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17 hours ago, Ben Markson said:

As @VistaLover says, it's a user style. I'm using an older version (2.0.7) of the Stylish extension – before it was 'compromised' with data-collection crap – Stylus is its more up to date fork that works with the latest FF.

@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul);
@-moz-document url-prefix('chrome://browser/content/browser.xul')
        width: 0 !important;
        margin-left: 0 !important;
        margin-right: 0 !important;
        padding-left: 0 !important;
        padding-right: 0 !important;
       white-space: nowrap !important;
       overflow: hidden !important;
       text-overflow: ellipsis !important;


It does the trick, although it leaves the close tab and mute tab thinguies out. But now I can browse. Let's hope this is solved soon.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Ben Markson said:


Well, after testing a while, as a boolean it works fading the title within the fixed with tab, as modified by the style code you provided.  With browser.tabs.fadeLabels set to true, the label doesn't cover the close or mute button. Freak occurrence, once or twice

Without the forced user.css, though, label size, in my set up, continues to determine tab with, though.


Edited by dmiranda
Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

In Serpent 52, not only Tab Mix Plus seems to be broken. Even the extension Tab Utilities Phoenix in the version 2.1.0 and also the most recent 2.1.2 from March 6, 2023 is not working properly. The feature 'multi-row tab bar' causes a 100% CPU utilization. Something tab related must have been changed. :dubbio: Only disabling this feature in Tab Utilities Phoenix will make Serpent usable again. :angry: I am not really happy with that as it is a feature I actually always have been using. :realmad:

Okay! I investigated this issue a bit more closely. In a new profile, no problem with the feature 'multi-row tab bar', but  in my main profile, there is this problem as long as this feature is enabled. I assume it is a new incompatibility to another extension or setting after updating Serpent 52:dubbio: Maybe, I find the culprit. :D

Edited by AstroSkipper
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, AstroSkipper said:
15 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

In Serpent 52, not only Tab Mix Plus seems to be broken. Even the extension Tab Utilities Phoenix in the version 2.1.0 and also the most recent 2.1.2 from March 6, 2023 is not working properly. The feature 'multi-row tab bar' causes a 100% CPU utilization. Something tab related must have been changed. :dubbio: Only disabling this feature in Tab Utilities Phoenix will make Serpent usable again. :angry: I am not really happy with that as it is a feature I actually always have been using. :realmad:

Okay! I investigated this issue a bit more closely. In a new profile, no problem with the feature 'multi-row tab bar', but  in my main profile, there is this problem as long as this feature is enabled. I assume it is a new incompatibility to another extension or setting after updating Serpent 52:dubbio: Maybe, I find the culprit. :D

Well, that was unfortunately a fallacy! smilie_denk_24.gif I created once again a new profile in Serpent 52, installed only Tab Utilities Phoenix 2.1.2, activated the 'multi-row tab bar' feature, opened two rows of empty tabs, and then the browser went completely berserk. It changed the display from one row to two rows flashing under a 100% CPU loadordicolere.gif Only disabling this feature in Tab Utilities Phoenix made the browser usable again. Something in the code of Serpent 52 must have changed, in any case the multi-row tab display no longer works as usual, at least in my system. :no:


Edited by AstroSkipper
Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, roytam1 said:
1 hour ago, AstroSkipper said:

Something in the code of Serpent 52 must have changed

sure, layout is changed by upstream commit: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commit/89dd425fd22a6cbbbbef2d2b47e2a4bc9fc14fc3

Thanks for the hint! Can this be reverted in the next release or any other suggestions to make Tab Utilities Phoenix's multi-row tab bar feature working again? BTW, the developer of Tab Utilities Phoenix just released the version 2.1.2 yesterday. It was actually supposed to be a compatibility update.

Edited by AstroSkipper
Update of content
9 hours ago, Slavich said:

This is a well known and already documented (at least by me ;), several times) current shortcoming of UXP, not related to WC/CE ;) :


Upstream have a currently "Open" issue about it in their UXP tracker:


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, basilisk-dev said:

@roytam1 I investigated the cause of the issues reported here and on the Pale Moon forum. The issue happened in this commit https://repo.palemoon.org/Basilisk-Dev/Basilisk/commit/dcb4e31c2c47f8daf7978e801aa632853d8ef922

I am going to release updated Basilisk builds with this commit reverted. You should revert that commit and release a new build of Serpent as well.

Hello @basilisk-dev! Thanks a lot for your quick investigation! To fix the breakage of Tab Utilities Phoenix and presumably Tab Mix Plus by reverting recent changes from mentioned commit would be great. upp.gif And many thanks for the ongoing development of Basiliska080.gif

Greetings from Germany, AstroSkipper captain.gif

Edited by AstroSkipper
Update of content
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, basilisk-dev said:

Hi :); your response here has been really appreciated by me :thumbup (and, I suppose, by other members who happen to be Serpent 52 users); yes, that commit being the culprit was suggested by me from the very start ;) ...

Now, here comes "my" twist :P : Unlike the previous reporters who ALL use TMP (or one of its forks), I don't, so I haven't experienced any major breakage myself... I, personally, prefer tab-label-fading to ellipsis (...), has always been like that ever since Mozilla Firefox 53.0+ implemented it...

FWIW, Serpent 55, another browser maintained by @roytam1, has this feature as a default one, since Serpent 55 is based on moebius (aka UXP Take 1), a platform initially forked (by MCP) from a Mozilla 53.0a1 snapshot...

I'm running latest St52 (which, BTW, has all the WebComponents improvements merged-in, unlike latest Basilisk) and I do like the result :thumbup


I'm not a coder myself, but I believe you implemented "Fade out tab label on overflow instead of ellipsis" on Basilisk after MCP did the same with Pale Moon; however, Pale Moon uses a pre-Australis default theme, while Basilisk (hence St52) uses the Australis default theme... Is your implementation directly copied from Mozilla or a backport of MCP's code?

In any case, this new feature is now there, enabled by default, in latest NM28 - @AstroSkipper, does TMP/Tab Utilities Phoenix work as expected in latest NM28, or is it broken there, too?

The implementation by MCP applicable on PM (witn non-Australis) is enabled (by default) via pref "browser.tabs.fadeLabels" (also discussed in passing by previous, affected, posters); however, the implementation in dcb4e31 doesn't include such an "opt-out" :( (and I can confirm no such boolean pref exists by default inside St52's about:config).

Since this was initially a Firefox 53.0+ feature, I "presume" TMP and the like break now because they are programmed/configured NOT to expect it in an application advertising itself as Firefox 52.0; so, perhaps, the extension(s) can be modified/fixed to accommodate this new browser feature? You know how the saying goes: Extensions extend the browser, not vice-versa...

Official Basilisk v52.9.2023.03.07 has been now released, with the "feature" backed-out... 

@basilisk-dev and, mainly, @roytam1: Can this new feature ("Fade out tab label on overflow instead of ellipsis"), instead of being summarily axed, be restored behind a pref (I don't care whether it'd be true/false by default) in Basilisk/Serpent for those, like me, who actually prefer it? If the new code interferes with TMP (and the way to go would be for that to get fixed - if it's actually still maintained ;)), then it could be simply pref'ed off/disabled...

Thanks to all the coders involved :worship: for making it possible to still use, in 2023, browsers that look and feel "classic" but, at the same time, allow "us" to evade the Google Chrome browser monopoly (well, in most cases ;) ) ...

Kindest regards :)

Edited by VistaLover
Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, VistaLover said:

In any case, this new feature is now there, enabled by default, in latest NM28 - @AstroSkipper, does TMP/Tab utilities work as expected in latest NM28, or is it broken, too?

As far as I can say, I didn't observe this issue in New Moon 28. In this browser, I use Tab Utilities Phoenix 2.1.0 with the 'multi-row tab bar' feature enabled. The version is slightly different to the original release due to some changes to its code (German language glitches were fixed by me), but I don't think that this makes any difference. Only changes to the German locale. :) Anyway! No breakage in New Moon 28 observed at the moment!

Edited by AstroSkipper
Update of content
1 minute ago, AstroSkipper said:

As far as I can say, I didn't observe this issue in New Moon 28. In this browser,
I use Tab Utilities Phoenix 2.1.0 with the 'multi-row tab bar' feature enabled.

Thanks! :) I presume you did check "browser.tabs.fadeLabels" to be in its default state (true) ?
This solidifies my theory, because NM28 (and PM32) a) doesn't use Australis tabs b) doesn't pose as Firefox, so TUP/TMP can't get "confused" about which of its internal code to apply on the app it's installed...

13 minutes ago, VistaLover said:

Thanks! :) I presume you did check "browser.tabs.fadeLabels" to be in its default state (true) ?

Yep, I also checked this preference, and it is in its default state true:)

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