=bevistseng (5f00e3ec79)
 - remove android, fix some missing tests (01b371eb39)
 - Bug 1259148 - Notify content when the notification permission pop-up is dismissed by the user. r=past,wchen (ca2dfbf92f)
 - Bug 1267357 Cycle collect NotificationPermissionRequest::mCallback. r=mccr8 (6d0086af08)
 - Bug 1265828 - Remove persistent notifications from storage. r=wchen (230d6f8458)
 - Bug 1254816 - Use IgnoredErrorResult instead of ErrorResult for rv in nsDOMOfflineResourceList::Length(). r=bz (581f5c69db)
 - Bug 1140478: Free the string returned by PrintJSStack(), in android shutdown logging function. r=jorendorff (ebf6ef80d1)
 - Bug 1191137 - fix Mulet and responsive design mode to send key events properly r=ochameau,jryans (d47db5bf2b)
 - Bug 1267096 - Return early if we have no global when creating a Promise. r=smaug (d4075f38fe)
 - Bug 1146418 - Promise API entry points should use NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD, r=baku (a43b49c451)
 - Bug 1262069: Wrap promise resolution values before storing. r=bz (66ebb63ce1)
 - Bug 1246073 - Fix unique constraint errors in the H2 backend when resubscribing. r=dragana (43c67dc6bc)
 - Bug 1266433 - Clean up nsIPushNotifier static casts. r=dragana (eef5497c75)
 - Bug 1266433 - Update the comments in the Push XPIDL interfaces. r=me (35cd32c385)
 - Bug 1266433 - Indicate push subscriptions created by privileged code. r=dragana (824381dd69)
 - Bug 1242436 - default value of ok = true in order to check the return of SendPush and SendPushSubscriptionChange. r=kitcambridge (da55effde0)
 - Bug 1267889 - Always steal the error result in PushMessage::Json. r=dragana (a66bf171b6)
 - Bug 1243778 - PushRecord::getLastVisit cannot rely on the Places url index anymore. r=kitcambridge (07c3bdc4db)
 - Bug 1260499 - Handle incoming messages before push service is initialized. r=nalexander,jchen (d60ccda56b)
 - Bug 1265915 - Remove adaptive pings from the Push WebSocket backend. r=dragana (c8de7d5dd3)
 - Bug 1262559: Fix misspelled comment in dom/push/PushServiceWebSocket.jsm; r=jdm (a9d869773d)
 - Bug 1265914 - Remove Push UDP wake-up. r=dragana (128cf912bb)
 - Bug 1261634 - Update whitespace skipping for meta csp. r=dveditz (c6abb5c502)
 - Bug 1227813 - CSP: Ignore unsafe-inline within style-src if hash or nonce specified. r=kmckinley (ab1db6e779)
 - Bug 1192840 - Fix CSP report content-type. r=ckerschb (81c55b28f0)
 - Bug 1262635 - Don't strip URIs of ftp: when sending reports. r=dveditz (77e9aacac1)
 - Bug 1216365 - nsMixedContentBlocker should use innerMostURI for aContentLocation. r=tanvi (9134c28268)
 - Bug 1260153 - remove unreachable code in nsMixedContentBlocker. if/else blocks above all return. r=ckerschb (da297bf7ff)
 - Bug 1202374 - "Can't open apps any more". r=lissyx+mozillians (ed090dbfce)
 - Bug 1216498 - Bump SettinsDB version in order to enable pin the web. r=mhenretty (e2d0e9986f)
 - Bug 1226906 - Bump Settings BD version. r=gwagner (e063a2d482)
 - Bug 1119727 - Make Settings Soft Lockup threshold configurable. r=gwagner (1f5d9d3a50)
 - var-let (48c1155a0e)
 - bit of Backed out 2 changesets (bug 1202902) (828b6981a8)
 - Bug 1228673 - Clean-up 'Then' before ~MediaTimer. r=jya (e51663a94b)
 - align tests (0fbfa6f14b)
 - Bug 1152236: OMX codec should use AnnexB as input format. r=jya (fc7ed581ac)
 - Bug 1153895 - Support audio AMR-WB for Gonk in MP4Reader. r=jya (d9a530979e)
 - Bug 1174623 - Support mp3 in Gonk PDM. r=sotaro (1f6efd4397)
 - Bug 1174166 - Support H.263 in Gonk PDM. r=sotaro (5634e66ce3)
 - Bug 1251155 - Remove GLContext from VideoDataDecoder r=snorp (814629fcd9)
 - Bug 1262456 - [2.1] Replace queue adapter with deque. r=snorp (80587b789d)
 - Bug 1262456 - [1.1] Prevent interruption of the decoder shutdown procedure and early shutdown return. r=snorp (98b97f0b48)
 - Bug 1248792 - [1.2] Replace MediaRawData raw pointers with RefPtr. r=snorp (c1c62c4dc6)
 - Bug 1226730 - [1.1] Provide sample rate instead of bit depth in audio format creation. r=snorp (86e50d757f)
 - Bug 1244292 - [1.2] Release decoder on init failure. r=snorp (48b18cf8dd)
 - Bug 1267637: [android] P5. Reject audio data with unsupported audio configuration. r=gerald (cf74f43c71)
 - Bug 1230784 - Don't copy SurfaceTexture contents when presenting video on Android r=esawin,jya (fbd0ffd1ea)
 - Bug 1230768. r=jesup (1619923f64)
 - Bug 1205164 - Make sure ShmemPool high water mark is logged in all allocators. r=jesup (1fa4710751)
 - Bug 1205164 - Fix ShmemPool detection of failed allocations. r=jesup (070327ef38)
 - Bug 1247933 - do not perform null check on aClient since we know for sure it's a valid pointert. r=sotaro (1ac12b4091)
 - Bug 1200903 - Fix MediaSystemResourceService::RemoveRequests() r=cpearce (13676b47c7)
 - Bug 1250083 - make sure value attributed to usPerDataChunk is floating point value. r=cpearce (af9c3bd65d)
 - Bug 1250497: Initalised Values used in WaveDemuxer.cpp. r=cpearce (36a24774ed)
 - Bug 1250293 - Fixed Coverity warning in WaveDemuxer.cpp. r=cpearce (f5a690fac4)
 - bug 1220042 make AlignedTArray base class inheritance private r=jwwang (3dd9efaa68)
 - Bug 877662 - Add AlignmentUtils.h r=padenot (82b7563dd7)
 - bug 930257 schedule Analyser inactive check when sending last null chunk r=padenot (61e9b5cf0f)
 - bug 1197028 add MOZ_IMPLICIT for AudioBlock constructor from base AudioChunk on CLOSED TREE (0e2a86c6b5)
 - bug 1203380 add custom AudioBlock copy constructor and make AudioChunk conversion constructor explicit r=padenot (56f2e37d5b)
 - bug 1205540 initialize mBufferFormat when constructing silent block r=padenot (078feb4af4)
 - bug 1203380 ClearDownstreamMark() before returning AsMutableChunk() r=padenot (56ea1f589f)
 - bug 1203380 tighten not-sharing assertion in ChannelFloatsForWrite() r=padenot (368e354a06)
 - bug 1203380 add custom assignment operator to AudioBlock r=padenot (31f9f914d1)
 - Bug 877662 - Align audio buffer allocations to 16 byte boundaries r=padenot (5f33e9dd0e)
 - Bug 1173016 - Bustage fix: mark BasicWaveformCache's ctor as `explicit`, on a CLOSED TREE. (bb28bb93fc)
 - Bug 1265397 - Add a length attribute to OfflineAudioContext. r=smaug (3c2cf2aee6)
 - bug 1255618 remove AudioContext from global window at unlink r=Ehsan (5332c8b42b)
 - bug 1222202 implement query interface to nsIMemoryReporter r=bz (e6662d2ba8)
 - Bug 1259831 - Remove the auto-suspend logic for AudioContext. r=karlt (3376fb3209)
 - Bug 1232326 - Uninitialised value use in AudioBufferInPlaceScale. r=dminor. (548cbbfa52)
 - Bug 1240054 - Only rebuild BandLimitedTables if more partials are required r=padenot (39bf05e142)
 - Bug 1216081 - OscillatorNodeEngine::mFinalFrequency is used uninitialised. r=padenot. (5989729ec6)
 - Bug 1265405 - Use a dictionary to specify how PeriodicWave should be normalized (or not); r=padenot (f43e3f17ba)
 - Bug 1267096 - Check the return value of Promise::Create in AudioContext::StartRendering. r=smaug (5efca6cfe8)
 - Bug 1267579 - Unexpected result when using OscillatorNode with custom wave shape; r=padenot (ed62d1b496)
 - Bug 1209904 - Optimize OscillatorNode when its frequency is not changin and it's using ::ComputeCustom. r=karlt (9a2246cc3f)
 - Bug 877662 - Use SSE2 versions of AudioNodeEngine functions r=padenot (1efa0b2cf3)
 - Bug 877662 - Add an SSE2 implementation of AudioNodeEngine.cpp functions. r=ehsan (ce5ff146e5)
 - Bug 877662 - Update SSE2 versions of AudioNodeEngine functions r=padenot (ded51f436e)
 - Bug 1266405 - AudioBufferSourceNode::CopyFromBuffer should not borrow unaligned buffers; r=padenot (a2880e5c97)
 - bug 1227411 add some initial logging of AudioNode API use r=padenot (6d0febaf34)
 - bug 1199561 delay offline buffer allocation until non-null input is received r=padenot (38d56f3e89)
 - Bug 1110344 - Replace float by double in AudioTimelineEvent ctor to prevent a rounding issue. r=padenot (c358371cfa)
 - Bug 1231124 - addded mCurve to constructor. r=smaug (572fed89d6)
 - Bug 1232646 - initialize 3 variables: mCurve, mTimeConstant, mDuration. r=cpearce (e36b3dbb71)
 - Bug 1069825 - Check if we compare two automation curves occuring at the same time during overlap checking. r=padenot (35624be622)
 - bug 1227411 add WEB_AUDIO_API_LOG r=padenot (89de67e91b)
 - bug 1189168 avoid main thread assertion accessing mNode in SizeOfIncludingThis() r=padenot (370df2ff5b)
 - Bug 1266047 - Fix crash in mozilla::AudioBufferAddWithScale_SSE r=padenot (388de2edf6)
 - Bug 1266772 - Unbreak FreeBSD build after bug 881587. r=dminor (e194878792)
 - Bug 1266112 - Remove unnecessary alignment checks from AudioNodeEngine.cpp; r=padenot (284ac98016)
 - Bug 881587 - Add SSE2 version of AudioNodeEngine.cpp routines added in bug 815643. r=tterribe (5532515d07)
 - Bug 881587 - Use SSE2 version of AudioNodeEngine.cpp routines added in bug 815643. r=padenot (82100493a4)
 - Bug 1105513 - Add a NEON version for AudioBlockPanStereoToStereo when aIsOnTheLeft is an array r=padenot (b102beb60d)
 - Bug 1203836 - Properly handle silent chunks in AudioNodeExternalInputStream. r=karlt (0597e5c122)
 - Bug 1265131, part 1 - update moz.build for Skia m51. r=jrmuizel (745537cf9b)
 - Bug 1265131, part 2 - update SkiaGLGlue for Skia m51. r=jrmuizel (71a3ffc91e)
 - Bug 1265131, part 3 - update Moz2d for Skia m51. r=jrmuizel (2129a455cb)
 - Bug 1262745 - Fix tests for Canvas CSS/SVG Filters. r=mstange (93d3652ac0)
 - Bug 1265131, part 4 - fix tests for Skia m51 update. r=jrmuizel (964ea5c037)
 - Bug 1265131, part 5 - update Skia to m51 branch. r=jrmuizel (42da76e40e)
 - Bug 1268816 - allow Skia to use C++11 features on platforms that have them. r=froydnj (ff7d9e46b6)
 - Bug 1268816 - follow-up to fix #ifdef -> #if. r=me (b81d86c173)
 - Bug 1267180. Don't draw emojis as paths when they are too big. r=lsalzman (61c3bd732c)
 - Bug 1269247 - check that SkPaint has a typeface before using it. r=mchang (cf873c19b0)
 - bug 1249738 - make sScreenConfigurationObservers a function static r=dhylands (ab698385c4)
 - bug 1249738 - make sBatteryObservers a function static r=dhylands (eb205b1b64)
 - bits of Bug 1265131, part 5 (1340103927)
 - Bug 1248224 - backport of Skia GrPathUtils::QuadUVMatrix assertion fix. r=jrmuizel (bcf81bf241)
 - bug 1249738 - make sNetworkObservers a function static r=dhylands (a5d03d4425) (116abd772d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - bug 1249738 - make sWakeLockObservers a function static r=dhylands (a606893142)
 - bug 1249738 - make sSystemClockChangeObservers a function static r=dhylands (c994867638)
 - bug 1249738 - make sSystemTimezoneChangeObservers a function static r=dhylands (d053417e69)
 - Bug 1184285 - Stop warning if RemoveObserver() is called for unregistered observer. r=dhylands (5119547e11)
 - Bug 1244754 - part 1 - backport zero-length gradient interval fix from Skia upstream. r=jrmuizel (c1ae572de9)
 - Bug 1229975 - backport fix for Skia's GrConvexPolyEffect. r=mchang (80aba4e282)
 - Bug 1206961 - Use channel->AsyncOpen2() in image/imgLoader.cpp; removing security checks from the callsite reveals that we have to pass the accurate contentPolicyType to ValidateEntry (r=seth,bz) (0d771560b6)
 - Bug 1266615 - Fix C4334 in imgFrame.cpp. r=padenot (2d8227a6cc)
 - Bug 1230907 - mPixelRowSize added to constructor with 0 value. r=seth (5681184935)
 - Bug 1249550 (part 1) - Flip BMPs with negative height when downscaling. r=tn. (ca5978c766)
 - Bug 1249550 (part 2) - Add a test. r=tn. (d3c61944de)
 - Bug 1255675. SurfacePipe handles removing the frame rect, so pass the frame rect directly. (ef71f57a9a)
 - Bug 1255104 - Use SurfacePipe in nsIconDecoder. r=njn (e10c6c8a29)
 - Bug 1120141. Don't use surface with alpha for first frames of all pngs. r=edwin (5e5ffc4465)
 - Bug 1265631 - patch 1 - Add line-break data from Unicode's LineBreak.txt to nsUnicodeProperties for builds without ICU. r=masayuki (9873992421)
 - Bug 1265631 - patch 2 - Implement GetLineBreakClass() accessor to get Unicode line-break class from ICU or nsUnicodeProperties data. r=masayuki (fe7fcbf270)
 - Bug 1265631 - Reftests for line-breaking with supplementary-plane characters. r=masayuki (55e1974356)
 - Bug 1265631 - patch 3 - Add surrogate support to nsJISx4051LineBreaker so that supplementary-plane characters get correct line-breaking behavior. r=masayuki (ef24e8efc5)
 - Bug 1265631 - followup with adjustments for review comments on patch 3. no_r=me (4fbc8d5a98)
 - Bug 1128454 - Fix IPDL test (r=jimm) (82cb7e77fa)
 - Bug 1254373: Make TestDemon build on Windows; r=billm (11eeb63019)
 - Bug 1227327 - Use regular background image display items for painting button backgrounds. r=mattwoodrow (7a36d30032)
 - Bug 1255022 - Make the test_transformed_scrolling_repaints* tests mochitest-plain instead of mochitest-chrome. r=mstange (3d150690e7)
 - Bug 1268195 - When restoring a scroll position outside of incremental load, don't keep trying in a loop - just do it once and stop. r=tnikkel (ab9f4f57ab)
 - Bug 1265256 - Use the canvas positioning area when computing the background-attachment:fixed rect for canvas frames. r=mstange (3dda1b8beb)
 - Bug 623432 part 1 - When the target scroll point is at the screen edge and no scrolling occured, then try to scroll 10px in that direction anyway. r=tn (f9952f107d)
 - Bug 623432 part 2 - Ignore scrollbars while drag-selecting content. r=tn (ca26f1145e)
 - Bug 623432 part 3 - Check nsFrameSelection::GetDragState() earlier to optimize away some more expensive calls. r=tn (6d540874e2)
 - Bug 1269539 - Ensure that the scroll position is restored properly on reloading a page which loads incrementally. r=tnikkel (1e018dca29)
 - Bug 1239808 - Fix mozharness mach command for test_packages.json retrieval. r=jlund (9639ec1459)
 - Bug 1248097, part 1 - Fix indentation in SpecialPowersObserver.jsm. r=jmaher (75ed8bf7b9)
 - Bug 1248097, part 2 - If no name is specified for createFiles, use createUnique to create one. r=jmaher (aa9b8b60f7)
 - Bug 1248097, part 3 - Add file creation support for options. r=jmaher (9086ae5f9c)
 - Bug 1248097, part 4 - Don't throw away the _createdFiles array every time. r=jmaher (4a7732a4d4)
 - Bug 1241576 - Convert testing/ to use channel.open2() (r=sicking) (ecadf38f7b)
 - Bug 1251139 - Support running a function in the parent with loadChromeScript. r=jmaher (50377424bb)
 - Bug 1153128 - Add sendSyncMessage to SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript. =jmaher (f53c487b0c)
 - bug 1254091 convert test_mousecapture.xul to mochitest-plain so we can run it in e10s, r=enndeakin (900bce80cf)
 - Bug 1254091 - part 2: fix focus messaging from SpecialPowers to refer to the right window, r=enndeakin (4ec66a9b8f)
 - Bug 1258534 - Port test_bug599295.html to mochitest-plain so that it can be turned on in e10s mode; r=mrbkap (2a669777de)
 - Bug 1260076 - [Mochitest] implement SpecialPowers.loadPrivilegedScript, r=bholley (8e2076f952)
 - Bug 1252750 - Part 1: Create a helper function on SpecialPowersAPI which creates a nested event queue and spins it for a bit. r=mrbkap (fdefa1a3d6)
 - Bug 1205358 - Fix up nsUrlClassifierPrefixSet memory reporting. r=gcp. (1c9d78607d)
 - Bug 1244259 - Limit PrefixSet read and write buffer sizes to file size. r=froydnj (0906574833)
 - Bug 1247615 - Fix off-by-one error in PrefixSet Delta storage compaction. r=froydnj (b72f052289)
 - Bug 1219482: Replace PRLogModuleInfo with LazyLogModule in toolkit subdirectory.r=erahm (9d00df5d13)
 - Bug 1213400 - Fix crash in broken Safe Browsing list updates. r=gcp (a073ec1a8f)
 - Bug 1160263: Don't allow add-ons to override the periodic XPI signature check. r=rstrong (1ef54384cc)
 - Bug 1180273 - Adding missing 'this' pointer when forwarding newChannel2 calls (r=gijs,sicking) (b173efdff4)
 - Bug 1147562 - Update remaining callsites of newChannel before landing the shim in b2g/ (r=sicking) (10ab6df542)
 - Bug 1194087 - MailtoProtocolHandler, SmsProtocolHandler, and TelProtocolHandler will all fire twice after introduction of newChannel2 r=asuth (ff7cc15c67)
 - Bug 1204703 - Add AsyncOpen2 to channels in toolkit/ and b2g/ (r=sicking) (8d4b8ad5c6)
 - Bug 1264383 - makeFilteringListener breaks eventremoval with shims. r=mconley (6a9d6d5079)
 - Bug 1256468 - sessionHistory shim should QI DocShell to nsIWebNavigation automatically. r=krizsa (9a111454cb)
 - Bug 1164011 - Test for CPOW shims. r=mconley (bbf7880955)
 - Bug 1236409 - Remove toolkit impl of XUL prompt for nsICookiePromptService r=margaret (9f620ba65a)
 - Bug 1236259 - Quote MOZ_APP_ID; r=gps (58b8e287b8)
 - Bug 1174036 - Handle dynamically-removed textareas gracefully. r=mikedeboer r=ehsan (0797d45e3b)
 - Bug 1259531 - [e10s] Fix test_bug451286.xul to run in e10s by converting to a mochitest-browser test. r=mikedeboer (00539d564c)
 - Bug 1237798 - Use correct Components object inside CommonJS. r=Yoric (895beb28e2)
 - Bug 1188158 - Move nsIPrivateBrowsingTrackingProtectionWhitelist to its own component in toolkit; r=jdm (6c75ab641b)
 - Bug 1221537 - Provide a flash.bat script for Windows to device image builds (especially aries). r=fabrice (3eb8a25c0a)
 - Bug 1232285 - The Terminator's notion of ticks is incorrect. r=Yoric (bc2688343c)
 - Bug 1252382 - Get rid of PR_Sleep in the terminator;r=froydnj (a76de950df)
 - Bug 1242084 - nsTerminator::UpdateTelemetry() leaks 8 byte nsStringBuffer when app.update.channel gets set to Beta. r=gfritzsche (56902dc11b)
 - align some tests (e5179f8158)
 - Bug 1260908 - Allow keyed histograms to accumulate early in startup (r=gfritzsche) (1852efe810)
 - Bug 1254550 - Make Telemetry configuration consistent across builds. r=gfritzsche (16dcbf9a83) (f38f996411)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76

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